Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Current and future nanoparticle vaccines for COVID-19

Vu, Mai N.; Kelly, Hannah G.; Kent, Stephen J.; Wheatley, Adam K.

(2021), EBIOMEDICINE, 74, 103699

DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103699

The development impact of cladribine on lymphoid and myeloid cells in multiple sclerosis

Voo, Veronica Tsin Fong; Butzkueven, Helmut; Stankovich, Jim; O'Brien, Terence; Monif, Mastura

(2021), MULT SCLER RELAT DIS, 52, 102962

DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2021.102962

Clinical Impact of Rectal Hyposensitivity

Vollebregt, Paul F.; Burgell, Rebecca E.; Hooper, Richard L.; Knowles, Charles H.; Scott, S. Mark

(2021), AM J GASTROENTEROL, 116(4), 758-768

DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001039

Neural network modelling reveals changes in directional connectivity between cortical and hypothalamic regions with increased BMI

Voigt, Katharina; Razi, Adeel; Harding, Ian H.; Andrews, Zane B.; Verdejo-Garcia, Antonio

(2021), INT J OBESITY, 45(11), 2447-2454

DOI: 10.1038/s41366-021-00918-y

Bacterial vaginosis: drivers of recurrence and challenges and opportunities in partner treatment

Vodstrcil, Lenka A.; Muzny, Christina A.; Plummer, Erica L.; Sobel, Jack D.; Bradshaw, Catriona S.

(2021), BMC MED, 19(1), 194

DOI: 10.1186/s12916-021-02077-3

Does Partner Treatment Impact on Bacterial Vaginosis Cure?

Vodstrcil, Lenka A.; Bradshaw, Catriona S.

(2021), CLIN INFECT DIS, 73(3), e680-e682

DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1907

Sodium selenate as a disease-modifying treatment for mild-moderate Alzheimer's disease

Vivash, Lucy; Malpas, Charles B.; Hovens, Christopher M.; Brodtmann, Amy; Collins, Steven; Macfarlane, Stephen; Velakoulis, Dennis; O'Brien, Terence J.

(2021), BMJ Neurology Open, 3(2), e000223

DOI: 10.1136/bmjno-2021-000223

Rib cage distortion and dynamic hyperinflation during two exercise intensities in people with COPD

Vieira, Danielle S.R.; Mendes, Liliane P.S.; Alencar, Maria Clara N.; Hoffman, Mariana; Albuquerque, Andre L.P.; Silveira, Bruna M.F.; Aguiar, Susana C.; Parreira, Verônica F.

(2021), RESP PHYSIOL NEUROBI, 293, 103724

DOI: 10.1016/j.resp.2021.103724

Context-aware genomic surveillance reveals hidden transmission of a carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae

Viehweger, Adrian; Blumenscheit, Christian; Lippmann, Norman; Wyres, Kelly L.; Brandt, Christian; Hans, Jörg B.; Hölzer, Martin; Irber, Luiz; Gatermann, Sören; Lübbert, Christoph; Pletz, Mathias W.; Holt, Kathryn E.; König, Brigitte

(2021), MICROBIOL GENOMICS, 7(12), 741

DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000741

MOMENTUM: momelotinib vs danazol in patients with myelofibrosis previously treated with JAKi who are symptomatic and anemic

Verstovsek, Srdan; Chen, Chih Cheng; Egyed, Miklós; Ellis, Martin; Fox, Laura; Goh, Yeow T.; Gupta, Vikas; Harrison, Claire; Kiladjian, Jean Jacques; Lazaroiu, Mihaela C.; Mead, Adam; McLornan, Donal; McMullin, Mary F.; Oh, Stephen T.; Perkins, Andrew; Pl

(2021), FUTURE ONCOL, 17(12), 1449-1458

DOI: 10.2217/fon-2020-1048

Staphylococcus aureus Skin and Soft Tissue Infection Recurrence Rates in Outpatients

Vella, Venanzio; Galgani, Ilaria; Polito, Letizia; Arora, Ashwani Kumar; Creech, C. Buddy; David, Michael Z.; Lowy, Franklin D.; Macesic, Nenad; Ridgway, Jessica P.; Uhlemann, Anne Catrin; Bagnoli, Fabio

(2021), CLIN INFECT DIS, 73(5), E1045-E1053

DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1717

Perampanel and pregnancy

Vazquez, Blanca; Tomson, Torbjörn; Dobrinsky, Cindy; Schuck, Edgar; O’Brien, Terence J.

(2021), EPILEPSIA, 62(3), 698-708

DOI: 10.1111/epi.16821

Oncogenic cooperation between TCF7-SPI1 and NRAS(G12D) requires β-catenin activity to drive T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Van Thillo, Quentin; De Bie, Jolien; Seneviratne, Janith A.; Demeyer, Sofie; Omari, Sofia; Balachandran, Anushree; Zhai, Vicki; Tam, Wai L.; Sweron, Bram; Geerdens, Ellen; Gielen, Olga; Provost, Sarah; Segers, Heidi; Boeckx, Nancy; Marshall, Glenn M.; Che

(2021), NAT COMMUN, 12(1), 4164

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24442-9

The association of Epstein-Barr virus infection with CXCR3+ B-cell development in multiple sclerosis

van Langelaar, Jamie; Wierenga-Wolf, Annet F.; Samijn, Johnny P.A.; Luijks, Caroline J.M.; Siepman, Theodora A.; van Doorn, Pieter A.; Bell, Andrew; van Zelm, Menno C.; Smolders, Joost; van Luijn, Marvin M.

(2021), EUR J IMMUNOL, 51(3), 626-633

DOI: 10.1002/eji.202048739

Developing a digital solution for remote assessment in multiple sclerosis

van der Walt, Anneke; Butzkueven, Helmut; Shin, Robert K.; Midaglia, Luciana; Capezzuto, Luca; Lindemann, Michael; Davies, Geraint; Butler, Lesley M.; Costantino, Cristina; Montalban, Xavier

(2021), BRAIN SCI, 11(9), 1247

DOI: 10.3390/brainsci11091247

Effect of Dietary Acetic Acid Supplementation on Plasma Glucose, Lipid Profiles, and Body Mass Index in Human Adults

Valdes, Daniela S.; So, Daniel; Gill, Paul A.; Kellow, Nicole J.

(2021), J ACAD NUTR DIET, 121(5), 895-914

DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2020.12.002

Teratogenic effects of zonisamide

Vajda, Frank J.E.; Perucca, Piero; O'Brien, Terence J.; Lander, Cecilie M.; Eadie, Mervyn J.

(2021), SEIZURE-EUR J EPILEP, 91, 490

DOI: 10.1016/j.seizure.2021.07.030

Folic acid dose, valproate, and fetal malformations

Vajda, Frank J.E.; O'Brien, Terence J.; Graham, Janet E.; Hitchcock, Alison A.; Perucca, Piero; Lander, Cecilie M.; Eadie, Mervyn J.

(2021), EPILEPSY BEHAV, 114(Part A), 107569

DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107569

The contribution of non-drug factors to fetal malformation in anti-seizure-medication-treated pregnancy

Vajda, Frank J.E.; O'Brien, Terence J.; Graham, Janet E.; Hitchcock, Alison A.; Lander, Cecilie M.; Eadie, Mervyn J.

(2021), EPILEPSY BEHAV, 118, 107941

DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.107941

Pregnancy outcomes in women with surgically treated epilepsy

Vajda, Frank J.E.; O’Brien, Terence J.; Graham, Janet E.; Hitchcock, Alison A.; Lander, Cecilie M.; Eadie, Mervyn J.

(2021), ACTA NEUROL SCAND, 144(5), 473–477

DOI: 10.1111/ane.13499