Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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J J. Clifford Richardson and 50 years of progressive supranuclear palsy

Williams DR, Lees AJ, Wherrett JR, Steele JC

(2008), Neurology, 70(7), 566-73

The auditory startle response in parkinsonism may reveal the extent but not type of pathology

Williams DR, Doyle LM, Lees AJ, Brown P

(2008), J Neurol, 255(5), 628-32

Phenotypic heterogeneity and genetic modification of P102L inherited prion disease in an international series

Webb TE, Poulter M, Beck J, Uphill J, Adamson G, Campbell T, Linehan J, Powell C, Brandner S, Pal S, Siddique D, Wadsworth JD, Joiner S, Alner K, Petersen C, Hampson S, Rhymes C, Treacy C, Storey E, Geschwind MD, Nemeth AH, Wroe S, Collinge J, Mead S

(2008), Brain, 131(Pt 10), 2632-46

Topiramate for migraine prevention

Stark RJ

(2008), Med Today, 9(7), 79-80

Migraine prophylaxis

Stark RJ, Stark CD

(2008), Med J Aust, 189(5), 283-8

Long-term assessment of oxcarbazepine in a naturalistic setting: a retrospective study

Seneviratne U, D'Souza W, Cook M

(2008), Acta Neurol Scand, 117(5), 367-9

Clinical outcomes of progressive supranuclear palsy and multiple system atrophy

O'Sullivan SS, Massey LA, Williams DR, Silveira-Moriyama L, Kempster PA, Holton JL, Revesz T, Lees AJ

(2008), Brain, 131(Pt 5), 1362-72

Nonmotor symptoms as presenting complaints in Parkinson's disease: a clinicopathological study

O'Sullivan SS, Williams DR, Gallagher DA, Massey LA, Silveira-Moriyama L, Lees AJ

(2008), Mov Disord, 23(1), 101-6

A low symptomatic form of neurodegeneration in younger carriers of the FMR1 premutation, manifesting typical radiological changes

Loesch DZ, Cook M, Litewka L, Gould E, Churchyard A, Tassone F, Slater HR, Storey E

(2008), J Med Genet, 45(3), 179-81

A duplication at chromosome 11q12.2-11q12.3 is associated with spinocerebellar ataxia type 20

Knight MA, Hernandez D, Diede SJ, Dauwerse HG, Rafferty I, van de Leemput J, Forrest SM, Gardner RJ, Storey E, van Ommen GJ, Tapscott SJ, Fischbeck KH, Singleton AB

(2008), Hum Mol Genet, 17(24), 3847-53

Phenotype, genotype, and worldwide genetic penetrance of LRRK2-associated Parkinson's disease: a case-control study

Healy DG, Falchi M, O'Sullivan SS, Bonifati V, Durr A, et al; International LRRK2 Consortium

(2008), Lancet Neurol, 7(7), 583-90

Cerebral venous thrombosis associated with ulcerative colitis

De Cruz P, Lust M, Trost N, Wall A, Gerraty R, Connell WR

(2008), Intern Med J, 38(11), 865-7

Effects of alteplase beyond 3 h after stroke in the Echoplanar Imaging Thrombolytic Evaluation Trial (EPITHET): a placebo-controlled randomised trial

Davis SM, Donnan GA, Parsons MW, Levi C, Butcher KS, Peeters A, Barber PA, Bladin C, De Silva DA, Byrnes G, Chalk JB, Fink JN, Kimber TE, Schultz D, Hand PJ, Frayne J, Hankey G, Muir K, Gerraty R, Tress BM, Desmond PM; EPITHET investigators

(2008), Lancet Neurol, 7(4), 299-309

Turnaround in an aged persons' mental health service in crisis: a case study of organisational renewal

Stafrace S, Lilly A

(2008), Aust Health Rev, 32(3), 577-82

Is there any role for computed tomography measurements of medial temporal lobe atrophy in dementia? A review of the literature and case series from a memory clinic

Rose M, Scharf S

(2008), Intern Med J, 38(2), 136-9

Spinal cord injury management and rehabilitation: highlights and shortcomings from the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan

Rathore FA, Farooq F, Muzammil S, New PW, Ahmad N, Haig AJ

(2008), Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 89(3), 579-85

The reliability of knee joint position testing using electrogoniometry

Piriyaprasarth P, Morris ME, Winter A, Bialocerkowski AE

(2008), BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 9, 6

The changing face of perceptual rivalry

Ngo TT, Liu GB, Tilley AJ, Pettigrew JD, Miller SM

(2008), Brain Res Bull, 75(5), 610-8

Survey of patients' preference for the location of rehabilitation ward rounds

New PW

(2008), J Rehabil Med, 40(8), 678-80

Inappropriate suggestion of benefit from hyperbaric oxygen for spinal cord injury

New PW

(2008), Spinal Cord, 46(12), 824