Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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A comparison of cotton-tipped and nylon flocked swabs for culture of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from oropharyngeal samples

Phillips, Tiffany R.; Tabesh, Marjan; Fairley, Christopher K.; Maddaford, Kate; Pasricha, Shivani; Wigan, Rebecca; De Petra, Vesna; Williamson, Deborah A.; Chow, Eric P.F.

(2021), DIAGN MICR INFEC DIS, 101(3), 115455

DOI: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2021.115455

Sexual health service adaptations to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Australia

Phillips, Tiffany R.; Fairley, Christopher K.; Donovan, Basil; Ong, Jason J.; McNulty, Anna; Marshall, Lewis; Templeton, David J.; Owen, Louise; Ward, Alison; Gunathilake, Manoji; Russell, Darren; Langton-Lockton, Julian; Bourne, Christopher; Martin, Sara

(2021), AUST NZ J PUBL HEAL, 45(6), 622-627

DOI: 10.1111/1753-6405.13158

Associations between oral sex practices and frequent mouthwash use in heterosexuals

Phillips, Tiffany R.; Fairley, Christopher K.; Bradshaw, Catriona S.; Tabesh, Marjan; Maddaford, Kate; Hocking, Jane S.; Chow, Eric P.F.

(2021), BMJ OPEN, 11(1), e041782

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041782

Brief Report: Group Sex Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in the Era of PrEP: A Cross-Sectional Study

Phillips, Tiffany R.; Fairley, Christopher K.; Bradshaw, Catriona S.; Hocking, Jane S.; Choi, Edmond P.H.; Ong, Jason J.; Tabesh, Marjan; Maddaford, Kate; Chow, Eric P.F.

(2021), JAIDS-J ACQ IMM DEF, 86(2), e23-e27

DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002550

Oral, vaginal and anal sexual practices among heterosexual males and females attending a sexual health clinic

Phillips, Tiffany R.; Constantinou, Heidi; Fairley, Christopher K.; Bradshaw, Catriona S.; Maddaford, Kate; Chen, Marcus Y.; Hocking, Jane S.; Chow, Eric P.F.

(2021), INT J ENV RES PUB HE, 18(23), 12668

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182312668

A survey of current resources to study lncrna-protein interactions

Philip, Melcy; Chen, Tyrone; Tyagi, Sonika

(2021), Non-coding RNA, 7(2), 33

DOI: 10.3390/ncrna7020033

Effect of fluid strategy on stroke volume, cardiac output, and fluid responsiveness in adult patients undergoing major abdominal surgery

Phan, Tuong D.; Uda, Yoshiaki; Peyton, Philip J.; Kluger, Roman; Myles, Paul S.

(2021), BRIT J ANAESTH, 126(4), 818-825

DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2021.01.011

Do neurocritical care units improve outcomes for brain-injured adults

Pham, Xiuxian; Ray, Jason; Serpa Neto, Ary; Udy, Andrew

(2021), BMJ OPEN, 11(3), e043981

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043981

Behavioral, axonal, and proteomic alterations following repeated mild traumatic brain injury

Pham, Louise; Wright, David K.; O'Brien, William T.; Bain, Jesse; Huang, Cheng; Sun, Mujun; Casillas-Espinosa, Pablo M.; Shah, Anup D.; Schittenhelm, Ralf B.; Sobey, Christopher G.; Brady, Rhys D.; O'Brien, Terence J.; Mychasiuk, Richelle; Shultz, Sandy R

(2021), NEUROBIOL DIS, 148, 105151

DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2020.105151

Clinical outcomes of patients with two small hepatocellular carcinomas

Pham, Anh Duy; Vaz, Karl; Ardalan, Zaid S.; Sinclair, Marie; Apostolov, Ross; Gardner, Sarah; Majeed, Ammar; Mishra, Gauri; Kam, Ning Mao; Patwala, Kurvi; Kutaiba, Numan; Arachchi, Niranjan; Bell, Sally; Dev, Anouk T.; Lubel, John S.; Nicoll, Amanda J.; S

(2021), World Journal of Hepatology, 13(10), 1439-1449

DOI: 10.4254/wjh.v13.i10.1439

Genetic Contributions to Acquired Epilepsies

Perucca, Piero; Scheffer, Ingrid E.

(2021), EPILEPSY CURR, 21(1), 5-13

DOI: 10.1177/1535759720954254

Congenital Anemia Phenotypes Due to KLF1 Mutations

Perkins, Andrew C.; Bieker, James

(2021), J PEDIAT HEMATOL ONC, 43(1), e148-e149

DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000001915

Gender Differences in Healthy Lifestyle Adherence Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Coronary Artery Disease

Perera, Sheneli; Aslam, Anum; Stehli, Julia; Kaye, David; Layland, Jamie; Nicholls, Stephen J.; Cameron, James; Zaman, Sarah

(2021), HEART LUNG CIRC, 30(1), E37-E40

DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2020.06.024

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Perera, M. Prabhavi N.; Mallawaarachchi, Sudaraka; Miljevic, Aleksandra; Bailey, Neil W.; Herring, Sally E.; Fitzgerald, Paul B.

(2021), BIOL PSYCHIAT-COGN N, 6(10), 947-960

DOI: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2021.03.010

Early Endothelial Activation in a Mouse Model of Graft vs Host Disease Following Chemotherapy

Pereira, Melrine; Lee, Natasha Ting; Noonan, Jonathan; Willcox, Abbey E.H.; Calvello, Ilaria; Georgy, Smitha Rose; Selan, Carly; Chia, Joanne S.; Hauw, Wayne; Wang, Xiaowei; Peter, Karlheinz; Robson, Simon C.; Nandurkar, Harshal H.; Sashindranath, Maithil

(2021), FRONT IMMUNOL, 12, 708554

DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.708554

Randomised controlled trials of alcohol-based surgical site skin preparation for the prevention of surgical site infections

Peel, Trisha N.; Watson, Eliza; Lee, Sue J.

(2021), J CLIN MED, 10(4), 663

DOI: 10.3390/jcm10040663

Antibiotic-chemoattractants enhance neutrophil clearance of Staphylococcus aureus

Payne, Jennifer A.E.; Tailhades, Julien; Ellett, Felix; Kostoulias, Xenia; Fulcher, Alex J.; Fu, Ting; Leung, Ryan; Louch, Stephanie; Tran, Amy; Weber, Severin A.; Schittenhelm, Ralf B.; Lieschke, Graham J.; Qin, Chengxue Helena; Irima, Daniel; Peleg, Ant

(2021), NAT COMMUN, 12(1), 6157

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26244-5

Staphylococcus aureus entanglement in self-assembling β-peptide nanofibres decorated with vancomycin

Payne, Jennifer A.E.; Kulkarni, Ketav; Izore, Thierry; Fulcher, Alex J.; Peleg, Anton Y.; Aguilar, Marie Isabel; Cryle, Max J.; Del Borgo, Mark P.

(2021), NANOSCALE ADV, 3(9), 2607-2616

DOI: 10.1039/d0na01018a

Protective efficacy of the anti-HIV broadly neutralizing antibody PGT121 in the context of semen exposure

Parsons, Matthew S.; Kristensen, Anne B.; Selva, Kevin J.; Lee, Wen Shi; Amarasena, Thakshila; Esterbauer, Robyn; Wheatley, Adam K.; Bavinton, Benjamin R.; Kelleher, Anthony D.; Grulich, Andrew E.; Khoury, Georges; Juno, Jennifer A.; Kent, Stephen J.

(2021), EBIOMEDICINE, 70, 103518

DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103518

Neurological, neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental complications of COVID-19

Pantelis, Christos; Jayaram, Mahesh; Hannan, Anthony J.; Wesselingh, Robb; Nithianantharajah, Jess; Wannan, Cassandra M.J.; Syeda, Warda Taqdees; Choy, KH Christopher; Zantomio, Daniela; Christopoulos, Arthur; Velakoulis, Dennis; O’Brien, Terence J.

(2021), AUST NZ J PSYCHIAT, 55(8), 750-762

DOI: 10.1177/0004867420961472