Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Rectum versus colon: should malignant polyps be treated differently?

Solon JG, Oliva K, Farmer KC, Wang W, Wilkins S, McMurrick PJ

(2021), ANZ J Surg, 91(5), 927-31

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16437

Utility of intra-operative flexible sigmoidoscopy to assess colorectal anastomosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Williams E, Prabhakaran S, Kong JC, Bell S, Warrier SK, Simpson P, Carne PWG, Farmer C

(2021), ANZ J Surg, 91(4), 546-52

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16338

Non-operative management for small bowel obstruction in a virgin abdomen: a systematic review

Yang TWW, Prabhakaran S, Bell S, Chin M, Carne P, Warrier SK, Skinner S, Kong JC

(2021), ANZ J Surg, 91(5), 802-9

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16392

Management of bile leak following blunt liver injury: a proposed guideline

Oo J, Smith M, Ban EJ, Clements W, Tagkalidis P, Fitzgerald M, Pilgrim CHC

(2021), ANZ J Surg, 91(6), 1164-9

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16552

Blunt abdominal trauma resulting in ovarian mucinous cystadenoma rupture

Yang TWW, Ban EJ, Lee JC, Serpell J, Jassal K

(2021), ANZ J Surg, 91(1-2), 197-8

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16045

Challenges in diagnosis and management of a spiradenocarcinoma: a comprehensive literature review

Wagner K, Jassal K, Lee JC, Ban EJ, Cameron R, Serpell J

(2021), ANZ J Surg, 91(10), 1996-2001

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16626

Disseminated nocardiosis with adrenal abscess masquerading as metastatic adrenal cancer in an immunocompetent adult

Langmaid T, Jassal K, Meher-Homji Z, Lee JC, Serpell J, Yeung M, McMahon J, Grodski S

(2021), ANZ J Surg, 91(6), E396-8

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16423

Initial experiences of robotic SP cholecystectomy: a comparative analysis with robotic Si single-site cholecystectomy

Cruz CJ, Huynh F, Kang I, Lee WJ, Kang CM

(2021), Ann Surg Treat Res, 100(1), 1-7

DOI: 10.4174/astr.2021.100.1.1

Viability of using a computer tablet to monitor an upper limb home exercise program in stroke

Levy T, Killington M, Lannin N, Crotty M

(2021), PHYSIOTHER THEOR PR, 37(2), 331-41

DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1625092

Statin use and fall-related hospitalizations among residents of long-term care facilities: A case-control study

Wang, Kate N.; Bell, J Simon; Tan, Edwin CK.; Gilmartin-Thomas, Julia; Dooley, Michael; Ilomaki, Jenni

(2020), J CLIN LIPIDOL, 14(4), 507-514.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jacl.2020.05.008

Exogenous dihydrosphingosine 1 phosphate mediates collagen synthesis in cardiac fibroblasts through JAK/STAT signalling and regulation of TIMP1

Magaye, Ruth R.; Savira, Feby; Hua, Yue; Xiong, Xin; Huang, Li; Reid, Christopher; Flynn, Bernard; Kaye, David; Liew, Danny; Wang, Bing H.

(2020), CELL SIGNAL, 72, 109629

DOI: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2020.109629

Elder Abuse in the Out-of-Hospital and Emergency Department Settings

Mercier, Éric; Nadeau, Alexandra; Brousseau, Audrey Anne; Émond, Marcel; Lowthian, Judy; Berthelot, Simon; Costa, Andrew P.; Mowbray, Fabrice; Melady, Don; Yadav, Krishan; Nickel, Christian; Cameron, Peter A.

(2020), ANN EMERG MED, 75(2), 181-191.

DOI: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2019.12.011

Understanding quality systems in the South African prehospital emergency medical services

Howard, Ian; Cameron, Peter; Wallis, Lee; Castrén, Maaret; Lindström, Veronica

(2020), BMJ Open Quality, 9(2), e000946.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-000946

Nutraceuticals in heart failure patients

Hopper, Ingrid; Connell, Cia; Briffa, Tom; de Pasquale, Carmine G.; Driscoll, Andrea; Kistler, Peter M.; Macdonald, Peter S.; Sindone, Andrew P.; Thomas, Liza; Atherton, John J.

(2020), J CARD FAIL, 26(2), 166-179.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cardfail.2019.10.014

Health economic evaluations of sepsis interventions in critically ill adult patients

Higgins, Alisa M.; Brooker, Joanne E.; MacKie, Michael; Cooper, D. Jamie; Harris, Anthony H.

(2020), J INTENSIVE CARE, 8(1), 5

DOI: 10.1186/s40560-019-0412-2

Outcomes after occupational therapy intervention for traumatic brachial plexus injury: A prospective longitudinal cohort study

Cole, Tanya; Nicks, Rebecca; Ferris, Scott; Paul, Eldho; O'Brien, Lisa; Pritchard, Elizabeth

(2020), J HAND THER, 33(4), 528-539.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jht.2019.08.002

The cost-effectiveness of guideline-driven use of drug-eluting stents

Ariyaratne, Thathya V.; Ademi, Zanfina; Ofori-Asenso, Richard; Huq, Molla M.; Duffy, Stephen J.; Yan, Bryan P.; Ajani, Andrew E.; Clark, David J.; Billah, Baki; Brennan, Angela L.; New, Gishel; Andrianopoulos, Nick; Reid, Christopher M.

(2020), CURR MED RES OPIN, 36(3), 419-426.

DOI: 10.1080/03007995.2019.1708288

Early osmotherapy in severe traumatic brain injury: An International Multicenter Study

Anstey, James R.; Taccone, Fabio S.; Udy, Andrew A.; Citerio, Giuseppe; Duranteau, Jacques; Ichai, Carole; Badenes, Rafael; Prowle, John R.; Ercole, Ari; Oddo, Mauro; Schneider, Antoine G.; Van Der Jagt, Mathieu; Wolf, Stefan; Helbok, Raimund; Nelson, David W.; Skrifvars, Marius B.; Harrois, Anatole; Presneill, Jeffrey; Cooper, D. Jamie; Bailey, Michael; Bellomo, Rinaldo; ,

(2020), J NEUROTRAUM, 37(1), 178-184.

DOI: 10.1089/neu.2019.6399

Effect of hydrocortisone on mortality and organ support in patients with severe COVID-19

Angus, Derek C.; Derde, Lennie; Al-Beidh, Farah; Annane, Djillali; Arabi, Yaseen; Beane, Abigail; Van Bentum-Puijk, Wilma; Berry, Lindsay; Bhimani, Zahra; Bonten, Marc; Bradbury, Charlotte; Brunkhorst, Frank; Buxton, Meredith; Buzgau, Adrian; Cheng, Allen C.; De Jong, Menno; Detry, Michelle; Estcourt, Lise; Fitzgerald, Mark; Goossens, Herman; Green, Cameron; Haniffa, Rashan; Higgins, Alisa M.; Horvat, Christopher; Hullegie, Sebastiaan J.; Kruger, Peter; Lamontagne, Francois; Lawler, Patrick R.; Linstrum, Kelsey; Litton, Edward; Lorenzi, Elizabeth; Marshall, John; McAuley, Daniel; McGlothin, Anna; McGuinness, Shay; McVerry, Bryan; Montgomery, Stephanie; Mouncey, Paul; Murthy, Srinivas; Nichol, Alistair; Parke, Rachael; Parker, Jane; Rowan, Kathryn; Sanil, Ashish; Santos, Marlene; Saunders, Christina; Seymour, Christopher; Turner, Anne; Van De Veerdonk, Frank; Venkatesh, Balasubramanian; Zarychanski, Ryan; Berry, Scott; Lewis, Roger J.; McArthur, Colin; Webb, Steven A.; Gordon, Anthony C.; ,

(2020), JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, 324(13), 1317-1329.

DOI: 10.1001/jama.2020.17022

The remap-cap (Randomized embedded multifactorial adaptive platform for community-acquired pneumonia) Study rationale and design

Angus, Derek C.; Berry, Scott; Lewis, Roger J.; Al-Beidh, Farah; Arabi, Yaseen; van Bentum-Puijk, Wilma; Bhimani, Zahra; Bonten, Marc; Broglio, Kristine; Brunkhorst, Frank; Cheng, Allen C.; Chiche, Jean Daniel; de Jong, Menno; Detry, Michelle; Goossens, Herman; Gordon, Anthony; Green, Cameron; Higgins, Alisa M.; Hullegie, Sebastiaan J.; Kruger, Peter; Lamontagne, Francois; Litton, Edward; Marshall, John; McGlothlin, Anna; McGuinness, Shay; Mouncey, Paul; Murthy, Srinivas; Nichol, Alistair; O'Neill, Genevieve K.; Parke, Rachael; Parker, Jane; Rohde, Gernot; Rowan, Kathryn; Turner, Anne; Young, Paul; Derde, Lennie; McArthur, Colin; Webb, Steven A.

(2020), ANN AM THORAC SOC, 17(7), 879-891.

DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202003-192SD