Radiation Oncology research

Alfred Health Radiation Oncology is a major service with treatment facilities at The Alfred (ARO) and LaTrobe Regional Hospital, Gippsland (GRO).

About our research

Clinical research in a radiotherapy setting looks to improve patient treatments, care and outcomes.

We do this by conducting research on new treatments, new equipment and new ways of working.

Research can be both:

  • Retrospective - looking back at data we have collected in the past
  • Prospective - collecting data from today and into the future

Much of our research involves clinical trials - comparing new treatments with current treatments in a controlled and safe manner.

Find out more about Radiation Oncology clinical trials.

Current research projects

We are currently conducting the following research projects:

  • Review of patient outcomes after total body irradiation from two large centres with different practices
  • A biochemical definition of cure following brachytherapy for prostate cancer
  • Dosimetric verification and nanoparticle dose enhancement of synchrotron microbeams
  • Development of real time source tracking systems and dosimetric verification techniques for high dose rate brachytherapy
  • LDR Brachytherapy Calibration Inter-comparison
  • Long Term Stability of a HDR Brachytherapy Well Chamber
  • Metal Artefact Reduction Algorithm Analysis 
  • Dose-response models of urethral strictures for prostate patients treated with HDR brachytherapy boost
  • Predictive Modelling for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning and Dose Escalation in Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer (Predict-PCa/RT Protocol)
  • Using deep learning with MRI scanning to improve diagnosis and management of brain tumours
  • Visualisation of the oesophagus on cone-beam computed tomography with oral contrast during radiotherapy to the chest
  • 3D printing in radiotherapy
  • Dosimetric impact of catheter displacement
  • Target coverage and organs-at-risk (OAR) doses of the left breast in female lung cancer patients treated with intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) but not in deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH)
  • Exhale breath hold in liver
  • An investigation of parameters affecting grid size dependence in dose distributions

Our achievements

  • First centre in the world to have real time treatment verification imaging for high dose rate brachytherapy
  • First centre in Victoria to deliver stereotactic intracranial radiosurgery and radiotherapy treatment (ARO)
  • First centre in Asia-Pacific to receive the Novalis Certification of the stereotactic program. Received re-certification in 2020 (ARO)
  • First centre in Victoria to deliver permanent radioactive seed implants for prostate cancer (ARO) 
  • First Australian centre to employ electronic portal imaging (digital real-time imaging that replaced x-ray film) to verify treatment delivery (ARO)  
  • First Australian centre with AlignRT surface-guided imaging (ARO); with Gippsland Radiation Oncology the first regional centre to use AlignRT technology
  • First centre in Australia to enable skin mark-free set ups using SGRT (ARO/GRO)
  • Established 3D printing program for tissue equivalent accessories to aid in treatment
  • Second site in Victoria to implement Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (GRO)


Application of an automated dose accumulation workflow in high-risk prostate cancer - validation and dose-volume analysis between planned and delivered dose

Ong A, Knight K, Panettieri V, Dimmock M, Tuan JKL, Tan HQ, Master Z, Wright C

(2022), Med Dosim, 47(1), 92-7

DOI: 10.1016/j.meddos.2021.09.004

MaxiCalc: A tool for online dosimetric evaluation of source-tracking based treatment verification in HDR brachytherapy

Hanlon MD, Smith RL, Franich RD

(2022), PHYS MEDICA, 94, 58-64

DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2021.12.008

Patterns of the use of advanced radiation therapy techniques for the management of bone metastases and the associated factors in Victoria

Fogarty T, Tacey M, McCorkell G, Kok D, Hornby C, Milne RL, Millar J, Foroudi F, Ong WL

(2022), J MED IMAG RADIAT ON, 66(5), 678-87

DOI: 10.1111/1754-9485.13381

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