Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Testicular loss following bacterial epididymo-orchitis:case report and literature review

Fehily SR, Trubiano JA, McLean C, Teoh BW, Grummet JP, Cherry CL, Vujovic O

(2015), Can Urol Assoc J, 9(3-4), E148-51

Comparative analysis of how immune sensitization is defined prior to lung transplantation

Chin N, Paraskeva M, Paul E, Cantwell L, Levvey B, Williams T, Snell G, Westall G

(2015), Hum Immunol, 76(10), 711-6

Influenza vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation with influenza in adults in Australia in 2014

Cheng AC, Kotsimbos T, Kelly PM; FluCAN Investigators

(2015), Vaccine, 33(51), 7352-6

Spirometry and regular follow-up do not improve quality of life in children or adolescents with asthma: cluster randomized controlled trials

Abramson MJ, Schattner RL, Holton C, Simpson P, Briggs N, Beilby J, Nelson MR, Wood-Baker R, Thien F, Sulaiman ND, Colle ED, Wolfe R, Crockett AJ, Massie RJ

(2015), Pediatr Pulmonol, 50(10), 947-54

Hirayama disease

Foster E, Tsang BK, Kam A, Storey E, Day B, Hill A

(2015), J Clin Neurosci, 22(6), 951-4

Short communication: investigating a chain of HIV transmission events due to homosexual exposure and blood transfusion based on a next generation sequencing method

Zhao Q, Zhang C, Jiang Y, Wen Y, Pan P, Li Y, Zhang G, Zhang L, Qiu M

(2015), AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 31(12), 1225-9

Drug use and HIV infection status of detainees in re-education through labour camps in Guangxi Province, China

Zhang L, Yap L, Reekie J, Liu W, Chen Y, Wu Z, Wand H, Butler T

(2015), Int J Environ Res Public Health, 12(5), 4502-19

Investigation of repeat client drop-out and re-enrolment cycles in fourteen methadone maintenance treatment clinics in Guangdong, China

Zhang L, Zou X, Zhang D, Li X, Zhao P, Ling L

(2015), PLoS One, 10(10), e0139942

Paying the price in an era of HIV treatment as prevention: a retrospective study of the cost burden of HIV treatment for people living with HIV in Victoria, Australia

Wilkinson AL, McMahon J, Cheah YS, Bradshaw CS, El-Hayek C, Stoové M

(2015), Sex Health, 12(1), 34-8

INPP4B is highly expressed in prostate intermediate cells and its loss of expression in prostate carcinoma predicts for recurrence and poor long term survival

Rynkiewicz NK, Fedele CG, Chiam K, Gupta R, Kench JG, Ooms LM, McLean CA, Giles GG, Horvath LG, Mitchell CA

(2015), Prostate, 75(1), 92-102

Relationship between vitamin D status and response to hepatitis C virus therapy

Kitson MT, Sarrazin C, Toniutto P, Roberts SK

(2015), Hepatology, 62(5), 1642-3

Reply to: "Evidence supporting a beneficial role of vitamin D in chronic hepatitis C"

Kitson MT, Sarrazin C, Toniutto P, Roberts SK

(2015), J Hepatol, 63(2), 531-2

Long-term adenoma recurrence following wide-field endoscopic mucosal resection (WF-EMR) for advanced colonic mucosal neoplasia is infrequent: results and risk factors in 1000 cases from the Australian Colonic EMR (ACE) study

Moss A, Williams SJ, Hourigan LF, Brown G, Tam W, Singh R, Zanati S, Burgess NG, Sonson R, Byth K, Bourke MJ

(2015), Gut, 64(1), 57-65

Right-sided adenoma detection with retroflexion versus forward-view colonoscopy

Chandran S, Parker F, Vaughan R, Mitchell B, Fanning S, Brown G, Yu J, Efthymiou M

(2015), Gastrointest Endosc, 81(3), 608-13

Dose tailoring of anti-tumour necrosis factor-alpha therapy delivers useful clinical efficacy in Crohn disease patients experiencing loss of response

Ghaly S, Costello S, Beswick L, Pudipeddi A, Agarwal A, Sechi A, Antoniades S, Headon B, Connor S, Lawrance IC, Sparrow M, Walsh AJ, Andrews JM; AIBDA

(2015), Intern Med J, 45(2), 170-7

Compassionate access anti-tumour necrosis factor-α therapy for ulcerative colitis in Australia: the benefits to patients

Costello SP, Ghaly S, Beswick L, Pudipeddi A, Agarwal A, Sechi A, O'Connor S, Connor SJ, Sparrow MP, Bampton P, Walsh AJ, Andrews JM; Australian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Association (AIBDA)

(2015), Intern Med J, 45(6), 659-66

Lipidomic profiling in inflammatory bowel disease: comparison between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease

Fan F, Mundra PA, Fang L, Galvin A, Moore XL, Weir JM, Wong G, White DA, Chin-Dusting J, Sparrow MP, Meikle PJ, Dart AM

(2015), Inflamm Bowel Dis, 21(7), 1511-8

Effects of concomitant immunomodulator therapy on efficacy and safety of anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy for Crohn's disease: a meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials

Jones JL, Kaplan GG, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Baidoo L, Devlin S, Melmed GY, Tanyingoh D, Raffals L, Irving P, Kozuch P, Sparrow M, Velayos F, Bressler B, Cheifetz A, Colombel JF, Siegel CA

(2015), Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 13(13), 2233-40.e1-2

Radiofrequency ablation versus resection for the treatment of early stage hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicenter Australian study

Gory I, Fink M, Bell S, Gow P, Nicoll A, Knight V, Dev A, Rode A, Bailey M, Cheung W, Kemp W, Roberts SK; Melbourne Liver Group

(2015), Scand J Gastroenterol, 50(5), 567-76

Sofosbuvir plus velpatasvir combination therapy for treatment-experienced patients with genotype 1 or 3 hepatitis C virus infection: a randomized trial

Pianko S, Flamm SL, Shiffman ML, Kumar S, Strasser SI, Dore GJ, McNally J, Brainard DM, Han L, Doehle B, Mogalian E, McHutchison JG, Rabinovitz M, Towner WJ, Gane EJ, Stedman CA, Reddy KR, Roberts SK

(2015), Ann Intern Med, 163(11), 809-17