Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Preliminary investigation of the effects of γ-tACS on working memory in schizophrenia

Hoy KE, Whitty D, Bailey N, Fitzgerald PB

(2016), J Neural Transm, 123(10),

Restrictive versus liberal transfusion strategy in the perioperative and acute care settings: a context-specific systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Hovaguimian F, Myles PS

(2016), Anesthesiology, 125(1),

Retrospective review on isolated distal deep vein thrombosis (IDDVT) - a benign entity or not?

Ho P, Lim HY, Chua CC, Sleeman M, Tacey M, Donnan G, Nandurkar H

(2016), Thromb Res, 142,

Effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on working memory: a systematic review and meta-analysis of findings from healthy and neuropsychiatric populations

Hill AT, Fitzgerald PB, Hoy KE

(2016), Brain Stimul, 9(2),

Molecular imaging of activated platelets allows the detection of pulmonary embolism with magnetic resonance imaging

Heidt T, Ehrismann S, HÖvener JB, Neudorfer I, Hilgendorf I, Reisert M, Hagemeyer CE, Zirlik A, ReinÖhl J, Bode C, Peter K, von Elverfeldt D, von Zur Muhlen C

(2016), Sci Rep, 6,

The effect of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on motor sequence learning in healthy individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Hashemirad F, Zoghi M, Fitzgerald PB, Jaberzadeh S

(2016), Brain Cogn, 102,

Intestinal gas capsules: a proof-of-concept demonstration

Kalantar-Zadeh K, Yao CK, Berean KJ, Ha N, Ou JZ, Ward SA, Pillai N, Hill J, Cottrell JJ, Dunshea FR, McSweeney C, Muir JG, Gibson PR

(2016), Gastroenterology, 150(1),

Consistent prebiotic effect on gut microbiota with altered FODMAP intake in patients with Crohn's disease: a randomised, controlled cross-over trial of well-defined diets

Halmos EP, Christophersen CT, Bird AR, Shepherd SJ, Muir JG, Gibson PR

(2016), Clin Transl Gastroenterol, 7,

Antiretroviral drugs for treatment and prevention of HIV infection in adults: 2016 recommendations of the International Antiviral Society-USA Panel

Günthard HF, Saag MS, Benson CA, del Rio C, Eron JJ, Gallant JE, Hoy JF, Mugavero MJ, Sax PE, Thompson MA, Gandhi RT, Landovitz RJ, Smith DM, Jacobsen DM, Volberding PA

(2016), JAMA, 316(2),

PUMA promotes apoptosis of hematopoietic progenitors driving leukemic progression in a mouse model of myelodysplasia

Guirguis AA, Slape CI, Failla LM, Saw J, Tremblay CS, Powell DR, Rossello F, Wei A, Strasser A, Curtis DJ

(2016), Cell Death Differ, 23(6),

White matter correlates of episodic memory encoding and retrieval in schizophrenia

Green AE, Croft RJ, Maller JJ, Fitzgerald PB

(2016), Psychiatry Res, 254,

Population attributable fraction of pelvic inflammatory disease associated with chlamydia and gonorrhoea: a cross-sectional analysis of Australian sexual health clinic data

Goller JL, De Livera AM, Fairley CK, Guy RJ, Bradshaw CS, Chen MY, Simpson JA, Hocking JS

(2016), Sex Transm Infect, 9297),

Menstrual cycle characteristics in women with persistent schizophrenia

Gleeson PC, Worsley R, Gavrilidis E, Nathoo S, Ng E, Lee S, Kulkarni J

(2016), Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 50(5),

How do outcomes compare between women and men living with HIV in Australia? An observational study

Giles ML, Zapata MC, Wright ST, Petoumenos K, Grotowski M, Broom J, Law MG, O'Connor CC

(2016), Sex Health, 13(2),

Maintenance of efficacy and continuing safety of golimumab for active ulcerative colitis: PURSUIT-SC maintenance study extension through 1 year

Gibson PR, Feagan BG, Sandborn WJ, Marano C, Strauss R, Johanns J, Padgett L, Collins J, Tarabar D, Hebzda Z, Rutgeerts P, Reinisch W

(2016), Clin Transl Gastroenterol, 7,

Id2 and E proteins orchestrate the initiation and maintenance of MLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia

Ghisi M, Kats L, Masson F, Li J, Kratina T, Vidacs E, Gilan O, Doyle MA, Newbold A, Bolden JE, Fairfax KA, de Graaf CA, Firth M, Zuber J, Dickins RA, Corcoran LM, Dawson MA, Belz GT, Johnstone RW

(2016), Cancer Cell, 30(1),

Platelet and erythrocyte sources of s1p are redundant for vascular development and homeostasis, but both rendered essential after plasma s1p depletion in anaphylactic shock

Gazit SL, Mariko B, Thérond P, Decouture B, Xiong Y, Couty L, Bonnin P, Baudrie V, Le Gall SM, Dizier B, Zoghdani N, Ransinan J, Hamilton JR, Gaussem P, Tharaux PL, Chun J, Coughlin SR, Bachelot-Loza C, Hla T, Ho-Tin-Noé B, Camerer E

(2016), Circ Res, 119(8),

Humanizing the protease-activated receptor (par) expression profile in mouse platelets by knocking par1 into the par3 locus reveals par1 expression is not tolerated in mouse platelets

French SL, Paramitha AC, Moon MJ, Dickins RA, Hamilton JR

(2016), PLoS One, 11(10),

Inhibition of protease-activated receptor 4 impairs platelet procoagulant activity during thrombus formation in human blood

French SL, Arthur JF, Lee H, Nesbitt WS, Andrews RK, Gardiner EE, Hamilton JR

(2016), J Thromb Haemost, 14(8),

Emotion processing fails to modulate putative mirror neuron response to trained visuomotor associations

Fitzgibbon BM, Kirkovski M, Fornito A, Paton B, Fitzgerald PB, Enticott PG

(2016), Neuropsychologia, 84,