Occupational Therapy research

Alfred Health’s occupational therapists work to better understand how engagement in daily activities including self-care, domestic, work tasks supports health.

The research activities of the Occupational Therapy service at Alfred Health focus on development of innovative practice, efficacy of interventions, and the translation of research into practice.

Research areas

We engage in research to enhance our evidence-based clinical decision making across all clinical areas, with particular focus across the Alfred Health strategic areas of:

  • Neurotrauma
  • Rehabilitation
  • Ageing
  • Musculoskeletal conditions

About our research

Our research program is Chaired by Professor Natasha Lannin and overseen by our manager, Dr Karen Roberts. We work in partnership with our clinician researcher team to actively build our international occupational therapy profile through collaborative research. Central to our achievements are our Research and Quality Leads who are based at The Alfred (Dr Emma Schneider) and Caulfield Hospital (Jacqui Wheatcroft). Together we develop research capability within the department and support clinicians to seek, use and develop best available evidence to support our occupational therapy practices.

Alfred Health Occupational Therapy research is supported by a collaborative partnership with Monash University, as well grant and student supervision partnerships with The University of Sydney, Flinders University, La Trobe University, Swinburne University, Australian Catholic University and Deakin University. We continue to support Honours programs and welcome opportunities to collaborate with Universities to support student research projects within our Department.

In addition to the support we receive from Universities, our research is supported by The Alfred Foundation and Alfred Research Trust and externally supported from national competitive schemes, including the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Medical Research Futures Fund, the Heart Foundation of Australia, the Stroke Foundation, and the Transport Accident Commission (Vic).

Research highlights


Our clinician research team publish the findings from their research in peer-reviewed journals, present at National and International conferences, and disseminate their research through online webinars and teaching opportunities.

Some of our research publications can be seen here.

Post graduate study

Each year, we support our staff to engage in post-graduate studies, both research and coursework, which enables our team to tackle important questions in occupational therapy, rehabilitation, and valued occupations. Around 20 of our clinicians are enrolled in higher degrees within our Occupational Therapy Department. Behind every great research student is a comprehensive support network - that’s why Alfred Health Occupational Therapy Department facilitates a post-graduate support group who meet regularly throughout the year.

Awards and Prizes

Alfred Health Occupational Therapy clinician researchers are regularly rewarded and acknowledged for their research outcomes and impact with external awards and prizes.

Some of our past awards have included:

  • Jacqueline Wheatcroft was awarded the 2023 Lucy Battisel Memorial Prize for Best Allied Health Researcher
  • Helen Scott was awarded Best Conference Poster at the 2023 Australian Hand Therapy Association Conference
  • Professor Natasha Lannin was awarded Mentor of the Year in 2022 by Stroke Society of Australasia
  • Professor Natasha Lannin was awarded the Future Leaders Fellowship in 2022 by the Heart Foundation
  • Professor Natasha Lannin was awarded Top Researcher in the field of Rehabilitation Therapy in Australia 2021 and Global Leader in the field of Rehabilitation Therapy 2021
  • Shenae O’Mahony was awarded the Henrietta Law Memorial Prize for Best Novice Researcher in the 2021 Alfred Health Week Scientific Abstract Competition
  • The Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation Group led by Professor Natasha Lannin won the Occupational Therapy Association Group Research Award for 2021
  • Stephanie Porter was awarded the 2020 Elspeth Pearson Award, which is awarded to advance skills and expertise through access to professional development opportunities
  • Dr Emma Schneider was awarded the Alfred Health Allied Health Research Communication Award in 2020 for her study titled "What is the clinical meaning of the Box and Block Test and the Nine-Hole Peg Test for adults after stroke"
  • Dr Emma Schneider received the Award Doctor of Philosophy from LaTrobe University in 2020: Increasing the Amount of Practice Improves Upper Limb Activity in Adults After Stroke
  • Professor Natasha Lannin was appointed to the Stroke Foundation Clinical Council (Australia) in 2020 which brings together Australia’s leading clinicians, academics and researchers in the area of stroke

HOME Rehab Trial

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FAST Trial

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Clinical reasoning in cognitive rehabilitation

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Our partners


Defining discharge-readiness from subacute care from all stakeholders' perspectives: a systematic review

Gledhill K, Hanna L, Nicks R, Lannin NA

(2021), Disabil Rehabil, 43(22), 3127-34

DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1733107

The impact of an End-PJ-Paralysis quality improvement intervention in post-acute care: An interrupted time series analysis

Crabtree, A., Lane, T., Mahon, L., Petch, T., & Ekegren, C.

(2021), AIMS Medical Science, 8(1), 23-35

DOI: 10.3934/medsci.2021003

Patterns of use and discontinuation of secondary prevention medications after stroke.

Dalli, L., Kim, J., Thrift, A., Andrew, N., Sanfilippo, F., Lopez, D., Grimley, R., Lannin, N., Wong, L., Lindley, R., Campbell, B., Anderson, C., Cadilhac, D., & Kilkenny, M.

(2021), Neurology, 96(1), e30-41

DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000011083

View all publications for Occupational Therapy research