Research publications
Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals.
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Chen LF, Hoy J, Lewin SR
(2007), Med J Aust, 186(3), 146-51
Chang JJ, Thompson AJ, Visvanathan K, Kent SJ, Cameron PU, Wightman F, Desmond P, Locarnini SA, Lewin SR
(2007), Hepatology, 46(5), 1332-40
Chang JJ, Lewin SR
(2007), Immunol Cell Biol, 85(1), 16-23
Caulkins JP, Dietze P, Ritter A
(2007), Health Care Manag Sci, 10(2), 151-62
Cameron PU, Handley AJ, Baylis DC, Solomon AE, Bernard N, Purcell DF, Lewin SR
(2007), J Virol, 81(5), 2297-306
Bennett NJ, Bull AL, Dunt DR, Spelman DW, Russo PL, Richards MJ
(2007), Am J Infect Control, 35(3), 196-9
Bennett NJ, Bull AL, Dunt DR, Richards MJ, Russo PL, Spelman DW
(2007), Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 28(4), 486-8
Bennett NJ, Bull AL, Dunt DR, McBryde E, Russo PL, Spelman DW, Richards MJ
(2007), Aust Infect Control, 12(2), 45-7
Bennett NJ, Bull AL, Dunt DR, Gurrin LC, Spelman DW, Russo PL, Richards MJ
(2007), Am J Infect Control, 35(10), 697-9
Bennett NJ, Bull AL, Dunt DR, Gurrin LC, Russo PL, Spelman DW, Richards MJ
(2007), Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 28(7), 896-8
Baum LL, Crowe SM, Landay AL
(2007), Curr Opin HIV AIDS, 2(3), 234-40
Ayton DR, Guy RJ, Woolley IJ, Hellard ME
(2007), Sex Health, 4(3), 209
Baker ML, Allen P, Shortt J, Lewin SR, Spencer A
(2007), Clin Experiment Ophthalmol, 35(2), 189-90
Chaves NJ, Kotsimbos TC, Warren MA, McLean CA, Spelman DW, Williams TJ, Snell GI, Westall GP
(2007), J Heart Lung Transplant, 26(7), 753-5
Berzsenyi MD, Bowden DS, Kelly HA, Watson KM, Mijch AM, Hammond RA, Crowe SM, Roberts SK
(2007), Gastroenterology, 133(6), 1821-30
Harrington G, Watson K, Bailey M, Land G, Borrell S, Houston L, Kehoe R, Bass P, Cockroft E, Marshall C, Mijch A, Spelman D
(2007), Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 28(7), 837-44
Lo CH, Spelman D, Bailey M, Cooper DJ, Rosenfeld JV, Brecknell JE
(2007), J Neurosurg, 106(3), 378-83
Dale CJ, Thomson S, De Rose R, Ranasinghe C, Medveczky CJ, Pamungkas J, Boyle DB, Ramshaw IA, Kent SJ
(2006), In: M Salzman (ed) DNA Vaccines, 2nd Ed. Humana Press, 171-98
Bartholomeusz A, Chang JJ, Locarnini SA, Lewin SR
(2006), In Boyer TD, Wright TL, and Manns MP (eds) Zakim and Boyer’s Hepatology, 5th ed. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 635-663
Zaunders JJ, Dyer WB, Munier ML, Ip S, Liu J, Amyes E, Rawlinson W, De Rose R, Kent SJ, Sullivan JS, Cooper DA, Kelleher AD
(2006), J Virol, 80(20), 10151-61