Radiation synovectomy
We conducted a retrospective review of 90 yttrium radiosynovectomy carried out on 167 joints between 2000 and 2010 to assess clinical response and complication rates in patients (n = 119) who had the procedure for either rheumatoid, psoriatic, hemophilic, large joint mono-arthropathy or other miscellaneous arthropathies refractory to conventional therapy.
Comparison of response rates pre- and postintroduction of improved disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS) in the mid 2000s was also performed.
The study demonstrated that in an era of improved DMARDS, 90yttrium synovectomy is a safe and effective procedure across a broad spectrum of arthropathies and should continue to be considered in cases refractory to conventional therapies. Complete responders can be expected to have symptom relief for at least 36 months with low complication rates.