Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Rapid Approach for Detection of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria Using Vibrational Spectroscopy

Kochan, Kamila; Nethercott, Cara; Taghavimoghaddam, Jamileh; Richardson, Zack; Lai, Elizabeth; Crawford, Simon A.; Peleg, Anton Y.; Wood, Bayden R.; Heraud, Philip

(2020), ANAL CHEM, 92(12), 8235-8243.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00474

Characterization of the pathoimmunology of necrotizing enterocolitis reveals novel therapeutic opportunities

Cho, Steven X.; Rudloff, Ina; Lao, Jason C.; Pang, Merrin A.; Goldberg, Rimma; Bui, Christine B.; McLean, Catriona A.; Stock, Magdalena; Klassert, Tilman E.; Slevogt, Hortense; Mangan, Niamh E.; Cheng, Wei; Fischer, Doris; Gfroerer, Stefan; Sandhu, Manjee

(2020), NAT COMMUN, 11(1), 5794

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19400-w

Progress and Pitfalls in the Quest for Effective SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccines

Flanagan, Katie L.; Best, Emma; Crawford, Nigel W.; Giles, Michelle; Koirala, Archana; Macartney, Kristine; Russell, Fiona; Teh, Benjamin W.; Wen, Sophie C.H.; ,

(2020), FRONT IMMUNOL, 11, 579250

DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.579250

Acceptability of dietary or nutritional supplementation in pregnancy (ADONS) – Exploring the consumer's perspective on introducing creatine monohydrate as a pregnancy supplement

de Guingand, Deborah L.; Palmer, Kirsten R.; Bilardi, Jade E.; Ellery, Stacey J.

(2020), Midwifery, 82, 102599

DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2019.102599

Impact of 24-h high and low fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharide, and polyol diets on markers of exercise-induced gastrointestinal syndrome in response to exertional heat stress

Gaskell, Stephanie K.; Taylor, Bonnie; Muir, Jane; Costa, Ricardo J.S.

(2020), APPL PHYSIOL NUTR ME, 45(6), 569-580.

DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2019-0187

The Utility of the Modified Frailty Index in Outcome Prediction for Elderly Patients with Acute Traumatic Subdural Hematoma

Lee, Hui; Tan, Caleb; Tran, Vanessa; Mathew, Joseph; Fitzgerald, Mark; Leong, Ronald; Kambourakis, Tony; Gantner, Dashiell; Udy, Andrew; Hunn, Martin; Rosenfeld, Jeffrey V.; Tee, Jin

(2020), J NEUROTRAUM, 37(23), 2499-2506.

DOI: 10.1089/neu.2019.6943

In adult patients with severe traumatic brain injury, does the use of norepinephrine for augmenting cerebral perfusion pressure improve neurological outcome? A systematic review

Lloyd-Donald, Patryck; Spencer, William; Cheng, Jacinta; Romero, Lorena; Jithoo, Ron; Udy, Andrew; Fitzgerald, Mark C.

(2020), INJURY, 51(10), 2129-2134.

DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2020.07.054

Feasibility study for implementation of resuscitative balloon occlusion of the aorta in peri-arrest, exsanguinating trauma at an adult level 1 Australian trauma centre

Fitzgerald, Mark; Lendrum, Robbie; Bernard, Stephen; Moloney, John; Smit, De Villiers; Mathew, Joseph; Kim, Yesul; Nickson, Chris; Lin, Richard M-H.; Yeung, Meei; Bystrzycki, Adam; Niggemeyer, Louise; Hendel, Simon; Mitra, Biswadev

(2020), EMERG MED AUSTRALAS, 32(1), 127-134.

DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.13443

Patient and surgery factors associated with the incidence of failed and difficult intubation

Schnittker, R.; Marshall, S. D.; Berecki-Gisolf, J.

(2020), ANAESTHESIA, 75(6), 756-766.

DOI: 10.1111/anae.14997

Whose role is it? Primary care and the provision of emotional support for women experiencing miscarriage

Sumarno, Vellyna; Temple-Smith, Meredith J.; Bilardi, Jade E.

(2020), AUST J PRIM HEALTH, 26(5), 388-395.

DOI: 10.1071/PY20042

What Can Gamma Delta T Cells Contribute to an HIV Cure?

Juno, Jennifer A.; Kent, Stephen J.

(2020), FRONT CELL INFECT MI, 10, 233

DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.00233

Verification of HIV Self-Testing Use and Results: A Global Systematic Review

Tahlil, Kadija M.; Ong, Jason J.; Rosenberg, Nora E.; Tang, Weiming; Conserve, Donaldson F.; Nkengasong, Susan; Muessig, Kathryn E.; Iwelunmor, Juliet; Ezechi, Oliver; Gbaja-Biamila, Titi; Aliyu, Sani H.; Obiezu-Umeh, Chisom; Kapogiannis, Bill; Tucker, Jo

(2020), AIDS PATIENT CARE ST, 34(4), 147-156.

DOI: 10.1089/apc.2019.0283

Using Baidu search index to monitor and predict newly diagnosed cases of HIV/AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea in China

Huang, Ruonan; Luo, Ganfeng; Duan, Qibin; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Qingpeng; Tang, Weiming; Smith, M. Kumi; Li, Jinghua; Zou, Huachun

(2020), BMJ OPEN, 10(3), e036098.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036098

Trends in the incidence of diabetes mellitus: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 and implications for diabetes mellitus prevention

Liu, Jinli; Ren, Zhen Hu; Qiang, Hua; Wu, Jine; Shen, Mingwang; Zhang, Lei; Lyu, Jun

(2020), BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 20(1), 1415

DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-09502-x

Trends and differences in sexual practices and sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men only (MSMO) and men who have sex with men and women (MSMW)

Martín-Sánchez, Mario; Case, Richard; Fairley, Christopher; Hocking, Jane S.; Bradshaw, Catriona; Ong, Jason; Chen, Marcus Y.; Chow, Eric P.F.

(2020), BMJ OPEN, 10(11), e037608.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037608

Treatment efficacy for pharyngeal Neisseria gonorrhoeae: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Kong, Fabian Y.S.; Hatzis, Christina L.; Lau, Andrew; Williamson, Deborah A.; Chow, Eric P.F.; Fairley, Christopher K.; Hocking, Jane S.

(2020), J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH, 75(11), 3109-3119.

DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkaa300

Treating male partners of women with bacterial vaginosis (StepUp): a protocol for a randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical effectiveness of male partner treatment for reducing the risk of BV recurrence

Vodstrcil, Lenka A.; Plummer, Erica L.; Doyle, Michelle; Fairley, Christopher K.; McGuiness, Colette; Bateson, Deborah; Hocking, Jane S.; Law, Matthew G.; Petoumenos, Kathy; Donovan, Basil; Chow, Eric P.F.; Bradshaw, Catriona S.; ,

(2020), BMC INFECT DIS, 20(1), 834

DOI: 10.1186/s12879-020-05563-w

Transportation, germs, culture: a dynamic graph model of COVID-19 outbreak

Yang, Xiaofei; Xu, Tun; Jia, Peng; Xia, Han; Guo, Li; Zhang, Lei; Ye, Kai

(2020), Quantitative Biology, 8(3), 238-244.

DOI: 10.1007/s40484-020-0215-4

The safe use of dating applications among men who have sex with men

Choi, Edmond P.H.; Chow, Eric P.F.; Wan, Eric Y.F.; Wong, William C.W.; Wong, Janet Y.H.; Fong, Daniel Y.T.

(2020), BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 20(1), 795

DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-08914-z

The protective potential of Fc-mediated antibody functions against influenza virus and other viral pathogens

Vanderven, Hillary A.; Kent, Stephen J.

(2020), IMMUNOL CELL BIOL, 98(4), 253-263.

DOI: 10.1111/imcb.12312