Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Beyond standard data collection - the promise and potential of BRAIN (Brain tumour Registry Australia INnovation and translation registry)

Gately L, Drummond K, Rosenthal M, Harrup R, Dowling A, Gogos A, Lwin Z, Collins I, Campbell D, Ahern E, Phillips C, Gan HK, Bennett I, Sieber OM, Gibbs P

(2022), BMC Cancer, 22(1), 604

DOI: 101186/s12885-022-09700-3

Effect of Aspirin on Melanoma Incidence in Older Persons: Extended Follow-up of a Large Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial

Yan MK, Orchard SG, Adler NR, Wolfe R, McLean C, Rodriguez LM, Woods RL, Gibbs P, Chan AT, Haydon A, Mar VJ

(2022), Cancer Prev Res, 15(6), 365-75

DOI: 101158/1940-6207CAPR-21-0244

Comment on Timing of Surgery For Patients With Rectal Cancers Not Responding to Preoperative Chemoradiation

Dunn C, Gately L, Gibbs P

(2022), JAMA Surg, 157(6), 548-9

DOI: 101001/jamasurg20217590

The association between quality care and outcomes for a real-world population of Australian patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

Maharaj AD, Evans SM, Ioannou LJ, Croagh D, Earnest A, Holland JF, Pilgrim CHC, Neale RE, Goldstein D, Kench JG, Merrett ND, White K, Burmeister EA, Evans PM, Hayes TM, Houli N, Knowles B, Leong T, Nikfarjam M, Philip J, Quinn M, Shapiro J, Smith MD, Spillane JB, Wong R, Zalcberg JR

(2022), HPB, 24(6), 950-62

DOI: 101016/jhpb202111005

Association between hypertension and cutaneous melanoma, and the effect of aspirin: extended follow-up of a large randomised controlled trial

Yan MK, Orchard SG, Adler NR, Wolfe R, McLean C, Rodríguez LM, Woods RL, Gibbs P, Chan AT, Haydon A, Mar VJ

(2022), Cancer Epidemiol, 79, 102173

DOI: 101016/jcanep2022102173

The SYMPTOM-upper gastrointestinal study: A mixed methods study exploring symptom appraisal and help-seeking in Australian upper gastrointestinal cancer patients

Karnchanachari N, Milton S, Muhlen-Schulte T, Scarborough R, Holland JF, Walter FM, Zalcberg J, Emery J

(2022), Eur J Cancer Care, 31(5), e13605

DOI: 101111/ecc13605

Characterization of the treatment-naive immune microenvironment in melanoma with BRAF mutation

Wang M, Zadeh S, Pizzolla A, Thia K, Gyorki DE, McArthur GA, Scolyer RA, Long G, Wilmott JS, Andrews MC, Au-Yeung G, Weppler A, Sandhu S, Trapani JA, Davis MJ, Neeson PJ

(2022), J Immunother Cancer, 10(4), e004095

DOI: 101136/jitc-2021-004095

Chemotherapy in resectable or potentially resectable colon cancer with liver metastases

Samoon Z, Naher SK, Sjoquist KM, Zalcberg J

(2022), EXPERT OPIN PHARMACO, 23(6), 663-72

DOI: 101080/1465656620222043276

Initial experience of TAS-102 chemotherapy in Australian patients with Chemo-refractory metastatic colorectal cancer

Jalali A, Gard G, Banks S, Dunn C, Wong HL, Wong R, Lee M, Gately L, Loft M, Shapiro JD, Kosmider S, Tie J, Ananda S, Yeung JM, Jennens R, Lee B, McKendrick J, Lim L, Khattak A, Gibbs P

(2022), CURR PROB CANCER, 46(2), 100793

DOI: 101016/jcurrproblcancer2021100793

Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Outcomes by Age Among ARCAD First- and Second-Line Clinical Trials

McCleary NJ, Harmsen WS, Haakenstad E, Cleary JM, Meyerhardt JA, Zalcberg J, Adams R, Grothey A, Sobrero AF, Van Cutsem E, Goldberg RM, Peeters M, Tabernero J, Seymour M, Saltz LB, Giantonio BJ, Arnold D, Rothenberg ML, Koopman M, Schmoll HJ, Pitot HC, Hoff PM, Tebbutt N, Masi G, Souglakos J, Bokemeyer C, Heinemann V, Yoshino T, Chibaudel B, deGramont A, Shi Q, Lichtman SM

(2022), JNCI Cancer Spectrum, 6(2), pkac014

DOI: 101093/jncics/pkac014

Pembrolizumab versus placebo as adjuvant therapy in completely resected stage IIB or IIC melanoma (KEYNOTE-716): a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial

Luke JJ, Rutkowski P, Queirolo P, Del Vecchio M, Mackiewicz J, Chiarion-Sileni V, de la Cruz Merino L, Khattak MA, Schadendorf D, Long GV, Ascierto PA, Mandala M, De Galitiis F, Haydon A, Dummer R, Grob JJ, Robert C, Carlino MS, Mohr P, Poklepovic A, Sondak VK, Scolyer RA, Kirkwood JM, Chen K, Diede SJ, Ahsan S, Ibrahim N, Eggermont AMM; KEYNOTE-716 Investigators

(2022), Lancet, 399(10336), 1718-29

DOI: 101016/S0140-6736(22)00562-1

Aspirin and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer According to Genetic Susceptibility among Older Individuals

Bakshi A, Cao Y, Orchard SG, Carr PR, Joshi AD, Manning AK, Buchanan DD, Umar A, Winship IM, Gibbs P, Zalcberg JR, Macrae F, McNeil JJ, Lacaze P, Chan AT

(2022), Cancer Prev Res, 15(7), 447-54

DOI: 101158/1940-6207CAPR-22-0011

Development of melanoma clinical quality indicators for the Australian melanoma clinical outcomes registry (MelCOR): A modified Delphi study

Jobson D, Roffey B, Arnold C, Azzi A, Button-Sloan A, Dawson T, Fernandez-Penas P, Fishburn P, Gyorki DE, Hiscutt EL, Jakrot V, Lilleyman A, Lochhead A, Long GV, Mailer S, Mann G, McCormack CJ, Muir J, Pratt GF, Scolyer RA, Shackelton M, Shumack S, Soyer HP, Tan CG, Webb A, Zalcberg J, Morton R, Mar V

(2022), Australas J Dermatol, 63(3), 344-51

DOI: 101111/ajd13848

Removal of BFL-1 sensitises some melanoma cells to killing by BH3 mimetic drugs

Gangoda L, Schenk RL, Tai L, Szeto P, Cheung JG, Strasser A, Lessene G, Shackleton M, Herold MJ

(2022), Cell Death Dis, 13(4), 301

DOI: 101038/s41419-022-04776-y

Dramatic clinical response in the treatment of small cell glioblastoma multiforme

Zaman FY, McLean C, Ameratunga M

(2022), J Clin Pharm Ther, 47(6), 832-4

DOI: 101111/jcpt13608

Yield of baseline imaging for distant metastases in high-risk primary melanoma

Yan MK, Adler NR, Pan Y, Chamberlain A, Kelly J, Yap K, Voskoboynik M, Haydon A, Shackleton M, Mar VJ

(2022), J Surg Oncol, 125(8), 1312-7

DOI: 101002/jso26846

Functional Decline in the Cancer Patient: A Review

Muhandiramge J, Orchard SG, Warner ET, van Londen GJ, Zalcberg JR

(2022), Cancers, 14(6), 1398

DOI: 103390/cancers14061368

Cardiovascular disease and malignant melanoma

Wang CY, Zoungas S, Voskoboynik M, Mar V

(2022), Melanoma Res, 32(3), 135-141

DOI: 101097/CMR0000000000000817

The Management of Unresectable, Advanced Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours

Foo T, Goldstein D, Segelov E, Shapiro J, Pavlakis N, Desai J, Yip D, Zalcberg J, Price TJ, Nagrial A, Chantrill L, Burge M, Karapetis CS, Tebbutt N, Roy AC

(2022), Target Oncol, 17(2), 95-110

DOI: 101007/s11523-022-00869-y

Efficacy of anti-epidermal growth factor receptor agents in patients with RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer ≥ 70 years

Papamichael D, Lopes GS, Olswold CL, Douillard JY, Adams RA, Maughan TS, Van Cutsem E, Venook AP, Lenz HJ, Heinemann V, Kaplan R, Bokemeyer C, Chibaudel B, Grothey A, Yoshino T, Zalcberg J, De Gramont A, Shi Q

(2022), Eur J Cancer, 163, 1-15

DOI: 101016/jejca202112007