Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Predictors of health status and health-related quality of life 12 months after severe burn

Wasiak J, Lee SJ, Paul E, Mahar P, Pfitzer B, Spinks A, Cleland H, Gabbe B

(2014), Burns, 40(4), 568-74

Inhaled methoxyflurane for pain and anxiety relief during burn wound care procedures: an Australian case series

Wasiak J, Mahar PD, Paul E, Menezes H, Spinks AB, Cleland H

(2014), Int Wound J, 11(1), 74-8

Clinical application and viability of cryopreserved cadaveric skin allografts in severe burn: a retrospective analysis

Cleland H, Wasiak J, Dobson H, Paul M, Pratt G, Paul E, Herson M, Akbarzadeh S

(2014), Burns, 40(1), 61-6

Hospital management and clinical factors associated with ophthalmic involvement in Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

Hii BW, Mahar PD, Wasiak J, Hall AJ, Paul E, Marsh P, Buck DA, Cleland H

(2014), Burns, 40(5), 903-8

Incidence of non-candidal fungal infections in severe burn injury: an Australian perspective

Katz T, Wasiak J, Cleland H, Padiglione A

(2014), Burns, 40(5), 881-6

Clinical photography: surgeons need to get smart

Cleland H, Ross R, Kirk M, Hunter-Smith D

(2013), ANZ J Surg, 83(9), 600-1

Dressings for superficial and partial thickness burns

Wasiak J, Cleland H, Campbell F, Spinks A

(2013), Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 3, CD002106

A guide to choosing a burn scar rating scale for clinical or research use

Tyack Z, Wasiak J, Spinks A, Kimble R, Simons M

(2013), Burns, 39(7), 1341-50

Mortality and use of the auxiliary score in extensive toxic epidermal necrolysis patients admitted to an adult burns referral centre

Mahar PD, Wasiak J, Cleland H, Watters D, Paul E, Marsh P, Gin D

(2013), Dermatology, 227(2), 180-5

The Burns Evaluation and Mortality Study (BEAMS): predicting deaths in Australian and New Zealand burn patients admitted to intensive care with burns

Moore EC, Pilcher DV, Bailey MJ, Stephens H, Cleland H

(2013), J Trauma Acute Care Surg, 75(2), 298-303

12-Month generic health status and psychological distress outcomes following an Australian natural disaster experience: 2009 Black Saturday Wildfires

Wasiak J, Mahar P, Lee S, Paul E, Spinks A, Pfitzer B, Cleland H, Gabbe B

(2013), Injury, 44(11), 1443-7

Microbiology of wildfire victims differs significantly from routine burns patients: data from an Australian wildfire disaster

Sherry NL, Padiglione AA, Spelman DW, Cleland H

(2013), Burns, 39(2), 331-4

Early coagulopathy of major burns

Mitra B, Wasiak J, Cameron PA, O'Reilly G, Dobson H, Cleland H

(2013), Injury, 44(1), 40-3

Developing the first Bi-National clinical quality registry for burns--lessons learned so far

Watterson D, Gabbe BJ, Cleland H, Edgar D, Cameron P; Members of the Bi-NBR Steering Committee

(2012), Burns, 38(1), 52-60

Bushfire disaster burn casualty management: the Australian "Black Saturday" bushfire experience

Seifman M, Ek EW, Menezes H, Rozen WM, Whitaker IS, Cleland HJ

(2011), Ann Plast Surg, 67(5), 460-3

A systematic review of ketamine as an analgesic agent in adult burn injuries

McGuinness SK, Wasiak J, Cleland H, Symons J, Hogan L, Hucker T, Mahar PD

(2011), Pain Med, 12(10), 1551-8

Developing clinical quality indicators for a Bi-National Burn Registry

Watterson D, Cleland H, Darton A, Edgar D, Fong J, Harvey J, Kavanagh S, Perrett T, Singer Y, Tonkin C, Cameron P

(2011), Burns, 37(8), 1296-308

Adjuvant use of intravenous lidocaine for procedural burn pain relief: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial

Wasiak J, Spinks A, Costello V, Ferraro F, Paul E, Konstantatos A, Cleland H

(2011), Burns, 37(6), 951-7

The Alfred pre-hospital fluid formula for major burns

Mitra B, Fitzgerald M, Wasiak J, Dobson H, Cameron PA, Garner D, Cleland H

(2011), Burns, 37(7), 1134-9

Profile, transport and outcomes of severe burns patients within an inclusive, regionalized trauma system

Gabbe BJ, Cleland HJ, Cameron PA

(2011), ANZ J Surg, 81(10), 725-30