Research publications
Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals.
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Shaw M, Lye J, Alves A, Keehan S, Lehmann J, Hanlon M, Kenny J, Baines J, Porumb J, Geso M, Brown R
(2021), Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 20, 40-5
Xing D, Hettige S, Chee LYS, Nair R, Hegde R
(2021), Cureus, 13(10), e18514
DOI: 10.7759/cureus.18514
Xing DT, Yilmaz H, Hettige S, Hegde R, Nair R
(2021), Cureus, 13(8), e17287
DOI: 10.7759/cureus.17287
Dalla Via J, Owen PJ, Daly RM, Mundell NL, Livingston PM, Rantalainen T, Foulkes SJ, Millar JL, Murphy DG, Fraser SF
(2021), MED SCI SPORT EXER, 53(10), 2054-65
Ong WL, Ball DL, Milne RL, Foroudi F, Millar JL
(2021), CLIN ONCOL-UK, 33(12), e530-9
Damkjaer SMS, Jensen NKG, Fog LS, Josipovic M
(2021), Acta Oncol, 60(11), 1432-5
Koo K, Ward R, Smith RL, Ruben J, Carne PWG, Elsaleh H
(2021), PLoS one, 16(6), e0254018
Sampurno F, Cally J, Opie JL, Kannan A, Millar JL, Finelli A, Vickers AJ, Moore CM, Kowalski C, Foster C, Barocas DA, Galvin D, Van Basten JP, Gore JL, Ferencz J, Lawson KA, Ghani KR, Kwan L, Saarela O, Connor SE, Dieng S, Linsell S, Soeterik TFW, Villanti P, Litwin MS, Evans SM
(2021), HEALTH INFORM J, 27(2), 14604582211015704
Ong WL, Weerasinghe C
(2021), J MED IMAG RADIAT ON, 65(6), 826-8
O'Callaghan M, Papa N, Pase M, Frydenberg M, Mark S, Moretti K, Maqsood S, Smith D, Walker T, White C, Millar J, On behalf of the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Registry of Australia and New Zealand (PCOR-ANZ)
(2021), BJU Int, 128(Suppl 1), 6-8
DOI: 10.1111/bju.15366
Turon H, Hill D, Watson R, Hobden B, Millar J, Sanson-Fisher R
(2021), Eur J Cancer Care, 30(5), e13455
DOI: 10.1111/ecc.13455
Shaw M, Lye J, Alves A, Hanlon M, Lehmann J, Supple J, Porumb C, Williams I, Geso M, Brown R
(2021), PHYS MEDICA, 84, 265-73
Papa N, Perera M, Murphy DG, Lawrentschuk N, Evans M, Millar JL, Bolton D
(2021), J MED IMAG RADIAT ON, 65(6), 649-54
Ong WL, Khor R, Chao M, Milne RL, Millar J, Foroudi F
(2021), J MED IMAG RADIAT ON, 65(2), 224-32
Espensen CA, Kilgaard JF, Appelt AL, Fog LS, Herault J, Maschi C, Caujolle JP, Thariat J
(2021), Ophthalmology, 128(1), 152-61
Keehan S, Smith RL, Butler D
(2021), Brachytherapy, 20(1), 257-64
Ong WL, Evans SM, Evans M, Tacey M, Dodds L, Kearns P, Milne RL, Foroudi F, Millar J
(2021), Eur Urol Oncol, 4(2), 319-22
Yehya N, Hodgson CL, Amato MBP, Richard JC, Brochard LJ, Mercat A, Goligher EC
(2021), Ann Am Thorac Soc, 18(5), 857-64
Wildi K, Li Bassi G, Barnett A, Panigada M, Colombo SM, Bandera A, Muscatello A, McNicholas B, Laffey JG, Battaglini D, Robba C, Torres A, Motos A, Luna CM, Rainieri F, Hodgson C, Burrell AJC, Buscher H, Dalton H, Cho SM, Choi HA, Thomson D, Suen J, Fraser JF
(2021), FRONT MED-LAUSANNE, 8, 738086
Ward N, Morrow S, Stiller K, Holland AE
(2021), Thorax, 76, 763-71