Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Hookworms Evade Host Immunity by Secreting a Deoxyribonuclease to Degrade Neutrophil Extracellular Traps

Bouchery, Tiffany; Moyat, Mati; Sotillo, Javier; Silverstein, Solomon; Volpe, Beatrice; Coakley, Gillian; Tsourouktsoglou, Theodora-Dorita; Becker, Luke; Shah, Kathleen; Kulagin, Manuel; Guiet, Romain; Camberis, Mali; Schmidt, Alfonso; Seitz, Arne; Giacom

(2020), CELL HOST MICROBE, 27(2), 277-289.e6.

DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2020.01.011

Home-based or remote exercise testing in chronic respiratory disease, during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Holland, Anne E.; Malaguti, Carla; Hoffman, Mariana; Lahham, Aroub; Burge, Angela T.; Dowman, Leona; May, Anthony K.; Bondarenko, Janet; Graco, Marnie; Tikellis, Gabriella; Lee, Joanna Y.T.; Cox, Narelle S.

(2020), CHRON RESP DIS, 17,

DOI: 10.1177/1479973120952418

Home oxygen therapy for adults with chronic lung disease an official american thoracic society clinical practice guideline

Jacobs, Susan S.; Krishnan, Jerry A.; Lederer, David J.; Ghazipura, Marya; Hossain, Tanzib; Tan, Ai Yui M.; Carlin, Brian; Bradley Drummond, M.; Ekstrom, Magnus; Garvey, Chris; Graney, Bridget A.; Jackson, Beverly; Kallstrom, Thomas; Knight, Shandra L.; L

(2020), AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 202(10), E121-E141.

DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202009-3608ST

Dimethyl fumarate and its esters: A Drug with Broad Clinical Utility?

Kourakis, Stephanie; Timpani, Cara A.; de Haan, Judy B.; Gueven, Nuri; Fischer, Dirk; Rybalka, Emma

(2020), PHARMACEUTICALS-BASE, 13(10), 306

DOI: 10.3390/ph13100306

Defective formation of IgA memory B cells, Th1 and Th17 cells in symptomatic patients with selective IgA deficiency

Grosserichter-Wagener, Christina; Franco-Gallego, Alexander; Ahmadi, Fatemeh; Moncada-Vélez, Marcela; Dalm, Virgil A.S.H.; Rojas, Jessica Lineth; Orrego, Julio César; Correa Vargas, Natalia; Hammarström, Lennart; Schreurs, Marco W.J.; Dik, Willem A.; van

(2020), CLIN TRANSL IMMUNOL, 9(5), e1130.

DOI: 10.1002/cti2.1130

Crucial role for lung iron level and regulation in the pathogenesis and severity of asthma

Ali, Md Khadem; Kim, Richard Y.; Brown, Alexandra C.; Mayall, Jemma R.; Karim, Rafia; Pinkerton, James W.; Liu, Gang; Martin, Kristy L.; Starkey, Malcolm R.; Pillar, Amber L.; Donovan, Chantal; Pathinayake, Prabuddha S.; Carroll, Olivia R.; Trinder, Debbi

(2020), EUR RESPIR J, 55(4), 1901340

DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01340-2019

Response to Walgama et al. re: "Routine Preoperative Laryngoscopy for Thyroid Surgery Is Not Necessary Without Risk Factors" (Thyroid 2020;30:785-786. DOI: 10.1089/thy.2020.0042)

Lee, James C.; Maher, Dominic I.; Goare, Stephanie; Forrest, Edward; Grodski, Simon; Serpell, Jonathan W.

(2020), THYROID, 30(5), 786-787.

DOI: 10.1089/thy.2020.0163

Post Cardiotomy Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Australian Cohort Review

Farag, James; Summerhayes, Robyn; Shen, Rong; Bailey, Michael; Williams-Spence, Jenni; Reid, Christopher M.; Marasco, Silvana F.

(2020), HEART LUNG CIRC, 29(12), 1865-1872.

DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2020.05.092

Omental apoplexy: Unravelling the mystery

Moriarty, Heather K; Martin, Katherine; Koukounaras, Jim; Goh, Gerard S.; Clements, Warren

(2020), J MED IMAG RADIAT ON, 64(3), 319-325

DOI: 10.1111/1754-9485.13024

Management of People With a Fontan Circulation: a Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Position statement

Zentner, Dominica; Celermajer, David S.; Gentles, Thomas; d'Udekem, Yves; Ayer, Julian; Blue, Gillian M.; Bridgman, Cameron; Burchill, Luke; Cheung, Michael; Cordina, Rachael; Culnane, Evelyn; Davis, Andrew; du Plessis, Karin; Eagleson, Karen; Finucane, K

(2020), HEART LUNG CIRC, 29(1), 5-39.

DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2019.09.010

Human Plasminogen Exacerbates Clostridioides difficile Enteric Disease and Alters the Spore Surface

Awad, Milena M.; Hutton, Melanie L.; Quek, Adam J.; Klare, William P.; Mileto, Steven J.; Mackin, Kate; Ly, Diane; Oorschot, Viola; Bosnjak, Marijana; Jenkin, Grant; Conroy, Paul J.; West, Nick; Fulcher, Alex; Costin, Adam; Day, Christopher J.; Jennings,

(2020), GASTROENTEROLOGY, 159(4), 1431-1443.e6.

DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2020.06.032

A mouse model of Staphylococcus aureus small intestinal infection

Larcombe, Sarah; Jiang, Jhih-Hang; Hutton, Melanie L.; Abud, Helen E.; Peleg, Anton Y.; Lyras, Dena

(2020), J MED MICROBIOL, 69(2), 290-297.

DOI: 10.1099/jmm.0.001163

Young Aboriginal people's sexual health risk reduction strategies: a qualitative study in remote Australia

Bell, Stephen; Ward, James; Aggleton, Peter; Murray, Walbira; Silver, Bronwyn; Lockyer, Andrew; Ferguson, Tellisa; Fairley, Christopher K.; Whiley, David; Ryder, Nathan; Donovan, Basil; Guy, Rebecca; Kaldor, John; Maher, Lisa

(2020), Sexual Health, 17(4), 303-310.

DOI: 10.1071/SH19204

Young Aboriginal people's engagement with STI testing in the Northern Territory, Australia

Bell, Stephen; Aggleton, Peter; Ward, James; Murray, Walbira; Silver, Bronwyn; Lockyer, Andrew; Ferguson, Tellisa; Fairley, Christopher K.; Whiley, David; Ryder, Nathan; Donovan, Basil; Guy, Rebecca; Kaldor, John; Maher, Lisa

(2020), BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 20(1), 459

DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-08565-0

Risk compensation and STI incidence in PrEP programmes

Quaife, Matthew; MacGregor, Louis; Ong, Jason J.; Gafos, Mitzy; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Grant, Hannah; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Vickerman, Peter

(2020), LANCET HIV, 7(4), e222-e223.

DOI: 10.1016/S2352-3018(19)30333-9

Promoting routine syphilis screening among men who have sex with men in China

Cheng, Weibin; Wang, Cheng; Tang, Weiming; Ong, Jason J.; Fu, Hongyun; Marks, Michael; Smith, M. Kumi; Li, Changchang; Nie, Juan; Zhao, Peizhen; Zheng, Heping; Yang, Bin; Tucker, Joseph D.

(2020), BMC INFECT DIS, 20(1), 455

DOI: 10.1186/s12879-020-05188-z

Prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium by anatomical site in men who have sex with men

Latimer, Rosie L.; Shilling, Hannah S.; Vodstrcil, Lenka A.; MacHalek, Dorothy A.; Fairley, Christopher K.; Chow, Eric P.F.; Read, Tim R.H.; Bradshaw, Catriona S.

(2020), SEX TRANSM INFECT, 96(8), 563-570.

DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2019-054310

Emergence of polymyxin resistance in clinical klebsiella pneumoniae through diverse genetic adaptations

Macesic, Nenad; Nelson, Brian; McConville, Thomas H.; Giddins, Marla J.; Green, Daniel A.; Stump, Stephania; Gomez-Simmonds, Angela; Annavajhala, Medini K.; Uhlemanna, Anne-Catrin

(2020), CLIN INFECT DIS, 70(10), 2084-2091.

DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciz623

Efficacy of single and multiple oral doses of fosfomycin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa urinary tract infections in a dynamic in vitro bladder infection model

Abbott, Iain J.; van Gorp, Elke; Wijma, Rixt A.; Dekker, Jordy; Croughs, Peter D.; Meletiadis, Joseph; Mouton, Johan W.; Peleg, Anton Y.

(2020), J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH, 75(7), 1879-1888.

DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkaa127

Does skin surface temperature variation account for Buruli ulcer lesion distribution?

Sexton-Oates, Nicola K.; Stewardson, Andrew J.; Yerramilli, Arvind; Johnson, Paul D.R.

(2020), PLOS NEGLECT TROP D, 14(4), e0007732.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007732