Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Genetically predicted Body Mass Index and breast cancer risk: Mendelian randomization analyses of data from 145,000 women of European descent

Guo Y, Warren Andersen S, Shu XO, Michailidou K, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Garcia-Closas M, Milne RL, Schmidt MK, Chang-Claude J, Dunning A, Bojesen SE, Ahsan H, Aittomäki K, Andrulis IL, Anton-Culver H, Arndt V, Beckmann MW, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Benitez J, Bogdanov

(2016), PLoS Med, 13(8),

Transferrin protects against Parkinsonian neurotoxicity and is deficient in Parkinson’s substantia nigra

Ayton S, Lei P, McLean C, Bush AI, Finkelstein DI

(2016), Signal Transduct Targeted Ther, 1(2016),

PALB2, CHEK2 and ATM rare variants and cancer risk: data from COGS

Southey MC, Goldgar DE, Winqvist R, Pylkäs K, Couch F, Tischkowitz M, Foulkes WD, Dennis J, Michailidou K, van Rensburg EJ, Heikkinen T, Nevanlinna H, Hopper JL, DÖrk T, Claes KB, Reis-Filho J, Teo ZL, Radice P, Catucci I, Peterlongo P, Tsimiklis H, Odefr

(2016), J Med Genet, 53(12),

Nigral dopaminergic PAK4 prevents neurodegeneration in rat models of Parkinson's disease

Won SY, Park MH, You ST, Choi SW, Kim HK, McLean C, Bae SC, Kim SR, Jin BK, Lee KH, Shin EY, Kim EG

(2016), Sci Transl Med, 8(367),

Rubidium and potassium levels are altered in Alzheimer's disease brain and blood but not in cerebrospinal fluid

Roberts BR, Doecke JD, Rembach A, Yévenes LF, Fowler CJ, McLean CA, Lind M, Volitakis I, Masters CL, Bush AI, Hare DJ; AIBL research group

(2016), Acta Neuropathol Commun, 4(1),

Men at risk of HIV: sexual sensation seeking, sexual compulsivity and sexual risk behavior among Australian MSM who frequently present for post-exposure prophylaxis

Danko M, Buzwell S, Earle M

(2016), Sex Addict Compulsivity, 23(4),

Telehealth to improve asthma control in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial

Zairina E, Abramson MJ, McDonald CF, Li J, Dharmasiri T, Stewart K, Walker SP, Paul E, George J

(2016), Respirology, 21(5),

Medication regimen complexity and polypharmacy as factors associated with all-cause mortality in older people: a population-based cohort study

Wimmer BC, Bell JS, Fastbom J, Wiese MD, Johnell K

(2016), Ann Pharmacother, 50(2),

Non-medical prescribing versus medical prescribing for acute and chronic disease management in primary and secondary care

Weeks G, George J, Maclure K, Stewart D

(2016), Cochrane Database Syst Rev, (11),

Development and validation of a 21-item challenges to stopping smoking (CSS-21) scale

Thomas D, Mackinnon AJ, Bonevski B, Abramson MJ, Taylor S, Poole SG, Weeks GR, Dooley MJ, George J

(2016), BMJ Open, 6(3),

Antimicrobials: a global alliance for optimizing their rational use in intra-abdominal infections (AGORA)

Sartelli M, Weber DG, Ruppé E, Bassetti M, Wright BJ, Ansaloni L, Catena F, Coccolini F, Abu-Zidan FM, Coimbra R, Moore EE, Moore FA, Maier RV, De Waele JJ, Kirkpatrick AW, Griffiths EA, Eckmann C, Brink AJ, Mazuski JE, May AK, Sawyer RG, Mertz D, Montrav

(2016), World J Emerg Surg, 11,

A 'time and motion' evaluation of automated dispensing machines in the emergency department

Roman C, Poole S, Walker C, Smit de V, Dooley MJ

(2016), Australas Emerg Nurs J, 19(2),

Open-label study of absorption and clearance of 1% voriconazole eye drops

Neoh CF, Leung L, Chan E, Al-Badriyeh D, Fullinfaw RO, Jhanji V, Vajpayee RB, Davies GE, Stewart K, Kong DC

(2016), Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 60(11),

An investigation of sodium fusidate and recombinant cytochrome P450 enzymes inhibition in-vitro

Mishriky J, Balassone J, Bashour Z, Kaur S, Raman V, Getachew R, Osman N, Guidone D, Chan V, Little PJ

(2016), Drug Metab Lett, 10(3),

Communicating about the management of medications as patients move across transition points of care: an observation and interview study

Manias E, Gerdtz M, Williams A, McGuiness J, Dooley M

(2016), J Eval Clin Pract, 22(5),

Variability of intravenous medication preparation in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units

Levkovich BJ, Bui T, Bovell A, Watterson J, Egan A, Poole SG, Dooley MJ

(2016), J Eval Clin Pract, 22(6),

Polypharmacy and medication regimen complexity as risk factors for hospitalization among residents of long-term care facilities: a prospective cohort study

Lalic S, Sluggett JK, Ilomäki J, Wimmer BC, Tan EC, Robson L, Emery T, Bell JS

(2016), J Am Med Dir Assoc, 17(11),

Nicotine replacement therapy for agitation and delirium management in the intensive care unit: a systematic review of the literature

Kowalski M, Udy AA, McRobbie HJ, Dooley MJ

(2016), J Intensive Care, 4,

Why is polypharmacy increasing in aged care facilities? The views of Australian health care professionals

Jokanovic N, Tan EC, Dooley MJ, Kirkpatrick CM, Elliott RA, Bell JS

(2016), J Eval Clin Pract, 22(5),

Medication safety: experiential learning for pharmacy students and staff in a hospital setting

Graudins LV, Dooley MJ

(2016), Pharmacy, 4,