Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia phenotype in a male carrier of unmethylated full mutation in the FMR1 gene

Loesch DZ, Sherwell S, Kinsella G, Tassone F, Taylor A, Amor D, Sung S, Evans A

(2012), Clin Genet, 82(1), 88-92

Predicting massive blood transfusion using clinical scores post-trauma

Mitra B, Rainer TH, Cameron PA

(2012), Vox Sang, 102(4), 324-30

The cerebellum and neuropsychological functioning: a critical review

O'Halloran CJ, Kinsella GJ, Storey E

(2012), J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 34(1), 35-56

Clinical decision rules for the assessment of mild head injury, used in combination with clinical judgment, can inform the use of head imaging

Mitra B, Cameron PA

(2012), Evid Based Med, 17(1), 28-9

Determinants of clinically important pain severity reduction in the prehospital setting

Jennings PA, Cameron P, Bernard S

(2012), Emerg Med J, 29(4), 333-4

Morphine and ketamine is superior to morphine alone for out-of-hospital trauma analgesia: a randomized controlled trial

Jennings PA, Cameron P, Bernard S, Walker T, Jolley D, Fitzgerald M, Masci K

(2012), Ann Emerg Med, 59(6), 497-503

Indicators of the quality of trauma care and the performance of trauma systems

Gruen RL, Gabbe BJ, Stelfox HT, Cameron PA

(2012), Br J Surg, 99 Suppl 1, 97-104

Traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Melbourne, Australia

Deasy C, Bray J, Smith K, Harriss L, Morrison C, Bernard S, Cameron P

(2012), Resuscitation, 83(4), 465-70

Paediatric traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Melbourne, Australia

Deasy C, Bray J, Smith K, Hall D, Morrison C, Bernard SA, Cameron P

(2012), Resuscitation, 83(4), 471-5

Induction of prehospital therapeutic hypothermia after resuscitation from nonventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest

Bernard SA, Smith K, Cameron P, Masci K, Taylor DM, Cooper DJ, Kelly AM, Silvester W; Rapid Infusion of Cold Hartmanns Investigators

(2012), Crit Care Med, 40(3), 747-53

Modelling hepatitis C transmission over a social network of injecting drug users

Rolls DA, Daraganova G, Sacks-Davis R, Hellard M, Jenkinson R, McBryde E, Pattison PE, Robins GL

(2012), J Theor Biol, 297, 73-87

Differing risk factors for vancomycin-resistant and vancomycin-sensitive enterococcal bacteraemia

Peel T, Cheng AC, Spelman T, Huysmans M, Spelman D

(2012), Clin Microbiol Infect, 18(4), 388-94

Hepatitis C virus reinfection and superinfection among treated and untreated participants with recent infection

Grebely J, Pham ST, Matthews GV, Petoumenos K, Bull RA, Yeung B, Rawlinson W, Kaldor J, Lloyd A, Hellard M, Dore GJ, White PA; ATAHC Study Group

(2012), Hepatology, 55(4), 1058-69

Frequency and large T (LT) sequence of JC polyomavirus DNA in oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and granular cells in non-PML brain

Bayliss J, Karasoulos T, McLean CA

(2012), Brain Pathol, 22(3), 329-36

Bronchiectasis: defining specific treatment needs

Stirling RG

(2012), Chest, 141(3), 825

Inert 50-nm polystyrene nanoparticles that modify pulmonary dendritic cell function and inhibit allergic airway inflammation

Hardy CL, LeMasurier JS, Belz GT, Scalzo-Inguanti K, Yao J, Xiang SD, Kanellakis P, Bobik A, Strickland DH, Rolland JM, O'Hehir RE, Plebanski M

(2012), J Immunol, 188(3), 1431-41

The roles of activin A and its binding protein, follistatin, in inflammation and tissue repair

de Kretser DM, O'Hehir RE, Hardy CL, Hedger MP

(2012), Mol Cell Endocrinol, 359(1-2), 101-6

Practical guide to skin prick tests in allergy to aeroallergens

Bousquet J, Heinzerling L, Bachert C, Papadopoulos NG, Bousquet PJ, Burney PG, Canonica GW, Carlsen KH, Cox L, Haahtela T, Lodrup Carlsen KC, Price D, Samolinski B, Simons FE, Wickman M, Annesi-Maesano I, Baena-Cagnani CE, Bergmann KC, Bindslev-Jensen C,

(2012), Allergy, 67(1), 18-24

Rest easy? Is bed rest really necessary after surgical repair of an ankle fracture?

Kimmel LA, Edwards ER, Liew SM, Oldmeadow LB, Webb MJ, Holland AE

(2012), Injury, 43(6), 766-71

Monitoring drug safety with registries: useful components of postmarketing pharmacovigilance systems

Willis CD, McNeil JJ, Cameron PA, Phillips LE

(2012), J Clin Epidemiol, 65(2), 121-5