Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Article factors affecting the delivery and acceptability of the rowtate telehealth vocational rehabilitation intervention for traumatic injury survivors

Kettlewell, Jade; Lindley, Rebecca; Radford, Kate; Patel, Priya; Bridger, Kay; Kellezi, Blerina; Timmons, Stephen; Andrews, Isabel; Fallon, Stephen; Lannin, Natasha; Holmes, Jain; Kendrick, Denise; ,

(2021), INT J ENV RES PUB HE, 18(18), 9744

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18189744

Critical peptic ulcer bleeding requiring massive blood transfusion

Ket, Shara N.; Sparrow, Rosemary L.; McQuilten, Zoe K.; Gibson, Peter R.; Brown, Gregor J.; Wood, Erica M.

(2021), INTERN MED J, 51(12), 2042-2050

DOI: 10.1111/imj.15009

Plasminogen: an enigmatic zymogen

Keragala, Charithani B.; Medcalf, Robert L.

(2021), BLOOD, 137(21), 2881-2889

DOI: 10.1182/blood.2020008951

Vaccination after prior COVID-19 infection

Kent, Stephen J.; Juno, Jennifer A.

(2021), EBIOMEDICINE, 72, 103586

DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103586

Long-term outcomes in patients presenting with optic neuritis

Kenney, Rachel; Liu, Mengling; Patil, Sachi; Alroughani, Raed; Ampapa, Radek; Bergamaschi, Roberto; Boz, Cavit; Butzkueven, Helmut; Gomez, Jose Cabrera; Cartechini, Elisabetta; Madueño, Sara Eichau; Ferraro, Diana; Grand-Maison, Francois; Granella, Franco

(2021), J NEUROL SCI, 430, 118067

DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2021.118067

Management, outcomes and survival of an Australian IgG4-SC cohort

Kemp, William; Majeed, Ammar; Mitchell, Joanne; Majumdar, Avik; Tse, Edmund; Skoien, Richard; Croagh, Daniel; Dev, Anouk; Gao, Hugh; Weltman, Martin; Craig, Philip; Stuart, Katherine; Cheng, Wendy; Edmunds, Simon; Lee, Eric; Sood, Siddharth; Metz, Andrew;

(2021), LIVER INT, 41(12), 2934-2943

DOI: 10.1111/liv.15036

Multiple introductions of multidrug-resistant typhoid associated with acute infection and asymptomatic carriage, Kenya

Kariuki, Samuel; Dyson, Zoe A.; Mbae, Cecilia; Ngetich, Ronald; Kavai, Susan M.; Wairimu, Celestine; Anyona, Stephen; Gitau, Naomi; Onsare, Robert; Ongadi, Beatrice; Duchene, Sebastian; Ali, Mohamed; Clemens, John; Holt, Kathryn E.; Dougan, Gordon

(2021), ELIFE, 10, e67852

DOI: 10.7554/eLife.67852

The microbiome and host mucosal interactions in urinary tract diseases

Jones-Freeman, Bernadette; Chonwerawong, Michelle; Marcelino, Vanessa R.; Deshpande, Aniruddh V.; Forster, Samuel C.; Starkey, Malcolm R.

(2021), MUCOSAL IMMUNOL, 14(4), 779-792

DOI: 10.1038/s41385-020-00372-5

Microglial Cells in Epilepsy

Jones, Nigel C.

(2021), EPILEPSY CURR, 21(1), 54-56

DOI: 10.1177/1535759720975008

Addressing inactivity after stroke: The Collaborative Rehabilitation in Acute Stroke (CREATE) study

Jones, Fiona; Gombert, Karolina; Honey, Stephanie; Cloud, Geoffrey; Harris, Ruth; Macdonald, Alastair; McKevitt, Christopher; Robert, Glenn; Clarke, David

(2021), INT J STROKE, 16(6), 669-682

DOI: 10.1177/1747493020969367

Glial Cell Collaboration in Space and Time Contributes to Epileptogenesis

Jones PhD, Nigel C.; Ali, Idrish

(2021), EPILEPSY CURR, 21(6), 452-454

DOI: 10.1177/15357597211041199

The MSBase pregnancy, neonatal outcomes, and women’s health registry

Jokubaitis, Vilija G.; Skibina, Olga; Alroughani, Raed; Altintas, Ayse; Butzkueven, Helmut; Eichau, Sara; Fragoso, Yara; Hellwig, Kerstin; Hughes, Stella E.; Rath, Louise; van der Walt, Anneke; Gray, Orla


DOI: 10.1177/17562864211009104

The TRKB agonist, 7,8-dihydroxyflavone, impairs fracture healing in mice

Johnstone, Maddison R.; Brady, Rhys D.; Church, Jarrod E.; Orr, David; McDonald, Stuart J.; Grills, Brian L.

(2021), J MUSCULOSKEL NEURON, 21(12), 263-271

Psychiatric symptoms are the strongest predictors of quality of life in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy or psychogenic nonepileptic seizures

Johnstone, Benjamin; Malpas, Charles B.; Velakoulis, Dennis; Kwan, Patrick; O'Brien, Terence J.

(2021), EPILEPSY BEHAV, 117, 107861

DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.107861

Screening and development of monoclonal antibodies for identification of ferret T follicular helper cells

Jiang, Wenbo; Wong, Julius; Tan, Hyon Xhi; Kelly, Hannah G.; Whitney, Paul G.; Barr, Ian; Layton, Daniel S.; Kent, Stephen J.; Wheatley, Adam K.; Juno, Jennifer A.

(2021), SCI REP-UK, 11(1), 1864

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-81389-z

Evolution and genomic insight into methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST9 in China

Jiang, Nansong; Wyres, Kelly L.; Li, Jun; Feßler, Andrea T.; Krüger, Henrike; Wang, Yang; Holt, Kathryn E.; Schwarz, Stefan; Wu, Congming

(2021), J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH, 76(7), 1703-1711

DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkab106

HIV self-testing partially filled the HIV testing gap among men who have sex with men in China during the COVID-19 pandemic

Jiang, Hongbo; Xie, Yewei; Xiong, Yuan; Zhou, Yi; Lin, Kaihao; Yan, Yao; Tucker, Joseph; Ong, Jason J.; Wu, Dan; Yang, Fan; Tang, Weiming

(2021), J INT AIDS SOC, 24(5), e25737

DOI: 10.1002/jia2.25737

Shared leadership in healthcare action teams

Janssens, Sarah; Simon, Robert; Beckmann, Michael; Marshall, Stuart Duncan

(2021), J PATIENT SAF, 17(8), e1441-e1451

DOI: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000503


Jacobs, Benjamin M.; Smets, Ide; Giovannoni, Gavin; Noyce, Alastair; Jokubaitis, Vilija; Dobson, Ruth

(2021), MULT SCLER J, 27(8), 1311-1312

DOI: 10.1177/1352458520969941

Trauma-informed sentencing of serious violent offenders

Jackson, Victoria; Sullivan, Danny H.; Mawren, Daveena; Freiberg, Arie; Kulkarni, Jayashri; Darjee, Rajan

(2021), PSYCHIAT PSYCHOL LAW, 28(5), 748-773

DOI: 10.1080/13218719.2020.1855267