Research publications
Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals.
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Sturt RN, Holland AE, New PW
(2009), Spinal Cord, 47(10), 763-8
Bousquet J, Bachert C, Canonica GW, Casale TB, Cruz AA, Lockey RJ, Zuberbier T; Extended Global Allergy and Asthma European Network, World Allergy Organization and Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma Study Group
(2009), J Allergy Clin Immunol, 124(3), 428-33
Stafrace S, Lilly A
(2008), Aust Health Rev, 32(3), 577-82
Rose M, Scharf S
(2008), Intern Med J, 38(2), 136-9
Rathore FA, Farooq F, Muzammil S, New PW, Ahmad N, Haig AJ
(2008), Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 89(3), 579-85
Piriyaprasarth P, Morris ME, Winter A, Bialocerkowski AE
(2008), BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 9, 6
Ngo TT, Liu GB, Tilley AJ, Pettigrew JD, Miller SM
(2008), Brain Res Bull, 75(5), 610-8
New PW
(2008), J Rehabil Med, 40(8), 678-80
New PW
(2008), Spinal Cord, 46(12), 824
New PW, Sundararajan V
(2008), Spinal Cord, 46(6), 406-11
New PW, Poulos CJ
(2008), Med J Aust, 189(6), 340-3
Lim SY, Farrell MJ, Gibson SJ, Helme RD, Lang AE, Evans AH
(2008), Mov Disord, 23(12), 1689-95
Giummarra MJ, Gibson SJ, Georgiou-Karistianis N, Bradshaw JL
(2008), Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 32(1), 143-60
Gibson SJ
(2008), In: Pain Older Persons Spec Int Group Newsletter, 3, 2-3
Anpalahan M, Gibson SJ
(2008), Intern Med J, 38(1), 16-23
Wise FM
(2007), Aust Fam Physician, 36(12), 1019-24
New PW, Epi MC
(2007), J Spinal Cord Med, 30(3), 225-37
Goeman DP, O’Hehir RE, Jenkins C, Scharf SL, Douglass JA
(2007), Clin Resp J, 1(2), 99-105
Rush K, Dillon D, Scharf S
(2007), Australas J Ageing, 26(2), 91-3