Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Greater Sleep Fragmentation Is Associated With Less Physical Activity in Adults With Cystic Fibrosis

Cox NS, Pepin V, Holland AE

(2019), J CARDIOPULM REHABIL, 39(1), E11-14

DOI: 10.1097/HCR.0000000000000363

Comparing Apples to Oranges?

Hodgson CL, Brodie D

(2019), ANESTHESIOLOGY, 130(4), 528-9

DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000002633

Models of Peer Support to Remediate Post-Intensive Care Syndrome: A Report Developed by the Society of Critical Care Medicine Thrive International Peer Support Collaborative

McPeake J, Hirshberg EL, Christie LM, Drumright K, Haines K, Hough CL, Meyer J, Wade D, Andrews A, Bakhru R, Bates S, Barwise JA, Bastarache J, Beesley SJ, Boehm LM, Brown S, Clay AS, Firshman P, Greenberg S, Harris W, Hill C, Hodgson C, Holdsworth C, Hope AA, Hopkins RO, Howell DCJ, Janssen A, Jackson JC, Johnson A, Kross EK, Lamas D, MacLeod-Smith B, Mandel R, Marshall J, Mikkelsen ME, Nackino M, Quasim T, Sevin CM, Slack A, Spurr R, Still M, Thompson C, Weinhouse G, Wilcox ME, Iwashyna TJ

(2019), Crit Care Med, 47(1), e21-27

DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003497

What Happens to Nutrition Intake in the Post-Intensive Care Unit Hospitalization Period? An Observational Cohort Study in Critically Ill Adults

Ridley EJ, Parke RL, Davies AR, Bailey M, Hodgson C, Deane AM, McGuinness S, Cooper DJ

(2019), JPEN-PARENTER ENTER, 43(1), 88-95

DOI: 10.1002/jpen.1196

Understanding and Enhancing Sepsis Survivorship. Priorities for Research and Practice

Prescott HC, Iwashyna TJ, Blackwood B, Calandra T, Chlan LL, Choong K, Connolly B, Dark P, Ferrucci L, Finfer S, Girard TD, Hodgson C, Hopkins RO, Hough CL, Jackson JC, Machado FR, Marshall JC, Misak C, Needham DM, Panigrahi P, Reinhart K, Yende S, Zafonte R, Rowan KM, Angus DC

(2019), AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 200(8), 972-81

DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201812-2383CP

Mechanical Ventilation Management during Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. An International Multicenter Prospective Cohort

Schmidt M, Pham T, Arcadipane A, Agerstrand C, Ohshimo S, Pellegrino V, Vuylsteke A, Guervilly C, McGuinness S, Pierard S, Breeding J, Stewart C, Ching SSW, Camuso JM, Stephens RS, King B, Herr D, Schultz MJ, Neuville M, Zogheib E, Mira JP, Rozé H, Pierrot M, Tobin A, Hodgson C, Chevret S, Brodie D, Combes A

(2019), AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 200(8), 1002-12

DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201806-1094OC

Frailty in Patients With Trauma Who Are Critically Ill: A Prospective Observational Study to Determine Feasibility, Concordance, and Construct and Predictive Validity of 2 Frailty Measures

Tipping CJ, Hodgson CL, Harrold M, Chan T, Holland AE

(2019), Phys Ther, 99(8), 1089-97

DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzz057

Mucoactive agents for adults with acute lung conditions: A systematic review

Tarrant BJ, Maitre CL, Romero L, Steward R, Button BM, Thompson BR, Holland AE

(2019), Heart Lung, 48(2), 141-7

DOI: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2018.09.010

Osteoarthritis is associated with increased failure of proximal femoral fracture fixation

Gallagher CA, Jones CW, Kimmel L, Wylde C, Osbrough A, Bulsara M, Hird K, Yates P

(2019), Int Orthop, 43(5), 1223-30

DOI: 10.1007/s00264-018-4014-8

In Reply

Smith JD, Wilson S, Schneider HG

(2019), Clin Chem, 65(5), 706-7

DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2019.302216

Opioid induced constipation management in orthopaedic and trauma patients: treatment and the potential of nurse-initiated management

Sonneborn O, Bui T

(2019), Int J Orthop Trauma Nurs, 34, 16-20

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijotn.2019.03.002

Clinical tips: Menopause/perimenopause

Page A

(2019), Australian Journal of Pharmacy,

Clinical tips: Dental Health

Page A

(2019), Australian Journal of Pharmacy,

Clinical tips: Acne

Page A

(2019), Australian Journal of Pharmacy,

Clinical tips: Food poisoning

Page A

(2019), Australian Journal of Pharmacy,

Clincial tips: Quit smoking

Page A

(2019), Australian Journal of Pharmacy,

Documenting patient consultations

Page A, Winkle A

(2019), Australian Pharmacist, 38(8), 58-65

Demystifying the Pharmacist PhD Career Pathway

Cross A, Page AT

(2019), Australian Pharmacist, 38(9), 76-9

Protocol for a non-randomised pilot and feasibility study evaluating a multicomponent intervention to simplify medication regimens for people receiving community-based home care services

Sluggett JK, Page AT, Chen EYH, Ilomäki J, Corlis M, Van Emden J, Hogan M, Caporale T, Angley M, Hilmer SN, Ooi CE, Bell JS

(2019), BMJ Open, 9(7), e025345

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025345

Influences on surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis decision making by surgical craft groups, anaesthetists, pharmacists and nurses in public and private hospitals.

Ierano C, Thursky K, Peel T, Rajkhowa A, Marshall C, Ayton D

(2019), PLoS One, 14(11), e0225011

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225011