Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Treated pain and mental health conditions after road traffic injury: Variations across geography and socioeconomic disadvantage in Victoria, Australia

Giummarra, M.J., Beck, B., Collie, A., Gabbe, B.J.

(2021), J TRANSP HEALTH, 20, 101003

DOI: 10.1016/j.jth.2020.101003.

Classification of road traffic injury collision characteristics using text mining analysis: Implications for road injury prevention

Giummarra MJ, Beck B, Gabbe BJ

(2021), PLoS One, 16(1), e0245636

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245636

Cortical thickness and resting-state cardiac function across the lifespan: A cross-sectional pooled mega-analysis

Koenig J, Abler B, Agartz I, Åkerstedt T, Andreassen OA, Anthony M, Bär KJ, Bertsch K, Brown RC, Brunner R, Carnevali L, Critchley HD, Cullen KR, de Geus EJC, de la Cruz F, Dziobek I, Ferger MD, Fischer H, Flor H, Gaebler M, Gianaros PJ, Giummarra MJ, Greening SG, Guendelman S, Heathers JAJ, Herpertz SC, Hu MX, Jentschke S, Kaess M, Kaufmann T, Klimes-Dougan B, Koelsch S, Krauch M, Kumral D, Lamers F, Lee TH, Lekander M, Lin F, Lotze M, Makovac E, Mancini M, Mancke F, Månsson KNT, Manuck SB, Mather M, Meeten F, Min J, Mueller B, Muench V, Nees F, Nga L, Nilsonne G, Ordonez Acuna D, Osnes B, Ottaviani C, Penninx BWJH, Ponzio A, Poudel GR, Reinelt J, Ren P, Sakaki M, Schumann A, Sørensen L, Specht K, Straub J, Tamm S, Thai M, Thayer JF, Ubani B, van der Mee DJ, van Velzen LS, Ventura-Bort C, Villringer A, Watson DR, Wei L, Wendt J, Schreiner MW, Westlye LT, Weymar M, Winkelmann T, Wu GR, Yoo HJ, Quintana DS

(2021), Psychophysiology, 58(7), e13688

DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13688

Patterns and predictors of personal responsibility attributions after major trauma

Lau G, Gabbe BJ, Giummarra MJ

(2021), Injury, 52(10), 2886-95

DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2021.06.037.

An evaluation of the association between fault attribution and healthcare costs and trajectories in the first three years after transport injury

Giummarra, M.J., Dipnall, J.F., Collie, A., Ponsford, J., Ameratunga, S. Gabbe, B.J.

(2021), Injury, 52(11), 3309-19

DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2021.09.027.

Health status after penetrating major trauma in Victoria, Australia: a registry-based cohort study

Giummarra MJ, Dipnall JF, Gibson G, Beck B, Gabbe BJ

(2021), Qual Life Res, 30(12), 3511-21

DOI: 10.1007/s11136-021-02876-4

Driver, Collision and Meteorological Characteristics of Motor Vehicle Collisions among Road Trauma Survivors

Giummarra MJ, Xu R, Guo Y, Dipnall JF, Ponsford J, Cameron PA, Ameratunga S, Gabbe BJ

(2021), INT J ENV RES PUB HE, 18(21), 11380

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182111380

Effect of low-dose amitriptyline on reducing pain in clinical knee osteoarthritis compared to benztropine: study protocol of a randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled trial

Wluka AE, Urquhart DM, Teichtahl AJ, Hussain SM, Forbes A, Arnold C, Wang Y, Cicuttini FM

(2021), BMC MUSCULOSKEL DIS, 22(1), 826

DOI: 10.1186/s12891-021-04690-y

Effects of a pain management programme on occupational performance are influenced by gains in self-efficacy

Thomas F, Gibson SJ Arnold CA, Giumarra MJ

(2021), BRIT J OCCUP THER, 7, 410-20

DOI: 10.1177/0308022620949093

Evaluation of the relationship between geographic proximity and treatment for people referred to a metropolitan multidisciplinary pain clinic

Giummarra, M.J., Arnold, C.A., Beck, B

(2021), PAIN MED, 22(9), 1993-2006

DOI: 10.1093/pm/pnab011

Severe treatment-resistant autoimmune haemolytic anaemia following ipilimumab in a patient with metastatic melanoma and CLL

Jobson D, McCormack CJ, Hiscutt E, Tam C

(2021), LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA, 62(4), 992-4

DOI: 10.1080/10428194.2020

Diagnostic tools used for melanoma: A survey of Australian general practitioners and dermatologists

Nguyen J, Ting S, Paul E, Smith AL, Watts CG, Kelly J, Cust AE, Mar V

(2021), Australas J Dermatol, 62(3), 300-9

DOI: 10.1111/ajd.13595

Genomic Risk Score for Melanoma in a Prospective Study of Older Individuals

Bakshi A, Yan M, Riaz M, Polekhina G, Orchard SG, Tiller J, Wolfe R, Joshi A, Cao Y, McInerney-Leo AM, Yanes T, Janda M, Soyer HP, Cust AE, Law MH, Gibbs P, McLean C, Chan AT, McNeil JJ, Mar VJ, Lacaze P

(2021), JNCI-J NATL CANCER I, 113(10), 1379-85

DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djab076

Can patient-led surveillance detect subsequent new primary or recurrent melanomas and reduce the need for routinely scheduled follow-up? A protocol for the MEL-SELF randomised controlled trial

Ackermann DM, Smit AK, Janda M, van Kemenade CH, Dieng M, Morton RL, Turner RM, Cust AE, Irwig L, Hersch JK, Guitera P, Soyer HP, Mar V, Saw RPM, Low D, Low C, Drabarek D, Espinoza D, Emery J, Murchie P, Thompson JF, Scolyer RA, Azzi A, Lilleyman A, Bell KJL

(2021), Trials, 22(1), 324

DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05231-7

Dermoscopic Evaluation of Inflammatory Nail Disorders and Their Mimics

Lim SS, Chamberlain A, Hur K, Ohn J, Han B, Mar V, Mun JH

(2021), ACTA DERM-VENEREOL, 101(9), adv00548

DOI: 10.2340/00015555-3917

Training and Retaining Physician‒Scientists in Dermatology: Australia

Khosrotehrani K, Murrell D, Veysey E, Tong P, Bennett H, Mar V, Soyer HP

(2021), JID Innovations, 2(1), 100074

DOI: 10.1016/j.xjidi.2021.100074

Non-diagnostic sonography may reduce negative appendicectomy rate in women when combined with abbreviated Alvarado score

Bappayya S, Chen F, Alderuccio M, Xu E, Vootukuru N, Lee JC

(2021), ANZ J Surg, 91(4), 609-15

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16588

Speaking Up and Speaking Out: Gender Diversity in the Scientific Programme of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress

Lai CS, Farrar J, Stanzah F, Crammond B, Wong SL, Lee JC

(2021), World J Surg, 45(10), 3048-55

DOI: 10.1007/s00268-021-06105-4

Patient Reported Experience on Consenting for Surgery - Elective Versus Emergency Patients

Maher DI, Serpell JW, Ayton D, Lee JC

(2021), J Surg Res, 265, 114-21

DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2021.03.026

Less extensive surgery for low-risk papillary thyroid cancers post 2015 American Thyroid Association guidelines in an Australian tertiary centre

Adhami M, Bhatt CR, Grodski S, Serpell J, Lee JC

(2021), European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 47(11), 2781-7

DOI: 10.1016/j.ejso.2021.06.018