Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Defining discharge-readiness from subacute care from all stakeholders' perspectives: a systematic review

Gledhill K, Hanna L, Nicks R, Lannin NA

(2021), Disabil Rehabil, 43(22), 3127-34

DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1733107

Impact of Radiotherapy on the Efficacy and Toxicity of anti-PD-1 Inhibitors in Metastatic NSCLC

Samuel E, Lie G, Balasubramanian A, Hiong A, So Y, Voskoboynik M, Moore M, Shackleton M, Haydon A, John T, Mitchell PLR, Markman B, Briggs P, Parakh S

(2021), Clin Lung Cancer, 22(3), e425-30

DOI: 10.1016/j.cllc.2020.06.001

The acceleration of ageing in older patients with cancer

Muhandiramge J, Orchard S, Haydon A, Zalcberg J

(2021), J Geriatr Oncol, 12(3), 343-51

DOI: 10.1016/j.jgo.2020.09.010

An observational study of the association between sleep disturbance, fatigue and cognition in the post-acute period after mild traumatic brain injury in prospectively studied premorbidly healthy adults

Anderson JFI, Jordan AS

(2021), Neuropsychol Rehabil, 31(9), 1444-65

DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2020.1781665

Investigating White Matter Tract Microstructural Changes at Six-Twelve Weeks following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Combined Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging Study

Oehr LE, Yang JY, Chen J, Maller JJ, Seal ML, Anderson JFI

(2021), J NEUROTRAUM, 38(16), 2255-63

DOI: 10.1089/neu.2020.7310

The End Unexplained Cardiac Death (EndUCD) Registry for Young Australian Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Paratz ED, Rowsell L, van Heusden A, Zentner D, Parsons S, Morgan N, Thompson T, James P, Pflaumer A, Semsarian C, Ingles J, Case R, Ball J, Smith K, Stub D, La Gerche A; Australian EndUCD Registry

(2021), Heart Lung Circ, 30(5), 714-20

DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2020.09.937

Coordinated assertive aftercare: Measuring the expereince and impact of a hybrid clinical/non-clinical post suicidal assertive outreach team

Wright AM, Lee J, Rylatt D, Henderson K, Cronje H, Kehoe M, Stafrace S

(2021), Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 4, 100133

DOI: 10.1016/j.jadr.2021.100133

During MRI Predicted by out-of-Scanner Sustained Attention Performance in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Thomson P, Johnson KA, Malpas CB, Efron D, Sciberras E, Silk TJ

(2021), J Atten Disord, 25(10), 1429-40

DOI: 10.1177/1087054720911988

The histopathological staging of tau, but not amyloid, corresponds to antemortem cognitive status, dementia stage, functional abilities and neuropsychiatric symptoms

Malpas CB, Sharmin S, Kalincik T

(2021), Int J Neurosci, 131(8), 800-9

DOI: 10.1080/00207454.2020.1758087

Disability outcomes of early cerebellar and brainstem symptoms in multiple sclerosis

Le M, Malpas C, Sharmin S, Horáková D, Havrdova E, Trojano M, Izquierdo G, Eichau S, Ozakbas S, Lugaresi A, Prat A, Girard M, Duquette P, Larochelle C, Alroughani R, Bergamaschi R, Sola P, Ferraro D, Grammond P, Grand' Maison F, Terzi M, Boz C, Hupperts R, Butzkueven H, Pucci E, Granella F, Van Pesch V, Soysal A, Yamout BI, Lechner-Scott J, Spitaleri D, Ampapa R, Turkoglu R, Iuliano G, Ramo-Tello C, Sanchez-Menoyo JL, Sidhom Y, Gouider R, Shaygannejad V, Prevost J, Altintas A, Fragoso YD, McCombe PA, Petersen T, Slee M, Barnett MH, Vucic S, Van Der Walt A, Kalincik T

(2021), MULT SCLER J, 27(5), 755-66

DOI: 10.1177/1352458520926955

Virtual Histology of Cortical Thickness and Shared Neurobiology in 6 Psychiatric Disorders

Writing Committee for the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Autism Spectrum Disorder; Bipolar Disorder; Major Depressive Disorder; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; and Schizophrenia ENIGMA Working Groups, Patel Y, Parker N, Shin J, Howard D, French L, Thomopoulos SI, Pozzi E, Abe Y, Abé C, Anticevic A, Alda M, Aleman A, Alloza C, Alonso-Lana S, Ameis SH, Anagnostou E, McIntosh AA, Arango C, Arnold PD, Asherson P, Assogna F, Auzias G, Ayesa-Arriola R, Bakker G, Banaj N, Banaschewski T, Bandeira CE, Baranov A, Bargalló N, Bau CHD, Baumeister S, Baune BT, Bellgrove MA, Benedetti F, Bertolino A, Boedhoe PSW, Boks M, Bollettini I, Del Mar Bonnin C, Borgers T, Borgwardt S, Brandeis D, Brennan BP, Bruggemann JM, Bülow R, Busatto GF, Calderoni S, Calhoun VD, Calvo R, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Cannon DM, Carr VJ, Cascella N, Cercignani M, Chaim-Avancini TM, Christakou A, Coghill D, Conzelmann A, Crespo-Facorro B, Cubillo AI, Cullen KR, Cupertino RB, Daly E, Dannlowski U, Davey CG, Denys D, Deruelle C, Di Giorgio A, Dickie EW, Dima D, Dohm K, Ehrlich S, Ely BA, Erwin-Grabner T, Ethofer T, Fair DA, Fallgatter AJ, Faraone SV, Fatjó-Vilas M, Fedor JM, Fitzgerald KD, Ford JM, Frodl T, Fu CHY, Fullerton JM, Gabel MC, Glahn DC, Roberts G, Gogberashvili T, Goikolea JM, Gotlib IH, Goya-Maldonado R, Grabe HJ, Green MJ, Grevet EH, Groenewold NA, Grotegerd D, Gruber O, Gruner P, Guerrero-Pedraza A, Gur RE, Gur RC, Haar S, Haarman BCM, Haavik J, Hahn T, Hajek T, Harrison BJ, Harrison NA, Hartman CA, Whalley HC, Heslenfeld DJ, Hibar DP, Hilland E, Hirano Y, Ho TC, Hoekstra PJ, Hoekstra L, Hohmann S, Hong LE, Höschl C, Høvik MF, Howells FM, Nenadic I, Jalbrzikowski M, James AC, Janssen J, Jaspers-Fayer F, Xu J, Jonassen R, Karkashadze G, King JA, Kircher T, Kirschner M, Koch K, Kochunov P, Kohls G, Konrad K, Krämer B, Krug A, Kuntsi J, Kwon JS, Landén M, Landrø NI, Lazaro L, Lebedeva IS, Leehr EJ, Lera-Miguel S, Lesch KP, Lochner C, Louza MR, Luna B, Lundervold AJ, MacMaster FP, Maglanoc LA, Malpas CB, Portella MJ, Marsh R, Martyn FM, Mataix-Cols D, Mathalon DH, McCarthy H, McDonald C, McPhilemy G, Meinert S, Menchón JM, Minuzzi L, Mitchell PB, Moreno C, Morgado P, Muratori F, Murphy CM, Murphy D, Mwangi B, Nabulsi L, Nakagawa A, Nakamae T, Namazova L, Narayanaswamy J, Jahanshad N, Nguyen DD, Nicolau R, O'Gorman Tuura RL, O'Hearn K, Oosterlaan J, Opel N, Ophoff RA, Oranje B, García de la Foz VO, Overs BJ, Paloyelis Y, Pantelis C, Parellada M, Pauli P, Picó-Pérez M, Picon FA, Piras F, Piras F, Plessen KJ, Pomarol-Clotet E, Preda A, Puig O, Quidé Y, Radua J, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Rasser PE, Rauer L, Reddy J, Redlich R, Reif A, Reneman L, Repple J, Retico A, Richarte V, Richter A, Rosa PGP, Rubia KK, Hashimoto R, Sacchet MD, Salvador R, Santonja J, Sarink K, Sarró S, Satterthwaite TD, Sawa A, Schall U, Schofield PR, Schrantee A, Seitz J, Serpa MH, Setién-Suero E, Shaw P, Shook D, Silk TJ, Sim K, Simon S, Simpson HB, Singh A, Skoch A, Skokauskas N, Soares JC, Soreni N, Soriano-Mas C, Spalletta G, Spaniel F, Lawrie SM, Stern ER, Stewart SE, Takayanagi Y, Temmingh HS, Tolin DF, Tomecek D, Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D, Tosetti M, Uhlmann A, van Amelsvoort T, van der Wee NJA, van der Werff SJA, van Haren NEM, van Wingen GA, Vance A, Vázquez-Bourgon J, Vecchio D, Venkatasubramanian G, Vieta E, Vilarroya O, Vives-Gilabert Y, Voineskos AN, Völzke H, von Polier GG, Walton E, Weickert TW, Weickert CS, Weideman AS, Wittfeld K, Wolf DH, Wu MJ, Yang TT, Yang K, Yoncheva Y, Yun JY, Cheng Y, Zanetti MV, Ziegler GC, Franke B, Hoogman M, Buitelaar JK, van Rooij D, Andreassen OA, Ching CRK, Veltman DJ, Schmaal L, Stein DJ, van den Heuvel OA, Turner JA, van Erp TGM, Pausova Z, Thompson PM, Paus T

(2021), JAMA PSYCHIAT, 78(1), 47-63

DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2020.2694

Association of Sustained Immunotherapy With Disability Outcomes in Patients With Active Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

izak N, Malpas CB, Sharmin S, Havrdova EK, Horakova D, Izquierdo G, Eichau S, Lugaresi A, Duquette P, Girard M, Prat A, Larochelle C, Trojano M, Grand'Maison F, Grammond P, Sola P, Ferraro D, Hupperts R, Bergamaschi R, Boz C, Van Pesch V, Spitaleri D, Terzi M, Kalincik T; MSBase Study Group

(2021), JAMA Neurol, 77(11), 1-11

DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.2453

Burnout and psychological distress amongst Australian healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dobson H, Malpas CB, Burrell AJ, Gurvich C, Chen L, Kulkarni J, Winton-Brown T

(2021), Australas Psychiatry, 29(1), 26-30

DOI: 10.1177/1039856220965045

Silent suffering of the dying and their families: impact of COVID-19

Katz NT, McInerney M, Ravindran G, Gold M

(2021), Intern Med J, 51(3), 433-5

DOI: 10.1111/imj.15101

Prolactin ordering patterns in psychiatric inpatients and the impact this has on patient management

Jones AS, Sztal-Mazer S, Rauchberger I, Hamblin PS

(2021), Australas Psychiatry, 29(3), 282-5

DOI: 10.1177/1039856220934326

The Utility of Prophylactic Zoledronic Acid in Patients Undergoing Lung Transplantation

Ng E, Topliss DJ, Paraskeva M, Paul E, Sztal-Mazer S

(2021), J Clin Densitom, 24(4), 581-90

DOI: 10.1016/j.jocd.2020.10.003

Sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors: managing the small but critical risk of diabetic ketoacidosis

Hamblin PS, Wong R, Bach LA

(2021), MED J AUSTRALIA, 214(2), 94-94.e1

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.50898

Laboratory quality assessment of candidate gene panel testing for acute myeloid leukaemia: a joint ALLG / RCPAQAP initiative

Corboy G, Othman J, Lee L, Wei A, Ivey A, Blombery P, Agarwal R, Fong C, Brown A, Scott H, Grove C, Louw A, Enjeti A, Iland H, Paul C, Bohlander S, Kakadia P, Horan M, Stevenson W

(2021), Pathology, 53(4), 487-92

DOI: 10.1016/j.pathol.2020.08.019

Search and Contain: Impact of an integrated genomic and epidemiological surveillance and response program for control of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales

Lane CR, Brett J, Schultz M, Gorrie CL, Stevens K, Cameron DRM, St George S, van Diemen A, Easton M, Stuart RL, Sait M, Peleg AY, Stewardson AJ, Cheng AC, Spelman DW, Waters MJ, Ballard SA, Sherry NL, Williamson DA, Romanes F, Sutton B, Kwong JC, Seemann T, Goncalves da Silva A, Stephens N, Howden BP

(2021), Clin Infect Dis, 73(11), e3912-20

DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa972

Combined Associations of a Polygenic Risk Score and Classical Risk Factors With Breast Cancer Risk

Kapoor PM, Mavaddat N, Choudhury PP, Wilcox AN, Lindström S, Behrens S, Michailidou K, Dennis J, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Jung A, Abu-Ful Z, Ahearn T, Andrulis IL, Anton-Culver H, Arndt V, Aronson KJ, Auer PL, Freeman LEB, Becher H, Beckmann MW, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Benitez J, Bernstein L, Bojesen SE, Brauch H, Brenner H, Brüning T, Cai Q, Campa D, Canzian F, Carracedo A, Carter BD, Castelao JE, Chanock SJ, Chatterjee N, Chenevix-Trench G, Clarke CL, Couch FJ, Cox A, Cross SS, Czene K, Dai JY, Earp HS, Ekici AB, Eliassen AH, Eriksson M, Evans DG, Fasching PA, Figueroa J, Fritschi L, Gabrielson M, Gago-Dominguez M, Gao C, Gapstur SM, Gaudet MM, Giles GG, González-Neira A, Guénel P, Haeberle L, Haiman CA, Håkansson N, Hall P, Hamann U, Hatse S, Heyworth J, Holleczek B, Hoover RN, Hopper JL, Howell A, Hunter DJ; ABCTB Investigators; kConFab/AOCS Investigators, John EM, Jones ME, Kaaks R, Keeman R, Kitahara CM, Ko YD, Koutros S, Kurian AW, Lambrechts D, Le Marchand L, Lee E, Lejbkowicz F, Linet M, Lissowska J, Llaneza A, MacInnis RJ, Martinez ME, Maurer T, McLean C, Neuhausen SL, Newman WG, Norman A, O'Brien KM, Olshan AF, Olson JE, Olsson H, Orr N, Perou CM, Pita G, Polley EC, Prentice RL, Rennert G, Rennert HS, Ruddy KJ, Sandler DP, Saunders C, Schoemaker MJ, Schöttker B, Schumacher F, Scott C, Scott RJ, Shu XO, Smeets A, Southey MC, Spinelli JJ, Stone J, Swerdlow AJ, Tamimi RM, Taylor JA, Troester MA, Vachon CM, van Veen EM, Wang X, Weinberg CR, Weltens C, Willett W, Winham SJ, Wolk A, Yang XR, Zheng W, Ziogas A, Dunning AM, Pharoah PDP, Schmidt MK, Kraft P, Easton DF, Milne RL, García-Closas M, Chang-Claude J

(2021), JNCI-J NATL CANCER I, 113(3), 329-337

DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djaa056