Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Incidence and risk factors for stroke following percutaneous coronary intervention

Dawson, Luke P.; Cole, Justin A.; Lancefield, Terase F.; Ajani, Andrew E.; Andrianopoulos, Nick; Thrift, Amanda G.; Clark, David J.; Brennan, Angela L.; Freeman, Melanie; O'Brien, Jessica; Sebastian, Martin; Chan, William; Shaw, James A.; Dinh, Diem; Reid, Christopher M.; Duffy, Stephen J.; ,

(2020), INT J STROKE, 15(8), 909-922.

DOI: 10.1177/1747493020912607

Frailty and mortality in patients with COVID-19

Darvall, Jai N.; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Young, Paul J.; Rockwood, Kenneth; Pilcher, David

(2020), Lancet Public Health, 5(11), e580.

DOI: 10.1016/S2468-2667(20)30228-0

Frailty and outcomes from pneumonia in critical illness: a population-based cohort study

Darvall, Jai N.; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Bailey, Michael; Paul, Eldho; Young, Paul J.; Rockwood, Kenneth; Pilcher, David

(2020), BRIT J ANAESTH, 125(5), 730-738.

DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2020.07.049

Management of adult cardiac arrest in the COVID-19 era: consensus statement from the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine

Craig, Simon; Cubitt, Mya; Jaison, Ashish; Troupakis, Steven; Hood, Natalie; Fong, Christina; Bilgrami, Adnan; Leman, Peter; Ascencio-Lane, Juan Carlos; Nagaraj, Guruprasad; Bonning, John; Blecher, Gabriel; Mitchell, Rob; Burkett, Ellen; McCarthy, Sally M.; Rojek, Amanda M.; Hansen, Kim; Psihogios, Helen; Allely, Peter; Judkins, Simon; Foong, Lai Heng; Bernard, Stephen; Cameron, Peter A.

(2020), MED J AUSTRALIA, 213(3), 126-133.

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.50699

The effect of a low-dose naloxone infusion on the incidence of respiratory depression after intrathecal morphine administration for major open hepatobiliary surgery

Cosgrave, D.; Vencken, S.; Galligan, M.; McGuinness, S.; Soukhin, E.; McMullan, V.; Nair, S.; Puttappa, A.; Boylan, J.; Hussain, R.; Conlon, N.; Doran, P.; Nichol, A.

(2020), ANAESTHESIA, 75(6), 747-755.

DOI: 10.1111/anae.14931

Clinical Sequelae From Overfeeding in Enterally Fed Critically Ill Adults: Where Is the Evidence?

Chapple, Lee anne S.; Weinel, Luke; Ridley, Emma J.; Jones, Daryl; Chapman, Marianne J.; Peake, Sandra L.

(2020), JPEN-PARENTER ENTER, 44(6),

DOI: 10.1002/jpen.1740

Nutrition management for critically and acutely unwell hospitalised patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Australia and New Zealand

Chapple, Lee anne S.; Fetterplace, Kate; Asrani, Varsha; Burrell, Aidan; Cheng, Allen C.; Collins, Peter; Doola, Ra'eesa; Ferrie, Suzie; Marshall, Andrea P.; Ridley, Emma J.

(2020), NUTR DIET, 77(4), 426-436.

DOI: 10.1111/1747-0080.12636

Home-based pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD using minimal resources: An economic analysis

Burge, Angela T.; Holland, Anne E.; McDonald, Christine F.; Abramson, Michael J.; Hill, Catherine J.; Lee, Annemarie L.; Cox, Narelle S.; Moore, Rosemary; Nicolson, Caroline; O'Halloran, Paul; Lahham, Aroub; Gillies, Rebecca; Mahal, Ajay

(2020), RESPIROLOGY, 25(2), 183-190.

DOI: 10.1111/resp.13667

Traumatic injury survivors’ perceptions of their future: a longitudinal qualitative study

Braaf, Sandy; Ameratunga, Shanthi; Ponsford, Jennie; Cameron, Peter; Collie, Alex; Harrison, James; Ekegren, Christina; Christie, Nicola; Nunn, Andrew; Gabbe, Belinda

(2020), Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(19), 2707-2717.

DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1571116

Impact of limited English proficiency on presentation and clinical outcomes of patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention

Biswas, Sinjini; Dinh, Diem; Lucas, Mark; Duffy, Stephen J.; Brennan, Angela; Liew, Danny; Cox, Nicholas; Smith, Karen; Andrew, Emily; Nehme, Ziad; Reid, Christopher M.; Lefkovits, Jeffrey; Stub, Dion

(2020), European Heart Journal - Quality of Care & Clinical Outcomes, 6(4), 254-262.

DOI: 10.1093/ehjqcco/qcz061

Factors associated with hypertension and its management among older rural Australians

Betts, Juliana M.; Gao, Caroline; Brown, David; Ikin, Jillian; Maniam, Roshan; Stub, Dion; Abramson, Michael J.; Liew, Danny

(2020), AUST J RURAL HEALTH, 28(4), 399-407.

DOI: 10.1111/ajr.12634

Characteristics and Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Australia and New Zealand

Berenyi, Freya; Steinfort, Daniel P.; Abdelhamid, Yasmine Ali; Bailey, Michael J.; Pilcher, David V.; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Finnis, Mark E.; Young, Paul J.; Deane, Adam M.

(2020), ANN AM THORAC SOC, 17(6), 736-745.

DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201911-821OC

Collateral damage: Hidden impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest system-of-care

Ball, J.; Nehme, Z.; Bernard, S.; Stub, D.; Stephenson, M.; Smith, K.

(2020), RESUSCITATION, 156, 157-63

DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.09.017

Timing of Initiation of Renal-Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury

Bagshaw, Sean M.; Wald, Ron; Adhikari, Neill K.J.; Bellomo, Rinaldo; da Costa, Bruno R.; Dreyfuss, Didier; Du, Bin; Gallagher, Martin P.; Gaudry, Stéphane; Hoste, Eric A.; Lamontagne, François; Joannidis, Michael; Landoni, Giovanni; Liu, Kathleen D.; McAuley, Daniel F.; McGuinness, Shay P.; Neyra, Javier A.; Nichol, Alistair D.; Ostermann, Marlies; Palevsky, Paul M.; Pettilä, Ville; Qiu, Haibo; Quenot, Jean Pierre; Rochwerg, Bram; Schneider, Antoine G.; Smith, Orla M.; Thomé, Fernando; Thorpe, Kevin E.; Vaara, Suvi; Weir, Matthew; Wang, Amanda Y.; Young, Paul; Zarbock, Alexander; , ; ,

(2020), NEW ENGL J MED, 383(3), 240-251.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2000741

Antimicrobial therapeutic drug monitoring in critically ill adult patients

Abdul-Aziz, Mohd H.; Alffenaar, Jan Willem C.; Bassetti, Matteo; Bracht, Hendrik; Dimopoulos, George; Marriott, Deborah; Neely, Michael N.; Paiva, Jose Artur; Pea, Federico; Sjovall, Fredrik; Timsit, Jean F.; Udy, Andrew A.; Wicha, Sebastian G.; Zeitlinger, Markus; De Waele, Jan J.; Roberts, Jason A.; ,

(2020), INTENS CARE MED, 46(6), 1127–1153.

DOI: 10.1007/s00134-020-06050-1

A comparison of characteristics and outcomes of patients admitted to the ICU with asthma in Australia and New Zealand and United states

Abdelkarim, Hussam; Durie, Matthew; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Bergmeir, Christoph; Badawi, Omar; El-Khawas, Khaled; Pilcher, David

(2020), J ASTHMA, 57(4), 398-404.

DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2019.1571082

Effect of Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis with Proton Pump Inhibitors vs Histamine-2 Receptor Blockers on In-Hospital Mortality among ICU Patients Receiving Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

PEPTIC Investigators for the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group, Alberta Health Services Critical Care Strategic Clinical Network, and the Irish Critical Care Trials Group; Young, Paul J.; Bagshaw, Sean M.; Forbes, Andrew B.; Nichol, Alistair D.; Wright, Stephen E.; Bailey, Michael; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Beasley, Richard; Brickell, Kathy; Eastwood, Glenn M.; Gattas, David J.; Van Haren, Frank; Litton, Edward; Mackle, Diane M.; McArthur, Colin J.; McGuinness, Shay P.; Mouncey, Paul R.; Navarra, Leanlove; Opgenorth, Dawn; Pilcher, David; Saxena, Manoj K.; Webb, Steve A.; Wiley, Daisy; Rowan, Kathryn M.; ,

(2020), JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, 323(7), 616-626.

DOI: 10.1001/jama.2019.22190

Six-month mortality and functional outcomes in aneurysmal sub-arachnoid haemorrhage patients admitted to intensive care units in Australia and New Zealand

PROMOTE-SAH Investigators; Udy, Andrew A.; Finnis, Mark; Cohen, Jeremy; Delaney, Anthony; Anstey, James; Anstey, Matthew; Barge, Deborah; Bhardwa, Vishnu; Board, Jasmin; Brinkerhoff, Gail; Fitzgerald, Emily; Flower, Oliver; Healey, Paul M.; Hunt, Anna; Lawrence, Cassie; Mehrtens, Jan; Newby, Lynette; Pearson, David; Raith, Eamon P.; Robertson, Yvonne; Schweikert, Sacha; Starr, Therese; Tallott, Mandy; van der Poll, Andrew; Young, Paul; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Cooper, David J.

(2020), J CLIN NEUROSCI, 80, 92-9

DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2020.07.049

Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension from synchronous idiopathic upper extremity deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

Yuen, Hiu Lam Agnes; Williams, Trevor J.; McGiffin, David; Chunilal, Sanjeev

(2020), ANN HEMATOL, 99(3), 667-669.

DOI: 10.1007/s00277-020-03925-7

How do healthcare professionals perceive physical activity prescription for community-dwelling people with COPD in Australia? A qualitative study

Lahham, Aroub; Burge, Angela T.; McDonald, Christine F.; Holland, Anne E.

(2020), BMJ OPEN, 10(8), e035524.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035524