Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT): Modified Delphi Study

Slade SC, Dionne CE, Underwood M, Buchbinder R, Beck B, Bennell K, Brosseau L, Costa L, Cramp F, Cup E, Feehan L, Ferreira M, Forbes S, Glasziou P, Habets B, Harris S, Hay-Smith J, Hillier S, Hinman R, Holland A, Hondras M, Kelly G, Kent P, Lauret GJ, Lon

(2016), Phys Ther, 96(10),

Comparing patient outcomes for care delivered by advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapists with other health professionals in the emergency department-a pilot study

Schulz P, Prescott J, Shifman J, Fiore J Jr, Holland A, Harding P

(2016), Australas Emerg Nurs J, 19(4),

The prevalence of underprescription or overprescription of energy needs in critically ill mechanically ventilated adults as determined by indirect calorimetry: a systematic literature review

Tatucu-Babet OA, Ridley EJ, Tierney AC

(2016), J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 40(2),

Experiences of older adults in a group physiotherapy program at a rehabilitation hospital: A qualitative study

Raymond MJ, Burge AT, Soh SE, Jeffs KJ, Winter A, Holland AE

(2016), J Hosp Med, 11(5),

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: an Australian perspective

Prasad J, Holland AE, Glaspole I, Westall G

(2016), Intern Med J, 46(6),

Emerging therapies for the treatment of skeletal muscle wasting in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Passey SL, Hansen MJ, Bozinovski S, McDonald CF, Holland AE, Vlahos R

(2016), Pharmacol Ther, 166,

Associations between ventilator settings during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for refractory hypoxemia and outcome in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a pooled individual patient data analysis : Mechanical ventilation during ECMO

Serpa Neto A, Schmidt M, Azevedo LC, Bein T, Brochard L, Beutel G, Combes A, Costa EL, Hodgson C, Lindskov C, Lubnow M, Lueck C, Michaels AJ, Paiva JA, Park M, Pesenti A, Pham T, Quintel M, Marco Ranieri V, Ried M, Roncon-Albuquerque R Jr, Slutsky AS, Tak

(2016), Intensive Care Med, 42(11),

Exercise training alone or with the addition of activity counseling improves physical activity levels in COPD: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Lahham A, McDonald CF, Holland AE

(2016), Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 11,

Assessing the reliability and validity of a physical therapy functional measurement tool--the Modified Iowa Level of Assistance Scale--in acute hospital inpatients

Kimmel LA, Elliott JE, Sayer JM, Holland AE

(2016), Phys Ther, 96(2),

HIP4Hips (High Intensity Physiotherapy for Hip fractures in the acute hospital setting): a randomised controlled trial

Kimmel L, Liew SM, Sayer JM, Holland AE

(2016), Med J Aust, 205(2),

Early mobilisation in ICU is far more than just exercise

Iwashyna TJ, Hodgson CL

(2016), Lancet, 388(10052),

Multimorbidity, frailty and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Are the challenges for pulmonary rehabilitation in the name?

Holland AE, Harrison SL, Brooks D

(2016), Chron Respir Dis, 13(4),

All that work and no gain: what should we do to restore physical function in our survivors?

Hodgson CL, Iwashyna TJ, Schweickert WD

(2016), Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 193(10),

Recruitment manoeuvres for adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome receiving mechanical ventilation

Hodgson C, Goligher EC, Young ME, Keating JL, Holland AE, Romero L, Bradley SJ, Tuxen D

(2016), Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 11,

Better measures, better trials, better outcomes in survivors of critical illness

Hodgson CL, Fan E

(2016), Crit Care Med, 44(6),

A binational multicenter pilot feasibility randomized controlled trial of early goal-directed mobilization in the ICU

Hodgson CL, Bailey M, Bellomo R, Berney S, Buhr H, Denehy L, Gabbe B, Harrold M, Higgins A, Iwashyna TJ, Papworth R, Parke R, Patman S, Presneill J, Saxena M, Skinner E, Tipping C, Young P, Webb S; Trial of Early Activity and Mobilization Study Investigat

(2016), Crit Care Med, 44(6),

Physical function after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients pre or post heart transplantation - an observational study

Hayes K, Holland AE, Pellegrino VA, Leet AS, Fuller LM, Hodgson CL

(2016), Heart Lung, 45(6),

Pulmonary rehabilitation exercise prescription in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: review of selected guidelines: an official statement from the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Garvey C, Bayles MP, Hamm LF, Hill K, Holland A, Limberg TM, Spruit MA

(2016), J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev, 36(2),

Transpulmonary pressure cannot be determined without esophageal pressure in ARDS patients

Garnero A, Hodgson C, Arnal JM

(2016), Minerva Anestesiol, 82(1),

A benchmarking project of physiotherapy in Australian and New Zealand adult major trauma services

Calthorpe S, Kimmel L, Webb MJ, Holland AE

(2016), N Z J Physiother, 44(3),