Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Findings of the first ANZICS conference on the role of intensive care in Rapid Response Teams

Jones D, Hicks P, Currey J, Holmes J, Fennessy GJ, Hillman K, Psirides A, Rai S, Singh MY, Pilcher DV, Bhonagiri D, Hart GK, Fugaccia E, Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society

(2015), Anaesth Intensive Care, 43(3), 369-79

Can we use an ex vivo continuous hemofiltration model to describe the adsorption and elimination of meropenem and piperacillin?

Jamal JA, Udy AA, Wallis SC, Ranganathan D, McWhinney BC, Ungerer JP, Lipman J, Roberts JA

(2015), Int J Artif Organs, 38(8), 419-24

Pharmacokinetics of piperacillin in critically ill patients receiving continuous venovenous haemofiltration: a randomised controlled trial of continuous infusion versus intermittent bolus administration

Jamal JA, Roberts DM, Udy AA, Mat-Nor MB, Mohamad-Nor FS, Wallis SC, Lipman J, Roberts JA

(2015), Int J Antimicrob Agents, 46(1), 39-44

Towards defining persistent critical illness and other varieties of chronic critical illness

Iwashyna TJ, Hodgson CL, Pilcher D, Orford N, Santamaria JD, Bailey M, Bellomo R

(2015), Crit Care Resusc, 17(3), 215-8

Persistent critical illness characterised by Australian and New Zealand ICU clinicians

Iwashyna TJ, Hodgson CL, Pilcher D, Bailey M, Bellomo R

(2015), Crit Care Resusc, 17(3), 153-8

We can't tell emergence agitation from pain, yet. Reply to: Stucke and Weisman 'Can we tell emergence agitation from pain?'

Ingelmo PM, Frawley G, Bortone L

(2015), Paediatr Anaesth, 25(2), 218-20

Early mobilization and recovery in mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU: a bi-national, multi-centre, prospective cohort study

TEAM Study Investigators, Hodgson C, Bellomo R, Berney S, Bailey M, Buhr H, Denehy L, Harrold M, Higgins A, Presneill J, Saxena M, Skinner E, Young P, Webb S

(2015), Crit Care, 19, 81

Bedside placement of an endobronchial valve to aid invasive ventilation and weaning from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Hodges AM, Gillham MJ, Lewis CA

(2015), Crit Care Resusc, 17(3), 219-22

Impact of left ventricular assist device speed adjustment on exercise tolerance and markers of wall stress

Hayward CS, Salamonsen R, Keogh AM, Woodard J, Ayre P, Prichard R, Kotlyar E, Macdonald PS, Jansz P, Spratt P

(2015), Int J Artif Organs, 38(9), 501-7

A 10-year estimate of the incidence of decompression illness in a discrete group of recreational cave divers in Australia

Harris RJ, Frawley G, Devaney BC, Fock A, Jones AB

(2015), Diving Hyperb Med, 45(3), 147-53

Factors associated with vancomycin nephrotoxicity in the critically ill

Hanrahan TP, Kotapati C, Roberts MJ, Rowland J, Lipman J, Roberts JA, Udy A

(2015), Anaesth Intensive Care, 43(5), 594-9

Dynamics of end expiratory lung volume after changing positive end-expiratory pressure in acute respiratory distress syndrome patients

Garnero A, Tuxen D, Corno G, Durand-Gasselin J, Hodgson C, Arnal JM

(2015), Crit Care, 19, 340

Management of severe sepsis

Gantner D, Mason C

(2015), Anaesth Intensive Care Med, 16(12), 593-7

Predictors of failure of awake regional anesthesia for neonatal hernia repair: data from the General Anesthesia Compared to Spinal Anesthesia Study--comparing apnea and neurodevelopmental outcomes

Frawley G, Bell G, Disma N, Withington DE, de Graaff JC, Morton NS, McCann ME, Arnup SJ, Bagshaw O, Wolfler A, Bellinger D, Davidson AJ; General Anesthesia compared to Spinal anesthesia (GAS) Consortium

(2015), Anesthesiology, 123(1), 55-65

Monounsaturated fatty acid-enriched high-fat diets impede adipose NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated IL-1β secretion and insulin resistance despite obesity

Finucane OM, Lyons CL, Murphy AM, Reynolds CM, Klinger R, Healy NP, Cooke AA, Coll RC, McAllan L, Nilaweera KN, O'Reilly ME, Tierney AC, Morine MJ, Alcala-Diaz JF, Lopez-Miranda J, O'Connor DP, O'Neill LA, McGillicuddy FC, Roche HM

(2015), Diabetes, 64(6), 2116-28

Paramedic exposure to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is rare and declining in Victoria, Australia

Dyson K, Bray J, Smith K, Bernard S, Straney L, Finn J

(2015), Resuscitation, 89, 93-8

Necrotising soft tissue infections: the effect of hyperbaric oxygen on mortality

Devaney B, Frawley G, Frawley L, Pilcher DV

(2015), Anaesth Intensive Care, 43(6), 685-92

Apnea after awake regional and general anesthesia in infants: the General Anesthesia Compared to Spinal Anesthesia Study--comparing apnea and neurodevelopmental outcomes, a randomized controlled trial

Davidson AJ, Morton NS, Arnup SJ, de Graaff JC, Disma N, Withington DE, Frawley G, Hunt RW, Hardy P, Khotcholava M, von Ungern Sternberg BS, Wilton N, Tuo P, Salvo I, Ormond G, Stargatt R, Locatelli BG, McCann ME; General Anesthesia compared to Spinal anesthesia (GAS) Consortium

(2015), Anesthesiology, 123(1), 38-54

Development of a postgraduate interventional cardiac nursing curriculum

Currey J, White K, Rolley J, Oldland E, Driscoll A

(2015), Aust Crit Care, 28(4), 184-8

Developing professional attributes in critical care nurses using team-based learning

Currey J, Eustace P, Oldland E, Glanville D, Story I

(2015), Nurse Educ Pract, 15(3), 232-8