Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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The experiences of adult heart, lung, and heart-lung transplantation recipients

Stubber, Claire; Kirkman, Maggie

(2020), PLOS ONE, 15(11), e0241570.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241570

Reducing the Burden of Complex Medication Regimens: SImplification of Medications Prescribed to Long-tErm care Residents (SIMPLER) Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

Sluggett, Janet K.; Chen, Esa Y.H.; Ilomäki, Jenni; Corlis, Megan; Van Emden, Jan; Hogan, Michelle; Caporale, Tessa; Keen, Claire; Hopkins, Ria; Ooi, Choon Ean; Hilmer, Sarah N.; Hughes, Georgina A.; Luu, Andrew; Nguyen, Kim Huong; Comans, Tracy; Edwards, Susan; Quirke, Lyntara; Patching, Allan; Bell, J. Simon

(2020), J AM MED DIR ASSOC, 21(8), 1114-1120.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2020.02.003

Cardiorenal syndrome: Multi-organ dysfunction involving the heart, kidney and vasculature

Savira, Feby; Magaye, Ruth; Liew, Danny; Reid, Christopher; Kelly, Darren J.; Kompa, Andrew R.; Sangaralingham, S. Jeson; Burnett, John C.; Kaye, David; Wang, Bing H.

(2020), BRIT J PHARMACOL, 177(13), 2906-2922.

DOI: 10.1111/bph.15065

Ambulance management of patients with penetrating truncal trauma and hypotension in Melbourne, Australia

Rosenbaum, Eva; Cox, Shelley; Smith, Karen; Fitzgerald, Mark; Braitberg, George; Carpenter, Anthony; Bernard, Stephen

(2020), EMERG MED AUSTRALAS, 32(2), 336-343.

DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.13450

Measured Energy Expenditure Compared With Best-Practice Recommendations for Obese, Critically Ill Patients—A Prospective Observational Study

Ridley, Emma J.; Tierney, Audrey; King, Susannah; Ainslie, Emily; Udy, Andrew; Scheinkestel, Carlos; Nyulasi, Ibolya

(2020), JPEN-PARENTER ENTER, 44(6), 1144-1149.

DOI: 10.1002/jpen.1791

Intermittent Enteral Nutrition as a Sole Intervention Has No Impact on Muscle Wasting in Critical Illness

Ridley, Emma J.; Peake, Sandra L.

(2020), CHEST, 158(1), 15-16.

DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2020.05.520

Nutrition intake in the post-ICU hospitalization period

Ridley, Emma J.; Chapple, Lee Anne S.; Chapman, Marianne J.

(2020), CURR OPIN CLIN NUTR, 23(2), 111-115.

DOI: 10.1097/MCO.0000000000000637

Safety of peripheral administration of vasopressor medications

Tian, David H.; Smyth, Claire; Keijzers, Gerben; Macdonald, Stephen P.J.; Peake, Sandra; Udy, Andrew; Delaney, Anthony

(2020), EMERG MED AUSTRALAS, 32(2), 220-227.

DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.13406

The ATLANTIC study: Anti-Xa level assessment in trauma intensive care

Rakhra, Sandeep; Martin, Emma Leah; Fitzgerald, Mark; Udy, Andrew

(2020), INJURY, 51, 10-4

DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2019.10.066

Interventions supporting caregiver readiness when caring for patients with dementia following discharge home

Pritchard, Elizabeth; Cussen, Amy; Delafosse, Veronica; Swift, Miriam; Jolliffe, Laura; Yeates, Harriet

(2020), AUSTRALAS J AGEING, 39(3), e239-e250.

DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12765

Comparison of revised Functional Capacity Index scores with Abbreviated Injury Scale 2008 scores in predicting 12-month severe trauma outcomes

Palmer, Cameron S.; Cameron, Peter A.; Gabbe, Belinda J.

(2020), Injury Prevention, 26(2), 138-146.

DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2018-043085

Variations in the care of agitated patients in Australia and New Zealand ambulance services

Nambiar, Dhanya; Pearce, James W.; Bray, Janet; Stephenson, Michael; Nehme, Ziad; Masters, Stacey; Brink, Deon; Smith, Karen; Arendts, Glenn; Fatovich, Daniel; Bernard, Stephen; Haskins, Brian; Grantham, Hugh; Cameron, Peter

(2020), EMERG MED AUSTRALAS, 32(3), 438–445.

DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.13431

Seasonal Variation in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Victoria 2008–2017

Muller, Andrew; Dyson, Kylie; Bernard, Stephen; Smith, Karen

(2020), PREHOSP EMERG CARE, 24(6), 769-777.

DOI: 10.1080/10903127.2019.1708518

Temperature screening has negligible value for control of COVID-19

Mitra, Biswadev; Luckhoff, Carl; Mitchell, Rob D.; O'Reilly, Gerard M.; Smit, De Villiers; Cameron, Peter A.

(2020), EMERG MED AUSTRALAS, 32(5), 867-869.

DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.13578

Proactive review by the emergency department before inter-hospital transfer (the PREVENT study)

Mitra, Biswadev; Carter, Annie; Smit, De Villiers; Rahman, Fatima; O'Donovan, Shane; Olaussen, Alexander; Pui, Jiun Kae; Abetz, Jeremy; Hunter, Peter; Cameron, Peter A.

(2020), EMERG MED AUSTRALAS, 32(1), 61-66.

DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.13338

Prophylactic Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation in High Risk Cardiac Surgery: The PINBALL Pilot Multicentre, Registry-Linked, Randomised, Controlled Feasibility Trial

Litton, Edward; Bass, Frances; Dickson, Cheryl; Hillis, Graham; Inskip, Deborah; Jacques, Theresa; McGiffin, David; McGuiness, Shay; Miller, Jennene; Parke, Rachael; Playford, Hugh; Reid, Chris; Smith, Julian; Solman, Noah; Tran, Lavinia; Yarad, Elizabeth; Delaney, Anthony; ,

(2020), HEART LUNG CIRC, 29(5), 710-718.

DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2019.04.006

The Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation: Fluids or vasopressors in emergency department sepsis (ARISE FLUIDS), a multi-centre observational study describing current practice in Australia and New Zealand

Keijzers, Gerben; MacDonald, Stephen P.J.; Udy, Andrew A.; Arendts, Glenn; Bailey, Micahel; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Blecher, Gabriel E.; Burcham, Jonathon; Coggins, Andrew R.; Delaney, Anthony; Fatovich, Daniel M.; Fraser, John F.; Harley, Amanda; Jones, Peter; Kinnear, Frances B.; May, Katya; Peake, Sandra; Taylor, David McD; Williams, Patricia J.; ,

(2020), EMERG MED AUSTRALAS, 4(32), 586-598.

DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.13469

Factors associated with return to work among survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Kearney, Jason; Dyson, Kylie; Andrew, Emily; Bernard, Stephen; Smith, Karen

(2020), RESUSCITATION, 146, 203-12

DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.09.006

Coal-mine fire-related fine particulate matter and medical-service utilization in Australia

Johnson, Amanda L; Gao, Caroline X; Dennekamp, Martine; Williamson, Grant J; Carroll, Matthew TC; Dimitriadis, Christina; Dipnall, Joanna F; Ikin, Jillian F; Johnston, Fay H; McFarlane, Alexander C; Sim, Malcolm R; Stub, Dion A; Abramson, Michael J; Guo, Yuming

(2020), INT J EPIDEMIOL, 49(1), 80-93.

DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyz219

The efficacy and safety of varenicline alone versus in combination with nicotine lozenges for smoking cessation among hospitalised smokers (VANISH)

Gobarani, Rukshar Kaizerali; Abramson, Michael J.; Bonevski, Billie; Weeks, Gregory R.; Dooley, Michael J.; Smith, Brian J.; Veale, Antony; Webb, Ashley; Kirsa, Sue; Thomas, Dennis; Miller, Alistair; Gasser, Rudi; Paul, Eldho; Parkinson, Jacqueline; Meanger, Darshana; Coward, Lisa; Kopsaftis, Zoe; Rofe, Olivia; Lee, Paula; George, Johnson

(2020), BMJ OPEN, 10(10), e038184.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038184