Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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The 'long shadow' of perioperative complications: association with increased risk of death up to one year after surgery

Stundner O, Myles PS

(2022), BRIT J ANAESTH, 129(4), 471-3

DOI: 101016/jbja202203014

Measurement of quality of recovery after surgery using the 15-item quality of recovery scale: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Myles PS, Shulman MA, Reilly J, Kasza J, Romero L

(2022), BRIT J ANAESTH, 128(6), 1029-39

DOI: 101016/jbja202203009

Is an Acute Perioperative Increase in Creatinine Production Rate a Potential Mechanism for an Early Creatinine-Based Signal of Renal Injury After Cardiac Surgery?

McIlroy DR, Tupper-Creed D, Neylan A, Glick R, French B

(2022), J CARDIOTHOR VASC AN, 36(8 pt B), 3114-23

DOI: 101053/jjvca202203035

Efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitors versus histamine-2 receptor blockers in the cardiac surgical population: insights from the PEPTIC trial

van Diepen S, Coulson T, Wang X, Opgenorth D, Zuege DJ, Harris J, Agyemang M, Niven DJ, Bellomo R, Wright SE, Young PJ, Bagshaw SM; PEPTIC study investigators and the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group

(2022), EUR J CARDIO-THORAC, 62(2), ezac124

DOI: 101093/ejcts/ezac124

Future of Clinical Trial Methodology

Myles PS

(2022), Anesth Analg, 134(4), 668-73

DOI: 101213/ANE0000000000005818

Predicting recovery and disability after surgery in patients with severe obesity: The role of the six-minute walk test

Smith NA, Batterham M, Shulman MA

(2022), ANAESTH INTENS CARE, 50(3), 159-68

DOI: 101177/0310057X20981969

High-sensitivity cardiac troponin I after coronary artery bypass grafting for post-operative decision-making

Omran H, Deutsch MA, Groezinger E, Zittermann A, Renner A, Neumann JT, Westermann D, Myles P, Ramosaj B, Pauly M, Scholtz W, Hakim-Meibodi K, Rudolph TK, Gummert J, Rudolph V

(2022), Eur Heart J, 43(25), 2388-403

DOI: 101093/eurheartj/ehab918

Patient-reported outcome measures to evaluate postoperative quality of life in patients undergoing elective abdominal surgery: a systematic review

Lodge ME, Moran C, Sutton ADJ, Lee HC, Dhesi JK, Andrew NE, Ayton DR, Hunter-Smith DJ, Srikanth VK, Snowdon DA

(2022), Qual Life Res, 31(8), 2267-79

DOI: 101007/s11136-021-03071-1

Analgesia for major laparoscopic abdominal surgery: a randomised feasibility trial using intrathecal morphine

Pirie K, Doane MA, Riedel B, Myles PS

(2022), Anaesthesia, 77(4), 428-37

DOI: 101111/anae15651

Treatment at point of injury - forward movement of surgical assets to address noncompressible truncal haemorrhage

Pilgrim C, Hendel S, Eatough N, Graves M

(2022), Journal of Military and Veterans Health, 30(1),

DOI: 032022-92674215

Tranexamic acid alters the immunophenotype of phagocytes after lower limb surgery

Draxler DF, Hanafi G, Zahra S, McCutcheon F, Ho H, Keragala CB, Liu Z, Daly D, Painter T, Wallace S, Plebanski M, Myles PS, Medcalf RL

(2022), Thromb J, 20(1), 17

DOI: 101186/s12959-022-00373-3

Fibrinolysis and Trauma Outcomes

Myles PS, Medcalf R

(2022), Anesthesiology, 136(1), 7-9

DOI: 101097/ALN0000000000004020

Low-Concentration Norepinephrine Infusion for Major Surgery: A Safety and Feasibility Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Aykanat VM, Myles PS, Weinberg L, Burrell A, Bellomo R

(2022), Anesth Analg, 134(2), 410-8

DOI: 101213/ANE0000000000005811

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing and Other Tests of Functional Capacity

Ferguson M, Shulman M

(2022), Current anesthesiology reports, 12(1), 26-33

DOI: 101007/s40140-021-00499-6

Facemask ventilation

Bradley WPL, Lyons C

(2022), BJA Educ, 22(1), 5-11

DOI: 101016/jbjae202109002

Core Outcome Measures for Perioperative and Anaesthetic Care (COMPAC): a modified Delphi process to develop a core outcome set for trials in perioperative care and anaesthesia

Boney O, Moonesinghe SR, Myles PS, Grocott MPW; StEP-COMPAC group

(2022), BRIT J ANAESTH, 128(1), 174-85

DOI: 101016/jbja202109027

Mass casualty, intentional vehicular trauma and anaesthesia

Walker M, d'Arville A, Lacey J, Lancman B, Moloney J, Hendel S

(2022), BRIT J ANAESTH, 128(2), e190-e199

DOI: 101016/jbja202108030

Characterisation of Plasma Mitochondrial DNA, MMP-9 and Neutrophil Elastase in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Effects of Tranexamic Acid and Postoperative Pneumonia

Sandler N, Ho H, Draxler DF, Bain CR, Smith JA, Hauser CJ, Gruen RL, Myles PS, Medcalf RL

(2022), Heart Lung Circ, 31(3), 439-46

DOI: 101016/jhlc202108008

Reimagining health preparedness in the aftermath of COVID-19

Hendel S, d'Arville A

(2022), BRIT J ANAESTH, 128(2), e100-e103

DOI: 101016/jbja202108020

'Pain-free TRUS B': a phase 3 double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial of methoxyflurane with periprostatic local anaesthesia to reduce the discomfort of transrectal ultrasonography-guided prostate biopsy (ANZUP 1501)

Hayne D, Grummet J, Espinoza D, McCombie SP, Chalasani V, Ford KS, Frydenberg M, Gilling P, Gordon B, Hawks C, Konstantatos A, Martin AJ, Nixon A, O'Brien C, Patel MI, Sengupta S, Shahbaz S, Subramaniam S, Williams S, Woo HH, Stockler MR, Davis ID, Buchan N; Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP)

(2022), BJU Int, 129(5), 591-600

DOI: 101111/bju15552