Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Aged rats have an altered immune response and worse outcomes after traumatic brain injury

Sun, Mujun; Brady, Rhys D.; Casillas-Espinosa, Pablo M.; Wright, David K.; Semple, Bridgette D.; Kim, Hyun Ah; Mychasiuk, Richelle; Sobey, Christopher G.; O'Brien, Terence J.; Vinh, Antony; McDonald, Stuart J.; Shultz, Sandy R.

(2019), BRAIN BEHAV IMMUN, (80), 536-550

DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2019.04.038

Comparative effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

Silvennoinen, Katri; de Lange, Nikola; Zagaglia, Sara; Balestrini, Simona; Androsova, Ganna; Wassenaar, Merel; Auce, Pauls; Avbersek, Andreja; Becker, Felicitas; Berghuis, Bianca; Campbell, Ellen; Coppola, Antonietta; Francis, Ben; Wolking, Stefan; Cavalleri, Gianpiero L.; Craig, John; Delanty, Norman; Johnson, Michael R.; Koeleman, Bobby P.C.; Kunz, Wolfram S.; Lerche, Holger; Marson, Anthony G.; O’Brien, Terence J.; Sander, Josemir W.; Sills, Graeme J.; Striano, Pasquale; Zara, Federico; van der Palen, Job; Krause, Roland; Depondt, Chantal; Sisodiya, Sanjay M.; ,

(2019), Epilepsia Open, 4(3), 420-430

DOI: 10.1002/epi4.12349

Mild closed-head injury in conscious rats causes transient neurobehavioral and glial disturbances

Pham, Louise; Shultz, Sandy R.; Kim, Hyun Ah; Brady, Rhys; Wortman, Ryan Cristopher; Genders, Shannyn G.; Hale, Matthew W.; O'Shea, Ross; Djouma, Elvan; van den Buuse, Maarten; Church, Jarrod E.; Christie, Brian R.; Drummond, Grant; Sobey, Christopher G; McDonald, Stuart

(2019), J NEUROTRAUM, 36(14), 2260-2271

DOI: 10.1089/neu.2018.6169

Validation of a precision tremor measurement system for multiple sclerosis

Perera, Thushara; Lee, Wee Lih; Yohanandan, Shivanthan A.C.; Nguyen, Ai Lan; Cruse, Belinda; Boonstra, Frederique M.C.; Noffs, Gustavo; Vogel, Adam P.; Kolbe, Scott C.; Butzkueven, Helmut; Evans, Andrew; van der Walt, Anneke

(2019), J NEUROSCI METH, (311), 377-384

DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2018.09.022

Human GABRG2 generalized epilepsy increased somatosensory and striatothalamic connectivity

Pedersen, Mangor; Kowalczyk, Magdalena; Omidvarnia, Amir; Perucca, Piero; Gooley, Samuel; Petrou, Steven; Scheffer, Ingrid E.; Berkovic, Samuel F.; Jackson, Graeme D.

(2019), Neurology: Genetics, 5(4), 340

DOI: 10.1212/NXG.0000000000000340

Incidence of pregnancy and disease-modifying therapy exposure trends in women with multiple sclerosis

Nguyen, Ai Lan; Havrdova, Eva Kubala; Horakova, Dana; Izquierdo, Guillermo; Kalincik, Tomas; van der Walt, Anneke; Terzi, Murat; Alroughani, Raed; Duquette, Pierre; Girard, Marc; Prat, Alexandre; Boz, Cavit; Sola, Patrizia; Ferraro, Diana; Lugaresi, Alessandra; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Barnett, Michael; Grand'Maison, Francois; Grammond, Pierre; Ramo-Tello, Cristina; Turkoglu, Recai; McCombe, Pamela; Pucci, Eugenio; Trojano, Maria; Granella, Franco; Spitaleri, Daniele; Van Pesch, Vincent; Soysal, Aysun; Oreja-Guevara, Celia; Verheul, Freek; Vucic, Steve; Hodgkinson, Suzanne; Slee, Mark; Ampapa, Radek; Prevost, Julie; Menoyo, Jose Luis Sanchez; Skibina, Olga; Solaro, Claudio; Olascoaga, Javier; Shaw, Cameron; Madsen, Klaus Gregaard; Naidoo, Kerisha; Hyde, Robert; Butzkueven, Helmut; Jokubaitis, Vilija; ,

(2019), MULT SCLER RELAT DIS, (28), 235-243

DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2019.01.003

Glutamate weighted imaging contrast in gliomas with 7 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging

Neal, Andrew; Moffat, Bradford A.; Stein, Joel M.; Nanga, Ravi Prakash Reddy; Desmond, Patricia; Shinohara, Russell T.; Hariharan, Hari; Glarin, Rebecca; Drummond, Katharine; Morokoff, Andrew; Kwan, Patrick; Reddy, Ravinder; O'Brien, Terence J.; Davis, Kathryn A.

(2019), NEUROIMAGE-CLIN, 22, 101694

DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101694

Comparison of fingolimod, dimethyl fumarate and teriflunomide for multiple sclerosis

Kalincik, Tomas; Kubala Havrdova, Eva; Horakova, Dana; Izquierdo, Guillermo; Prat, Alexandre; Girard, Marc; Duquette, Pierre; Grammond, Pierre; Onofrj, Marco; Lugaresi, Alessandra; Ozakbas, Serkan; Kappos, Ludwig; Kuhle, Jens; Terzi, Murat; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Boz, Cavit; Grand'Maison, Francois; Prevost, Julie; Sola, Patrizia; Ferraro, Diana; Granella, Franco; Trojano, Maria; Bergamaschi, Roberto; Pucci, Eugenio; Turkoglu, Recai; McCombe, Pamela A.; Pesch, Vincent Van; Van Wijmeersch, Bart; Solaro, Claudio; Ramo-Tello, Cristina; Slee, Mark; Alroughani, Raed; Yamout, Bassem; Shaygannejad, Vahid; Spitaleri, Daniele; Sánchez-Menoyo, José Luis; Ampapa, Radek; Hodgkinson, Suzanne; Karabudak, Rana; Butler, Ernest; Vucic, Steve; Jokubaitis, Vilija; Spelman, Tim; Butzkueven, Helmut

(2019), J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS, 90(4), 458-468

DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2018-319831

Multiple sclerosis registries in Europe – An updated mapping survey

Glaser, A.; Stahmann, A.; Meissner, T.; Flachenecker, P.; Horáková, D.; Zaratin, P.; Brichetto, G.; Pugliatti, M.; Rienhoff, O.; Vukusic, S.; de Giacomoni, A. C.; Battaglia, M. A.; Brola, W.; Butzkueven, H.; Casey, R.; Drulovic, J.; Eichstädt, K.; Hellwig, K.; Iaffaldano, P.; Ioannidou, E.; Kuhle, J.; Lycke, K.; Magyari, M.; Malbaša, T.; Middleton, R.; Myhr, K. M.; Notas, K.; Orologas, A.; Otero-Romero, S.; Pekmezovic, T.; Sastre-Garriga, J.; Seeldrayers, P.; Soilu-Hänninen, M.; Stawiarz, L.; Trojano, M.; Ziemssen, T.; Hillert, J.; Thalheim, C.

(2019), MULT SCLER RELAT DIS, (27), 171-178

DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2018.09.032

Inflammation in Traumatic Brain Injury: Roles for Toxic A1 Astrocytes and Microglial-Astrocytic Crosstalk

Clark, David P.Q.; Perreau, Victoria M.; Shultz, Sandy R.; Brady, Rhys D.; Lei, Enie; Dixit, Shilpi; Taylor, Juliet M.; Beart, Philip M.; Boon, Wah Chin

(2019), NEUROCHEM RES, 44(6), 1410–1424

DOI: 10.1007/s11064-019-02721-8

Disease-modifying effects of a novel T-type calcium channel antagonist, Z944, in a model of temporal lobe epilepsy

Casillas-Espinosa, Pablo M.; Shultz, Sandy R.; Braine, Emma L.; Jones, Nigel C.; Snutch, Terrance P.; Powell, Kim L.; O'Brien, Terence J.

(2019), PROG NEUROBIOL, 182, 101677

DOI: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2019.101677

A universal automated tool for reliable detection of seizures in rodent models of acquired and genetic epilepsy

Casillas-Espinosa, Pablo M.; Sargsyan, Armen; Melkonian, Dmitri; O'Brien, Terence J.

(2019), EPILEPSIA, 60(4), 783-791

DOI: 10.1111/epi.14691

Cognitive deficits in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy using touchscreen-based translational tools

Carron, Simone; Dezsi, Gabi; Ozturk, Ezgi; Nithianantharajah, Jess; Jones, Nigel C.

(2019), EPILEPSIA, 60(8), 1650-1660

DOI: 10.1111/epi.16291

Supranutritional Sodium Selenate Supplementation Delivers Selenium to the Central Nervous System

Cardoso, Barbara R.; Roberts, Blaine R.; Malpas, Charles B.; Vivash, Lucy; Genc, Sila; Saling, Michael M.; Desmond, Patricia; Steward, Christopher; Hicks, Rodney J.; Callahan, Jason; Brodtmann, Amy; Collins, Steven; Macfarlane, Stephen; Corcoran, Niall M.; Hovens, Christopher M.; Velakoulis, Dennis; O’Brien, Terence J.; Hare, Dominic J.; Bush, Ashley I.

(2019), NEUROTHERAPEUTICS, 16(1), 192-202

DOI: 10.1007/s13311-018-0662-z

Cav3.2 T-type calcium channel mutation influences kindling-induced thalamic neuronal firing patterns in Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats From Strasbourg

Çarçak, Nihan; Ali, Idrish; Powell, Kim; Zheng, Thomas; Onat, Filiz; O'Brien, Terence J.

(2019), EPILEPSIA, 60(7), 1378-1386

DOI: 10.1111/epi.16076

Metabolic patterns and seizure outcomes following anterior temporal lobectomy

Cahill, Varduhi; Sinclair, Benjamin; Malpas, Charles B.; McIntosh, Anne M.; Chen, Zhibin; Vivash, Lucy E.; O'Shea, Marie F.; Wilson, Sarah J.; Desmond, Patricia M.; Berlangieri, Salvatore U.; Hicks, Rodney J.; Rowe, Christopher C.; Morokoff, Andrew P.; King, James A.; Fabinyi, Gavin C.; Kaye, Andrew H.; Kwan, Patrick; Berkovic, Samuel F.; O'Brien, Terence J.

(2019), ANN NEUROL, 85(2), 241-250

DOI: 10.1002/ana.25405

Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis Is Associated With Circadian and Other Variability in Embolus Detection

Abbott, Anne L.; Merican, Julia S.; Pearce, Dora Claire; Juric, Ana; Worsnop, Christopher John; Foster, Emma Caroline; Chambers, Brian

(2019), FRONT NEUROL, 10, 332

DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00322

Valproate-associated foetal malformations—Rates of occurrence, risks in attempted avoidance

Vajda, Frank J.E.; O'Brien, Terence J.; Graham, Janet E.; Hitchcock, Alison A.; Lander, Cecilie M.; Eadie, Mervyn J.

(2019), ACTA NEUROL SCAND, 139(1), 42-48

DOI: 10.1111/ane.13005

Brain segmentation from computed tomography of healthy aging and geriatric concussion at variable spatial resolutions

Irimia, Andrei; Maher, Alexander S.; Rostowsky, Kenneth A.; Chowdhury, Nahian F.; Hwang, Darryl H.; Law, E. Meng

(2019), FRONT NEUROINFORM, 13, 9

DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2019.00009

Glucose Modifies the Effect of Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients With Acute Stroke

Chamorro, Ángel; Brown, Scott; Amaro, Sergio; Hill, Michael D.; Muir, Keith W.; Dippel, Diederik W.J.; van Zwam, Wim; Butcher, Ken; Ford, Gary A.; den Hertog, Heleen M.; Mitchell, Peter J.; Demchuk, Andrew M.; Majoie, Charles B.L.M.; Bracard, Serge; Sibon, Igor; Jadhav, Ashutosh P.; Lara-Rodriguez, Blanca; van der Lugt, Aad; Osei, Elizabeth; Renú, Arturo; Richard, Sébastien; Rodriguez-Luna, David; Donnan, Geoffrey A.; Dixit, Anand; Almekhlafi, Mohammed; Deltour, Sandrine; Epstein, Jonathan; Guillon, Benoit; Bakchine, Serge; Gomis, Meritxell; du Mesnil de Rochemont, Richard; Lopes, Demetrius; Reddy, Vivek; Rudel, Gernot; Roos, Yvo B.W.E.M.; Bonafe, Alain; Diener, Hans Christoph; Berkhemer, Olvert A.; Cloud, Geoffrey C.; Davis, Stephen M.; van Oostenbrugge, Robert; Guillemin, Francis; Goyal, Mayank; Campbell, Bruce C.V.; Menon, Bijoy K.; ,

(2019), STROKE, 50(3), 690-696

DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.023769