Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Testing for Cheyne-Stokes respiration in patients with heart failure: while sleeping or cycling?

Naughton MT

(2008), Chest, 132(5), 1416-8

Common sleep problems in ICU: heart failure and sleep-disordered breathing syndromes

Naughton MT

(2008), Crit Care Clin, 24(3), 565-87

Book review: Pocket guide to lung function tests by Bob Hancox & Ken Whyte (eds).

Naughton MT

(2008), Aust Fam Physician, 37(1/2), 70

A tale of two citizens: sleeping with a snoring generator

Naughton MT

(2008), Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 7(2), 89-90

Snoring, Sleep Apnoea and other sleep problems

Pierce R, Naughton MT

(2008), In: The Australian Lung Foundation, 3rd Edition, 3rd Edition,

Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis by sweat testing: age-specific reference intervals

Mishra A, Greaves R, Smith K, Carlin JB, Wootton A, Stirling R, Massie J

(2008), J Pediatr, 153(6), 758-63

Immunodominance hierarchies and gender bias in direct T(CD8)-cell alloreactivity

Mifsud NA, Purcell AW, Chen W, Holdsworth R, Tait BD, McCluskey J

(2008), Am J Transplant, 8(1), 121-32

Surveillance bronchoscopy in lung transplant recipients: risk versus benefit

McWilliams TJ, Williams TJ, Whitford HM, Snell GI

(2008), J Heart Lung Transplant, 27(11), 1203-9

Do boys do the atopic march while girls dawdle?

Lowe AJ, Carlin JB, Bennett CM, Hosking CS, Abramson MJ, Hill DJ, Dharmage SC

(2008), J Allergy Clin Immunol, 121(5), 1190-5

The evolution of donation after cardiac death (DCD) lung donation and transplantation in Australia

Levvey BJ, Snell GI

(2008), Transplant Nurses J, 17, 8-11

Inhibition of inducible nitric oxide production and iNOS protein expression in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated rat aorta and Raw 264.7 macrophages by ethanol extract of a Chinese herbal medicine formula (RCM-101) for allergic rhinitis

Lenon GB, Li CG, Xue CC, Thien FC, Story DF

(2008), J Ethnopharmacol, 116(3), 547-53

Nutritional management of cystic fibrosis in Australia and New Zealand

King SJ, Collins CE, Crowder T, Matson AG, Volders E

(2008), Nutr Diet, 65(4), 253-8

Inhaled mannitol improves lung function in cystic fibrosis

Jaques A, Daviskas E, Turton JA, McKay K, Cooper P, Stirling RG, Robertson CF, Bye PT, Lesouef PN, Shadbolt B, Anderson SD, Charlton B

(2008), Chest, 133(6), 1388-96

Airway basement membrane perimeter distensibility and airway smooth muscle area in asthma

James AL, Green FH, Abramson MJ, Bai TR, Dolhnikoff M, Mauad T, McKay KO, Elliot JG

(2008), J Appl Physiol, 104(6), 1703-8

Paragonimiasis: an unusual case of haemoptysis

Ibrahim MG, Bunter R, Rajasooriar S, Thien F

(2008), Med J Aust, 188(12), 734-5

Bullous lung disease due to marijuana

Hii SW, Tam JD, Thompson BR, Naughton MT

(2008), Respirology, 13(1), 122-7

Immunogenetic characteristics of immunoglobulin E in allergic disease

Davies JM, O'Hehir RE

(2008), Clin Exp Allergy, 38(4), 566-78

Molecular cloning, expression and immunological characterisation of Pas n 1, the major allergen of Bahia grass Paspalum notatum pollen

Davies JM, Mittag D, Dang TD, Symons K, Voskamp A, Rolland JM, O'Hehir RE

(2008), Mol Immunol, 46(2), 286-93

Obesity and the lung: 2. Obesity and sleep-disordered breathing

Crummy F, Piper AJ, Naughton MT

(2008), Thorax, 63(8), 738-46

Obesity and the respiratory physician

Crummy F, Naughton MT, Elborn JS

(2008), Thorax, 63(7), 576-7