Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Standards of practice in infectious diseases for pharmacy services

Kelly Cairns, Minyon Avent, Evetter Buono, Ron Cheah, Misah Devchand, Sharmila Khumra, Matthew Rawlins, Jason Roberts, Kristin Xenos, Courtney Munro

(2021), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 51(3), 247-64

DOI: 10.1002/jppr.1744

Attitudes, barriers and facilitators of hospital pharmacists conducting practice-based research: a systematic review

Savana Reali, Terea Lee, Jaclyn Bishop, Sanja Mirkov, Jacinta Johnson, Elizabeth McCourt, Jeffery Hughes, Losa Pont, Amy Page, Jonothan Penm

(2021), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 51(3), 192-202

DOI: 10.1002/jppr.1741

Attitudes to Drug Use in Residential Aged Care Facilities: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Nurses and Care Staff

Lo SY, Reeve E, Page AT, Zaidi STR, Hilmer SN, Etherton-Beer C, McLachlan A, Pont L, Naganathan V

(2021), DRUG AGING, 38(8), 697-711

DOI: 10.1007/s40266-021-00874-2

Medication Safety- Global View, local action

Graudins L

(2021), Pharmacy Growth, Research, Innovation and Training, 5(1-2), 54-6

DOI: 10.24080/grit.1323

Writing your first research paper: a practical guide for clinicians

Shania Liu, Deanna Mill, Amy Page and Kenneth Lee

(2021), Pharmacy Growth, Research, Innovation and Training, 5(1-2), 40-4

DOI: 10.24080/grit.1322

Anticholinergics and clinical outcomes amongst people with pre-existing dementia: A systematic review

Wang K, Alan J, Page AT, Dimopoulos E, Etherton-Beer C

(2021), Maturitas, 151, 1-14

DOI: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2021.06.004

Developing clinical indicators for oncology: the inaugural cancer care indicator set for the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards

Segelov E, Carrington C, Aranda S, Currow D, Zalcberg JR, Heriot AG, Mileshkin L, Coutsouvelis J, Millar JL, Collopy BT, Emery JD, Zhang P, Cooper S, O'Kane C, Wale J, Hancock SJ, Sulkowski A, Bashford J

(2021), MED J AUSTRALIA, 214(11), 528-31

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51087

The impact of pharmacist‐led antifungal stewardship interventions in the hospital setting: a systematic review

Anna Khanina, Kelly Cairns, David Kong, Karin Thursky, Monica Slavin, Jason Roberts

(2021), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 51(2), 90-105

DOI: 10.1002/jppr.1721

Reducing medication-related harm through the adoption of technology

Dooley M

(2021), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 51(2), 85

Exploring the practice, confidence and educational needs of hospital pharmacists in reviewing antimicrobial prescribing: a cross-sectional, nationwide survey

Khumra S, Mahony AA, Bergen PJ, Page AT, Elliott RA

(2021), BMC Med Educ, 21(1), 235

DOI: 10.1186/s12909-021-02664-1

Developing a checklist for reporting research using simulated patient methodology (CRiSP): a consensus study

Amaratunge S, Harrison M, Clifford R, Seubert L, Page A, Bond C

(2021), International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 29(3), 218-27

DOI: 10.1093/ijpp/riaa002

Gestational Folate and Offspring Bone Health; The Vitamin D in Pregnancy Study

Percival MA, Pasco JA, Hosking SM, Williams LJ, Holloway-Kew KL, Hyde NK

(2021), CALCIFIED TISSUE INT, 108(5), 605-9

DOI: 10.1007/s00223-020-00795-z

Hospital antibiotic prescribing patterns in adult patients according to the WHO Access, Watch and Reserve classification (AWaRe): results from a worldwide point prevalence survey in 69 countries

Pauwels I, Versporten A, Drapier N, Vlieghe E, Goossens H; Global-PPS network

(2021), J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH, 76(6), 1614-24

DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkab050

Introduction of a modified analgesic ladder in the emergency depart-ment: Effect on oxycodone use for back pain

Ly J, Roman CP, Luckhoff C, Cameron PA, Dooley MJ, Mitra B

(2021), Journal of Opioid Management, 17(1), 55-61

DOI: 10.5055/jom.2021.0613

COVID-19: Filling the Many Knowledge Gaps and Supporting Evidence-Based Vaccination

Dooley M

(2021), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 51(1), 4-6

DOI: 10.1002/jppr.1717

Involvement of emergency medicine pharmacists in stroke thrombolysis: A cohort study

Roman C, Cloud G, Dooley M, Mitra B

(2021), J Clin Pharm Ther, 46(4), 1095-102

DOI: 10.1111/jcpt.13414

Hospital pharmacists' experiences of participating in a partnered pharmacist medication charting credentialing program: a qualitative study

Beks H, Namara KM, Manias E, Dalton A, Tong E, Dooley M

(2021), BMC Health Serv Res, 21(1), 251

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06267-w

Building on Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs Through Integration with Electronic Medical Records: The Australian Experience

Cairns KA, Rawlins MDM, Unwin SD, Doukas FF, Burke R, Tong E, Henderson AJ, Cheng AC

(2021), Infect Dis Ther, 10(1), 61-73

DOI: 10.1007/s40121-020-00392-5

Treatment of invasive IMP-4 Enterobacter cloacae infection in transplant recipients using ceftazidime/avibactam with aztreonam: A case series and literature review

Cairns KA, Hall V, Martin GE, Griffin DWJ, Stewart JD, Khan SF, Abbott IJ, Meher-Homji Z, Morrissey CO, Sia C, Love J, Corallo CE, Bergin P, Sharma A, Basu G, Spencer A, Peleg AY

(2021), Transpl Infect Dis, 23(2), e13510

DOI: 10.1111/tid.13510

Mild cognitive impimmunologyent: To diagnose or not to diagnose

Wang KN, Page AT, Etherton-Beer CD

(2021), Australas J Ageing, 40(2), 111-15

DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12913