Research publications
Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals.
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Bousquet J, Bachert C, Canonica GW, Casale TB, Cruz AA, Lockey RJ, Zuberbier T; Extended Global Allergy and Asthma European Network, World Allergy Organization and Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma Study Group
(2009), J Allergy Clin Immunol, 124(3), 428-33
Antic NA, Buchan C, Esterman A, Hensley M, Naughton MT, Rowland S, Williamson B, Windler S, Eckermann S, McEvoy RD
(2009), Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 179(6), 501-8
Abramson MJ, Benke GP, Dimitriadis C, Inyang IO, Sim MR, Wolfe RS, Croft RJ
(2009), Bioelectromagnetics, 30(8), 678-86
Edsell ME, Kirk-Bayley J
(2009), Br J Anaesth, 103(2), 306
O'Brien PE
(2009), Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol, 6(3), 136-7
Burton PR, Button B, Brown W, Lee M, Roberts S, Hassen S, Bailey M, Smith A, Snell G
(2009), Dis Esophagus, 22(8), 642-8
Burton PR, Brown W, Laurie C, Richards M, Afkari S, Yap K, Korin A, Hebbard G, O'Brien PE
(2009), Obes Surg, 19(7), 905-14
Burton PR, Brown WA, Laurie C, Richards M, Hebbard G, O'Brien PE
(2009), Obes Surg, 19(11), 1508-14
Free B, Lee GA, Bystrzycki A
(2009), Australasian Emerg Nurs J, 12(1), 8-15
Lee G
(2009), Aust J Adv Nurs, 26(3), 24-31
Lee G, Metcalf S
(2009), Nurse Educ Today, 29(3), 350-6
Azzopardi S, Lee G
(2009), J Cardiovasc Nurs, 24(3), 232-40
Jennings N, Lee G, Chao K, Keating S
(2009), Int J Nurs Pract, 15(3), 213-8
Lee GA
(2009), J Clin Nurs, 18(19), 2776-8
ANZIC Influenza Investigators, Webb SA, Pettila V, Seppelt I, Bellomo R, Bailey M, Cooper DJ, Cretikos M, Davies AR, Finfer S, Harrigan PW, Hart GK, Howe B, Iredell JR…………..
(2009), N Engl J Med, 361(20), 1925-34
Australia and New Zealand Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ANZ ECMO) Influenza Investigators, Davies A, Jones D, Bailey M, Beca J, Bellomo R, Blackwell N, Forrest P, Gattas D………….
(2009), JAMA, 302(17), 1888-95
Miller A, Scheinkestel C, Steele C
(2009), Appl Ergon, 40(04), 753-61
Gross DW, Andermann E, Reutens DC, Seneviratne U, Dubeau F, Andermann F
(2008), In: Schmidst D, Schachter SC, (eds). Puzzling Cases of Epilepsy. 2nd Ed. 2008. Elsevier Inc., New York, 73-5
Williams DR, Warren JD, Lees AJ
(2008), J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 79(6), 652-5
Williams DR, Cowey M, Tuck K, Day B
(2008), Mov Disord, 23(9), 1312-3