Physiotherapy research

The Alfred Physiotherapy Department investigates the benefits of physical activity and rehabilitation for hospitalised patients and people with chronic illness.

We have active research programs investigating new models of rehabilitation for people with respiratory disorders, early rehabilitation following surgery, physical activity in chronic disease, and physiotherapy in intensive care.

Postgraduate students

10 PhD students
11 masters students


Barriers, Enablers, and Consumer Design Ideas for Health Literacy Responsive Hospital Waiting Areas: A Framework Method Analysis

McDonald CE, Remedios LJ, Cameron KL, Said CM, Granger CL

(2022), HERD-HEALTH ENV RES, 15(1), 207-21

DOI: 10.1177/19375867211032926

Six-month outcomes following venovenous ECMO for severe COVID-19 and viral pneumonitis: 2019-2020 Australian experience

Burrell AJC, Serpa Neto A, Udy A, Pellegrino V, Hodgson C

(2022), Crit Care Resusc, 24(1), 83-6

DOI: 10.51893/2022.1.OA10

Types of physical activity performed pre and post stroke

Fini NA, Bernhardt J, Holland AE

(2022), Braz J Phys Ther, 26(3), 100412

DOI: 10.1016/j.bjpt.2022.100412

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