Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Effects of Routine Position Changes and Tracheal Suctioning on Intracranial Pressure in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients

Harrois, Anatole; Anstey, James R.; Deane, Adam M.; Craig, Sally; Udy, Andrew A.; McNamara, Robert; Bellomo, Rinaldo

(2020), J NEUROTRAUM, 37(20), 2227-2233.

DOI: 10.1089/neu.2019.6873

Updated framework on quality and safety in emergency medicine

Hansen, Kim; Boyle, Adrian; Holroyd, Brian; Phillips, Georgina; Benger, Jonathan; Chartier, Lucas B.; Lecky, Fiona; Vaillancourt, Samuel; Cameron, Peter; Waligora, Grzegorz; Kurland, Lisa; Truesdale, Melinda; ,

(2020), EMERG MED J, 37(7), 437-442.

DOI: 10.1136/emermed-2019-209290

Management of Australian Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Are Potentially Harmful Treatments Still Used?

Gantner, Dashiell; Bragge, Peter; Finfer, Simon; Gabbe, Belinda; Varma, Dinesh; Webb, Steve; Waterson, Sharon; Saxena, Manoj; Rengarajoo, Parveta; Reade, Michael C.; Coates, Tom; Thomas, Piers; Cooper, Jamie

(2020), J NEUROTRAUM, 37(24), 2686-2693.

DOI: 10.1089/neu.2020.7152

Clinically significant traumatic intracranial hemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort study

O’Brien, Toby; Mitra, Biswadev; Le Sage, Natalie; Tardif, Pier-Alexandre; Emond, Marcel; D’Astous, Myreille; Mercier, Eric

(2020), BRAIN INJURY, 34(6), 836-841.

DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2020.1753242

A Novel Method of Determining Acetabular Component Size to Guide Explant in Revision Hip Arthroplasty

O Deasmhunaigh, Fiachra; Abetz, Jeremy; English, Shaun; Mitchell, David; Mitra, Biswadev

(2020), Arthroplasty Today, 6(2), 169-171.

DOI: 10.1016/j.artd.2020.02.017

Nutrition therapy in critical illness: a review of the literature for clinicians

Lambell, Kate J.; Tatucu-Babet, Oana A.; Chapple, Lee Anne; Gantner, Dashiell; Ridley, Emma J.

(2020), CRIT CARE, 24(1), 35

DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-2739-4

Early mobilisation during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation was safe and feasible: a pilot randomised controlled trial

Hodgson, Carol L.; Hayes, Kate; Linnane, Matthew; Tronstad, Oystein; Reddy, Nazmeen; Young, Meredith; Buhr, Heidi; Linke, Natalie J.; Engeler, Daniel M.; Fulcher, Bentley J.; Higgins, Alisa M.; Sheldrake, Jayne; Cooper, Jamie D.; Bailey, Michael J.; Pellegrino, Vincent A.; , ; ,

(2020), INTENS CARE MED, 46(5), 1057-1059.

DOI: 10.1007/s00134-020-05994-8

Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone, and Thiamine for Septic Shock - In Reply

Fujii, Tomoko; Udy, Andrew A.; Bellomo, Rinaldo

(2020), JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, 323(21), 2204-2205.

DOI: 10.1001/jama.2020.5850

Additional Trials of Vitamin C in Septic Shock: A Bag of Mixed Fruit

Fujii, Tomoko; Udy, Andrew A.

(2020), CHEST, 158(1), 13-14.

DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2020.03.030

Effect of Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone, and Thiamine vs Hydrocortisone Alone on Time Alive and Free of Vasopressor Support among Patients with Septic Shock

Fujii, Tomoko; Luethi, Nora; Young, Paul J.; Frei, Daniel R.; Eastwood, Glenn M.; French, Craig J.; Deane, Adam M.; Shehabi, Yahya; Hajjar, Ludhmila A.; Oliveira, Gisele; Udy, Andrew A.; Orford, Neil; Edney, Samantha J.; Hunt, Anna L.; Judd, Harriet L.; Bitker, Laurent; Naorungroj, Thummaporn; Yanase, Fumitaka; Bates, Samantha; McGain, Forbes; Hudson, Elizabeth P.; Al-Bassam, Wisam; Dwivedi, Dhiraj Bhatia; Peppin, Chloe; McCracken, Phoebe; Orosz, Judit; Bailey, Michael; Bellomo, Rinaldo; ,

(2020), JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, 323(5), 423-431.

DOI: 10.1001/jama.2019.22176

Experience gained from the implementation of the Saudi TraumA Registry (STAR)

Ford, Jane E.; Alqahtani, Abdulrahman S.; Abuzinada, Shatha A.A.; Cameron, Peter A.; Fitzgerald, Mark C.; Alenizi, Ahmed S.; Farjou, Dina

(2020), BMC HEALTH SERV RES, 20(1), 18

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-019-4881-8

Mental health of people in Australia in the first month of COVID-19 restrictions

Fisher, Jane R.W.; Tran, Thach D.; Hammarberg, Karin; Sastry, Jayagowri; Nguyen, Hau; Rowe, Heather; Popplestone, Sally; Stocker, Ruby; Stubber, Claire; Kirkman, Maggie

(2020), MED J AUSTRALIA, 213(10), 458-464.

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.50831

Parenteral nutrition in adults during acute illness: a clinical perspective for clinicians

Fetterplace, Kate; Holt, Darcy; Udy, Andrew; Ridley, Emma

(2020), INTERN MED J, 50(4), 403-411.

DOI: 10.1111/imj.14786

Investigations for the assessment of adult patients presenting to the emergency department with supraventricular tachycardia

Fernando, Harith; Adams, Nicholas G.; Mitra, Biswadev

(2020), WORLD J EMERG MED, 11(1), 54-59.

DOI: 10.5847/wjem.j.1920-8642.2020.01.008

The Effect of Transitional Care on 30-Day Outcomes in Patients Hospitalised With Acute Heart Failure

Driscoll, Andrea; Dinh, Diem; Prior, David; Kaye, David; Hare, David; Neil, Christopher; Lockwood, Siobhan; Brennan, Angela; Lefkovits, Jeff; Carruthers, Harriet; Amerena, John; Cooke, Jennifer C.; Vaddadi, Gautam; Nadurata, Voltaire; Reid, Christopher M.

(2020), HEART LUNG CIRC, 29(9), 1347-1355.

DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2020.03.004

Association between Arterial Carbon Dioxide Tension and Clinical Outcomes in Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Diehl, Arne; Burrell, Aidan J.C.; Udy, Andrew A.; Alexander, Peta M.A.; Rycus, Peter T.; Barbaro, Ryan P.; Pellegrino, Vincent A.; Pilcher, David V.

(2020), CRIT CARE MED, 48(7), 977-984.

DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004347

In-Depth Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adult Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Dennis, Mark; Lal, Sean; Forrest, Paul; Nichol, Alistair; Lamhaut, Lionel; Totaro, Richard J.; Burns, Brian; Sandroni, Claudio

(2020), J AM HEART ASSOC, 9(10), e016521.

DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.120.016521

Initiation of vasopressor infusions via peripheral versus central access in patients with early septic shock

Delaney, Anthony; Finnis, Mark; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Udy, Andrew; Jones, Daryl; Keijzers, Gerben; MacDonald, Stephen; Peake, Sandra

(2020), EMERG MED AUSTRALAS, 32(2), 210-219.

DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.13394

Outcomes Six Months after Delivering 100% or 70% of Enteral Calorie Requirements during Critical Illness (TARGET). A Randomized Controlled Trial

Deane, Adam M.; Little, Lorraine; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Chapman, Marianne J.; Davies, Andrew R.; Ferrie, Suzie; Horowitz, Michael; Hurford, Sally; Lange, Kylie; Litton, Edward; Mackle, Diane; O'Connor, Stephanie; Parker, Jane; Peake, Sandra L.; Presneill, Jeffrey J.; Ridley, Emma J.; Singh, Vanessa; van Haren, Frank; Williams, Patricia; Young, Paul; Iwashyna, Theodore J.; ,

(2020), AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 201(7), 814-822.

DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201909-1810OC

Think before you shave: Factors influencing choice of biopsy technique for invasive melanoma and effect on definitive management

de Menezes, Sara Lee; Wolfe, Rory; Kelly, John William; Farrugia, Helen; Mar, Victoria Jane

(2020), AUSTRALAS J DERMATOL, 61(2), 134-139.

DOI: 10.1111/ajd.13227