Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Intermittent hypoxia differentially regulates adenosine receptors in phrenic motor neurons with spinal cord injury

Seven YB, Allen LL, Ciesla MC, Smith KN, Zwick A, Simon AK, Holland AE, Santiago JV, Stefan K, Ross A, Gonzalez-Rothi EJ, Mitchell GS

(2022), Neuroscience, 506, 38-50

DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.10.007

Clinical outcomes of Indigenous Australians and New Zealand Māori with metabolic acidosis and acidaemia

Serpa Neto A, Fujii T, Moore J, Young PJ, Peake S, Bailey M, Hodgson C, Higgins AM, See EJ, Secombe P, Russ V, Campbell L, Young M, Maeda M, Pilcher D, Cooper J, Udy A

(2022), Crit Care Resusc, 24(1), 14-9

DOI: 10.51893/2022.1.OA2

Towards a national perioperative outcomes registry: A survey of perioperative electronic medical record utilisation to support quality assurance and research at Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Clinical Trials Network hospitals in Australia

Reilly JR, Deng C, Brown WA, Brown D, Gabbe BJ, Hodgson CL, Myles PS

(2022), ANAESTH INTENS CARE, 50(3), 189-196

DOI: 10.1177/0310057X211030284

Long-term functional outcome and quality of life following in-hospital cardiac arrest - A longitudinal cohort study

Pound GM, Jones D, Eastwood GM, Paul E, Hodgson CL, Australia and New Zealand Cardiac Arrest Outcome Determinants of ECMO (ANZ-CODE) Investigators

(2022), Crit Care Med, 50(1), 61-71

DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005118

Pulmonary rehabilitation versus usual care for adults with asthma

Osadnik CR, Gleeson C, McDonald VM, Holland AE

(2022), COCHRANE DB SYST REV, 8(8), CD13485

DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013485.pub2

The impact of obesity in rehabilitation: a mismatch between staff perception and hospital outcomes

Oakley L, Soh SE, Kimmel L, Mulvey N, Curtis H, Holland AE

(2022), Disabil Rehabil, 44(4), 363-9

DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1768300

Towards predicting the quality of survival after critical illness

Nguyen TL, Hodgson CL, van den Boogaard M

(2022), INTENS CARE MED, 48(6), 726-7

DOI: 10.1007/s00134-022-06739-5

Organizational responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Victoria, Australia: A qualitative study across four healthcare settings

McGuinness SL, Johnson J, Eades O, Clifford S, Fisher JRW, Kirkman M, Russell GM, Hodgson CL, Kelsall H, Lane R, Skouteris H, Smith KL, Leder KS

(2022), FRONT PUBLIC HEALTH, 10, 965664

DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.965664

Mental health outcomes in Australian healthcare and aged-care workers during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic

McGuinness SL, Johnson J, Eades O, Cameron PA, Forbes A, Fisher J, Grantham K, Hodgson C, Hunter P, Kasza J, Kelsall HL, Kirkman M, Russell G, Russo PL, Sim MR, Singh KP, Skouteris H, Smith KL, Stuart RL, Teede HJ, Trauer JM, Udy A, Zoungas S, Leder K

(2022), INT J ENV RES PUB HE, 19(9), 4951

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19094951

Early short course of neuromuscular blocking agents in patients with COVID-19 ARDS: a propensity score analysis

Li Bassi G, Gibbons K, Suen JY, Dalton HJ, White N, Corley A, Shrapnel S, Hinton S, Forsyth S, Laffey JG, Fan E, Fanning JP, Panigada M, Bartlett R, Brodie D, Burrell A, Chiumello D, Elhazmi A, Esperatti M, Grasselli G, Hodgson C, Ichiba S, Luna C, Marwali E, Merson L, Murthy S, Nichol A, Ogino M, Pelosi P, Torres A, Ng PY, Fraser JF, COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium

(2022), Crit Care, 26(1), 1-17

DOI: 10.1186/s13054-022-03983-5

Developing a self-management package for pulmonary fibrosis: An international Delphi study

Lee JYT, Tikellis G, Khor YH, Holland AE

(2022), ERJ Open Res, 8(4), 00349-2022

DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00349-2022

More than a fleeting conversation: managing medication communication across transitions of care

Manias E, Hughes C, Woodward-Kron RE, Jorm CM, Ozavci G, Bucknall TK

(2022), MED J AUSTRALIA, 217(4), 176-7

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51651

Creating opportunities for patient participation in managing medications across transitions of care through formal and informal modes of communication

Ozavci G, Bucknall T, Woodward-Kron R, Hughes C, Jorm C, Manias E

(2022), Health Expect, 25(4), 1807-20

DOI: 10.1111/hex.13524

Pre-stroke Physical Activity and Cerebral Collateral Circulation in Ischemic Stroke: A Potential Therapeutic Relationship?

Hung SH, Kramer S, Werden E, Campbell BCV, Brodtmann A

(2022), Front Neurol, 13, 804187

DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2022.804187

Improving capacity to conduct observational studies in Australian and New Zealand ICUs

Jones D, Eastwood G, Hodgson CL

(2022), Crit Care Resusc, 24(3), 289-290

DOI: 10.51893/2022.3.L

Non-pharmacological interventions for the prevention of hospitalisations in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Component network meta-analysis

Jones AW, McKenzie JE, Osadnik CR, Stovold E, Cox NS, Burge AT, Lahham A, Lee JYT, Hoffman M, Holland AE

(2022), COCHRANE DB SYST REV, 7, CD15153

DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD015153

Does pulmonary rehabilitation address treatable traits? A systematic review

Holland AE, Wageck B, Hoffman M, Lee AL, Jones AW

(2022), Eur Respir Rev, 31(165), 220042

DOI: 10.1183/16000617.0042-2022

Breathlessness: Remembering the worst of it

Holland AE, Bondarenko J

(2022), Respirology, 27(10), 806-7

DOI: 10.1111/resp.14329

Physiotherapy management of interstitial lung disease

Holland AE

(2022), J Physiother, 68(3), 158-64

DOI: 10.1016/j.jphys.2022.06.006

Comparison of 6-Month Outcomes of Survivors of COVID-19 versus Non-COVID-19 Critical Illness

Hodgson CL, Higgins AM, Bailey MJ, Mather AM, Beach L, Bellomo R, Bissett B, Boden IJ, Bradley S, Burrell A, Cooper DJ, Fulcher BJ, Haines KJ, Hodgson IT, Hopkins J, Jones AYM, Lane S, Lawrence D, van der Lee L, Liacos J, Linke NJ, Gomes LM, Nickels M, Ntoumenopoulos G, Myles PS, Patman S, Paton M, Pound G, Rai S, Rix A, Rollinson TC, Tipping CJ, Thomas P, Trapani T, Udy AA, Whitehead C, Anderson S, Neto AS; COVID-Recovery Study Investigators and the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group

(2022), AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 205(10), 1159-68

DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202110-2335OC