Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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The Reporting Of MEdication use in Observational studies (ROMEO) Statement

Poole SG, Bell JS, Dooley MJ, Kirkpatrick CM; ROMEO Consensus Group

(2015), Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 71(7), 897-9

A systematic review of medication exposure assessment in prospective cohort studies of community dwelling older Australians

Poole SG, Bell JS, Jokanovic N, Kirkpatrick CM, Dooley MJ

(2015), PLoS One, 10(4), e0124247

Tranexamic acid precipitating onset of acute myocardial infarction

Ngo-Thai LL, Gellatly R, Nanayakkara S

(2015), J Pharm Pract Res, 45(1), 46-8

A feasibility study of the provision of a personalized interdisciplinary audiovisual summary to facilitate care transfer care at hospital discharge: Care Transfer Video (CareTV)

Newnham H, Gibbs H, Ritchie E, Hitchcock K, Nagalingam V, Hoiles A, Wallace E, Georgeson E, Holton S

(2015), Int J Qual Health Care, 27(2), 105-9

The role of novel oral anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation

McNamara K, Gellatly R

(2015), Aust Pharmacist, 34(1), 34-9

Complexities of medicines safety: communicating about managing medicines at transition points of care across emergency departments and medical wards

Manias E, Gerdtz M, Williams A, Dooley M

(2015), J Clin Nurs, 24(1-2), 69-80

The development and evaluation of an oncological palliative care deprescribing guideline: the 'OncPal deprescribing guideline'

Lindsay J, Dooley M, Martin J, Fay M, Kearney A, Khatun M, Barras M

(2015), Support Care Cancer, 23(1), 71-8

Antibiotics in surgical wards: use or misuse? A newly industrialized country's perspective

Lim MK, Lai PS, Ponnampalavanar SS, Syed Omar SF, Taib NA, Yusof MY, Italiano CM, Kong DC, Kamarulzaman A

(2015), J Infect Dev Ctries, 9(11), 1264-71

Antibiotic use in residential aged care facilities

Lim CJ, Stuart RL, Kong DC

(2015), Aust Fam Physician, 44(4), 192-6

Renal effects of molecular targeted therapies in oncology: a review by the Cancer and the Kidney International Network (C-KIN)

Launay-Vacher V, De Castro G, Cohen E, Dooley MJ, Humphreys B, Lichtman S, Rey J, Scotte F, Wiliders H, Sprangers B

(2015), Ann Oncol, 26(8), 1677-84

Polypharmacy: a risk factor to consider in valproate-induced hyperammonaemic encephalopathy

Kowalski M, Tong EY, Yip GS, Dooley MJ

(2015), J Pharm Pract Res, 45(4), 433-6

Prevalence and factors associated with polypharmacy in long-term care facilities: a systematic review

Jokanovic N, Tan ECK, Dooley MJ, Kirkpatrick C, Bell S

(2015), J Am Med Dir Assoc, 16(6), 535.e1-12

Factors associated with medication regimen complexity in residents of long term care facilities

Herson M, Bell JS, Tan ECK, Emery T, Robson L, Wimmer BC

(2015), Eur Geriatr Med, 6(6), 561-4

Patient expectations of and willingness to use primary care pharmacy services in the United Arab Emirates

Hasan S, Sulieman H, Stewart K, Chapman CB, Hasan MY, Kong DCM

(2015), Int J Pharm Pract, 23(5), 340-8

Sodium fusidate inhibits rCYP3A4 in vitro-a possible mechanism defining the interaction with statins

Guidone D, Getachew R, Osman N, Ward M, Chan V, Little P

(2015), Clin Exp Pharmacol, 5(3), 174

Neuromuscular blocking agents: high-alert medications with ongoing risks of error

Graudins LV, Downey G, Bui T, Dooley MJ

(2015), Anaesth Intensive Care, 43(2), 270-1

Medication safety and the administration of intravenous vincristine: international survey of oncology pharmacists

Gilbar P, Chambers CR, Larizza M

(2015), J Oncol Pharm Pract, 21(1), 10-8

Identifying priorities for the pharmacy profession: the SHPA 2014 Future Summit

Dooley MJ, Dowling H, Eaton V, Kirsa S, Maunsell T, Roberts A, Ryan M

(2015), J Pharm Pract Res, 45(1), 76-80

Characterising the transmission dynamics of Acinetobacter baumannii in intensive care units using Hidden Markov models

Doan TN, Kong DC, Marshall C, Kirkpatrick CM, McBryde ES

(2015), PLoS One, 10(7), e0132037

Evaluation of the physicochemical compatibility of cyclosporin infusion and parenteral nutrition when intravenously administered via the same central line lumen

Coutsouvelis J, Dong YD, Witney K, Li W, Corallo C

(2015), J Pharm Pract Res, 45(2), 152-8