Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Long-term safety and effectiveness of berotralstat for hereditary angioedema: The open-label APeX-S study

Farkas H, Stobiecki M, Peter J, Kinaciyan T, Maurer M, Aygören-Pürsün E, Kiani-Alikhan S, Wu A, Reshef A, Bygum A, Fain O, Hagin D, Huissoon A, Jeseňák M, Lindsay K, Panovska VG, Steiner UC, Zubrinich C, Best JM, Cornpropst M, Dix D, Dobo SM, Iocca HA, Desai B, Murray SC, Nagy E, Sheridan WP

(2021), Clin Transl Allergy, 11(4), e12035

DOI: 10.1002/clt2.12035

A GLIMmer of insight into lung transplant nutrition: Enhanced detection of malnutrition in lung transplant patients using the GLIM criteria

Emsley C, King S, Nyulasi I, Snell G

(2021), Clin Nutr, 40(5), 2521-6

DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2021.02.047

High intensity interval training versus moderate intensity continuous training for people with interstitial lung disease: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Dowman LM, May AK, Hill CJ, Bondarenko J, Spencer L, Morris NR, Alison JA, Walsh J, Goh NSL, Corte T, Glaspole I, Chambers DC, McDonald CF, Holland AE

(2021), BMC Pulm Med, 21(1), 361

DOI: 10.1186/s12890-021-01704-2

Pulmonary rehabilitation for interstitial lung disease

Dowman L, Hill CJ, Holland AE

(2021), COCHRANE DB SYST REV, 2, CD006322

DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006322.pub4

Attenuation of exertional desaturation and preference for interval exercise compared to continuous exercise in people with interstitial lung disease

Dowman LM, May AK, Cox NS, Morris NR, Nakazawa A, Parker L, Bondarenko J, Holland AE

(2021), Respirology, 26(11), 1076-9

DOI: 10.1111/resp.14159

Exposure to mine fire related particulate matter and mortality: A time series analysis from the Hazelwood Health Study

Dimitriadis C, Gao CX, Ikin JF, Wolfe R, Gabbe BJ, Sim MR, Abramson MJ, Guo Y

(2021), Chemosphere, 285, 131351

DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131351

Cluster Analysis of Inflammatory Biomarker Expression in the International Severe Asthma Registry

Denton E, Price DB, Tran TN, Canonica GW, Menzies-Gow A, FitzGerald JM, Sadatsafavi M, Perez de Llano L, Christoff G, Quinton A, Rhee CK, Brusselle G, Ulrik C, Lugogo N, Hore-Lacy F, Chaudhry I, Bulathsinhala L, Murray RB, Carter VA, Hew M

(2021), J ALLER CL IMM-PRACT, 9(7), 2680-8.e7

DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2021.02.059

Tailored or adapted interventions for adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and at least one other long-term condition: a mixed methods review

Dennett EJ, Janjua S, Stovold E, Harrison SL, McDonnell MJ, Holland AE

(2021), COCHRANE DB SYST REV, 7(7), CD013384

DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013384.pub2

The mediating role of lung function on air pollution-induced cardiopulmonary mortality in elderly women: The SALIA cohort study with 22-year mortality follow-up

Dalecká A, Wigmann C, Kress S, Altug H, Jiřík V, Heinrich J, Abramson MJ, Schikowski T

(2021), INT J HYG ENVIR HEAL, 233, 113705

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113705

Home-based pulmonary rehabilitation early after hospitalisation in COPD (early HomeBase): protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Cox NS, Lahham A, McDonald CF, Mahal A, O'Halloran P, Hepworth G, Spencer L, McNamara RJ, Bondarenko J, Macdonald H, Gavin S, Burge AT, Le Maitre C, Ringin C, Webb E, Nichols A, Tsai LL, Luxton N, van Hilten S, Santos M, Crute H, Byrne M, Boursinos H, Broe J, Corbett M, Marceau T, Warrick B, Boote C, Melinz J, Holland AE

(2021), BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 8(1), e001107

DOI: 10.1136/bmjresp-2021-001107

The impact of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis on health state utility values: evidence from Australia

Cox IA, de Graaff B, Ahmed H, Campbell J, Otahal P, Corte TJ, Glaspole I, Moodley Y, Goh N, Macansh S, Walters EH, Palmer AJ

(2021), Qual Life Res, 30(9), 2615-32

DOI: 10.1007/s11136-021-02879-1

Challenges of evaluating the effect of exercise training on salivary IgA in people with COPD

Cox NS, McDonald CF, Gleeson M, Wood L, Hall S, Hill C, Bondarenko J, Holland AE

(2021), Clin Respir J, 15(6), 699-701

DOI: 10.1111/crj.13337

Telerehabilitation for chronic respiratory disease

Cox NS, Dal Corso S, Hansen H, McDonald CF, Hill CJ, Zanaboni P, Alison JA, O'Halloran P, Macdonald H, Holland AE

(2021), COCHRANE DB SYST REV, 1(1), CD013040

DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013040.pub2

The Role of In Vivo and Ex Vivo Diagnostic Tools in Severe Delayed Immune-Mediated Adverse Antibiotic Drug Reactions

Copaescu A, Mouhtouris E, Vogrin S, James F, Chua KYL, Holmes NE, Douglas A, Slavin MA, Cleland H, Zubrinich C, Aung AK, Goh MSY, Phillips EJ, Trubiano JA; Australasian Registry of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions (AUS-SCAR)

(2021), J ALLER CL IMM-PRACT, 9(5), 2010-5

DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2020.12.052

Repeated adrenaline requirements for anaphylaxis

Chatelier J, Stojanovic S, Lin T, Denton E, Dabscheck E, Hew M, Bosco JJ

(2021), Intern Med J, 51(12), 2133-9

DOI: 10.1111/imj.15614

The AWESCORE, a patient-reported outcome measure: development, feasibility, reliability, validity and responsiveness for adults with cystic fibrosis

Button BM, Wilson LM, Burge AT, Kimmel L, Finlayson F, Williams E, Talbot A, Tierney A, King S, Holland AE, Keating D, Kotsimbos T, Wilson JW

(2021), ERJ Open Research, 7(3), 00120-2021

DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00120-2021

Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Adult Patients with Asthma: A Population-Based Cohort Study from UK Primary Care

Busby J, Price D, Al-Lehebi R, Bosnic-Anticevich S, van Boven JFM, Emmanuel B, FitzGerald JM, Gaga M, Hansen S, Hew M, Iwanaga T, Larenas Linnemann D, Mahboub B, Mitchell P, Morrone D, Pham J, Porsbjerg C, Roche N, Wang E, Eleangovan N, Heaney LG

(2021), J Asthma Allergy, 14, 1375-88

DOI: 10.2147/JAA.S326213

Application of the Modified Incremental Step Test for Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Burge AT, Rodrigues JC Jr, Abramson MJ, Cox NS, Bondarenko J, Webb E, Marceau T, Handley E, Macdonald H, Askin A, Calasans GASA, do Amaral DP, Dreger J, Dal Corso S, Holland AE

(2021), PHYS THER REHABIL J, 101(5), pzab044

DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzab044

Management of anaphylaxis due to COVID-19 vaccines in the elderly

Bousquet J, Agache I, Blain H, Jutel M, Ventura MT, Worm M, Del Giacco S, Benetos A, Bilo BM, Czarlewski W, Abdul Latiff AH, Al-Ahmad M, Angier E, Annesi-Maesano I, Atanaskovic-Markovic M, Bachert C, Barbaud A, Bedbrook A, Bennoor KS, Berghea EC, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bonini S, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Brockow K, Brussino L, Camargos P, Canonica GW, Cardona V, Carreiro-Martins P, Carriazo A, Casale T, Caubet JC, Cecchi L, Cherubini A, Christoff G, Chu DK, Cruz AA, Dokic D, El-Gamal Y, Ebisawa M, Eberlein B, Farrell J, Fernandez-Rivas M, Fokkens WJ, Fonseca JA, Gao Y, Gavazzi G, Gawlik R, Gelincik A, Gemicioğlu B, Gotua M, Guérin O, Haahtela T, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Hoffmann HJ, Hofmann M, Hrubisko M, Illario M, Irani C, Ispayeva Z, Ivancevich JC, Julge K, Kaidashev I, Khaitov M, Knol E, Kraxner H, Kuna P, Kvedariene V, Lauerma A, Le LTT, Le Moing V, Levin M, Louis R, Lourenco O, Mahler V, Martin FC, Matucci A, Milenkovic B, Miot S, Montella E, Morais-Almeida M, Mortz CG, Mullol J, Namazova-Baranova L, Neffen H, Nekam K, Niedoszytko M, Odemyr M, O'Hehir RE, Okamoto Y, Ollert M, Palomares O, Papadopoulos NG, Panzner P, Passalacqua G, Patella V, Petrovic M, Pfaar O, Pham-Thi N, Plavec D, Popov TA, Recto MT, Regateiro FS, Reynes J, Roller-Winsberger RE, Rolland Y, Romano A, Rondon C, Rottem M, Rouadi PW, Salles N, Samolinski B, Santos AF, S Sarquis F, Sastre J, M G A Schols J, Scichilone N, Sediva A, Shamji MH, Sheikh A, Skypala I, Smolinska S, Sokolowska M, Sousa-Pinto B, Sova M, Stelmach R, Sturm G, Suppli Ulrik C, Todo-Bom AM, Toppila-Salmi S, Tsiligianni I, Torres M, Untersmayr E, Urrutia Pereira M, Valiulis A, Vitte J, Vultaggio A, Wallace D, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Wang DY, Waserman S, Yorgancioglu A, Yusuf OM, Zernotti M, Zidarn M, Chivato T, Akdis CA, Zuberbier T, Klimek L

(2021), Allergy, 76(10), 2952-64

DOI: 10.1111/all.14838

ARIA-EAACI care pathways for allergen immunotherapy in respiratory allergy

Bousquet J, Pfaar O, Agache I, Bedbrook A, Akdis CA, Canonica GW, Chivato T, Al-Ahmad M, Abdul Latiff AH, Ansotegui IJ, Bachert C, Baharuddin A, Bergmann KC, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bjermer L, Bonini M, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Bosse I, Brough HA, Brussino L, Calderon MA, Caraballo L, Cardona V, Carreiro-Martins P, Casale T, Cecchi L, Cepeda Sarabia AM, Chkhartishvili E, Chu DK, Cirule I, Cruz AA, Czarlewski W, Del Giacco S, Demoly P, Devillier P, Dokic D, Durham SL, Ebisawa M, El-Gamal Y, Emuzyte R, Gamkrelidze A, Fauquert JL, Fiocchi A, Fokkens WJ, Fonseca JA, Fontaine JF, Gawlik R, Gelincik A, Gemicioglu B, Gereda JE, Gerth van Wijk R, Gomez RM, Gotua M, Grisle I, Guzmán MA, Haahtela T, Halken S, Heffler E, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Hossny E, Hrubiško M, Irani C, Ivancevich JC, Ispayeva Z, Julge K, Kaidashev I, Kalayci O, Khaitov M, Klimek L, Knol E, Kowalski ML, Kraxner H, Kull I, Kuna P, Kvedariene V, Kritikos V, Lauerma A, Lau S, Laune D, Levin M, Larenas-Linnemann DE, Lodrup Carlsen KC, Lombardi C, Lourenço OM, Mahboub B, Malling HJ, Manning P, Marshall GD, Melén E, Meltzer EO, Miculinic N, Milenkovic B, Moin M, Montefort S, Morais-Almeida M, Mortz CG, Mösges R, Mullol J, Namazova Baranova L, Neffen H, Nekam K, Niedoszytko M, Odemyr M, O'Hehir RE, Ollert M, O'Mahony L, Ohta K, Okamoto Y, Okubo K, Pajno GB, Palomares O, Palkonen S, Panzner P, G Papadopoulos N, Park HS, Passalacqua G, Patella V, Pawankar R, Pham-Thi N, Plavec D, Popov TA, Recto M, Regateiro FS, Riggioni C, Roberts G, Rodriguez-Gonzales M, Rosario N, Rottem M, Rouadi PW, Ryan D, Samolinski B, Sanchez-Borges M, Serpa FS, Sastre J, Scadding GK, Shamji MH, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Schünemann HJ, Sheikh A, Scichilone N, Sisul JC, Sofiev M, Solé D, Sooronbaev T, Soto-Martinez M, Soto-Quiros M, Sova M, Schwarze J, Skypala I, Suppli-Ulrik C, Taborda-Barata L, Todo-Bom A, Torres MJ, Valentin-Rostan M, Tomazic PV, Valero A, Toppila-Salmi S, Tsiligianni I, Untersmayr E, Urrutia-Pereira M, Valiulis A, Valovirta E, Vandenplas O, Ventura MT, Vichyanond P, Wagenmann M, Wallace D, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Wang Y, Waserman S, Wong GW, Yorgancioglu A, Yusuf OM, Zernotti M, Zhang L, Zidarn M, Zuberbier T, Jutel M

(2021), Clin Transl Allergy, 11(4), e12014

DOI: 10.1002/clt2.12014