Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Practical considerations of dietary therapies for epilepsy in adults

Kaul N, Nicolo JP, O'Brien TJ, Kwan P

(2021), Acta Epileptologica, 3(16), 1-7

DOI: 10.1186/s42494-021-00051-3

Surf's up, radical approaches to riding the COVID-19 waves: A lung transplant perspective

Burke D, Martin R, Wilson K, Bourne B, Levvey B, Stedman H, Levin K, Ivulich S, Harris J, Miller J, Gillot J, Ndiweni N, Yates E, Vazirani J, Snell G, Westall G

(2021), Transplant Journal of Australasia, 30(1), 16-22

DOI: 10.33235/tja.30.1.3

Supporting the Support Network: The Value of Family Peer Work in Youth Mental Health Care

Hopkins L, Kuklych J, Pedwell G, Woods A

(2021), COMMUNITY MENT HLT J, 57(5), 926-36

DOI: 10.1007/s10597-020-00687-4

How Do Mental Health Nurses Define Success? A Comparative Study of Bed-Based and Community-Based Services

Bushell H, Lee S, Keppich-Arnold S, Anderson S, Batu G, Hopkins L

(2021), ISSUES MENT HEALTH N, 42(9), 836-44

DOI: 10.1080/01612840.2020.1871133

Improving the physical health of young people with early psychosis with lifestyle interventions: Scoping review

Hui TT, Garvey L, Olasoji M

(2021), INT J MENT HEALTH NU, 30(6), 1498-1524

DOI: 10.1111/inm.12922

Weight Gain After Smoking Cessation and Risk of Major Chronic Diseases and Mortality

Sahle BW, Chen W, Rawal LB, Renzaho AMN

(2021), JAMA Netw Open, 4(4), e217044

DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.7044

Occlusive Disease and Upright Activity in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Carvalho LB, Chambers B, Borschmann K, Kaffenberger T, Churilov L, Thijs V, Bernhardt J; AVERT trial collaboration group

(2021), J STROKE CEREBROVASC, 30(4), 105604

DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.105604

Timing and Dose of Upper Limb Motor Intervention After Stroke: A Systematic Review

Hayward KS, Kramer SF, Dalton EJ, Hughes GR, Brodtmann A, Churilov L, Cloud G, Corbett D, Jolliffe L, Kaffenberger T, Rethnam V, Thijs V, Ward N, Lannin N, Bernhardt J

(2021), Stroke, 52(11), 3706-17

DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.034348

"Can you hear me now?" Video conference coping strategies and experience during COVID-19 and beyond

Johns H, Burrows EL, Rethnam V, Kramer S, Bernhardt J

(2021), Work, 70(3), 723-32

DOI: 10.3233/WOR-210279

Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Serum Biomarkers of Neuroplasticity and Brain Repair in Stroke: A Systematic Review

Limaye NS, Carvalho LB, Kramer S

(2021), ARCH PHYS MED REHAB, 102(8), 1633-44

DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.04.010

Cultivating Value Co-Creation in Health System Research Comment on "Experience of Health Leadership in Partnering with University-Based Researchers in Canada - A Call to Re-imagine Research"

Bucknall TK, Hutchinson AM

(2021), INT J HEALTH POLICY, 10(3), 165-7

DOI: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.35

Families' control preference for participation in patient care in adult intensive care

Wong P, Redley B, Bucknall T

(2021), INTENS CRIT CARE NUR, 62, 102953

DOI: 10.1016/j.iccn.2020.102953

Six-year trends in postoperative prescribing and use of multimodal analgesics following total hip and knee arthroplasty: A single-site observational study of pain management

Khaw D, Bucknall T, Considine J, Duke M, Hutchinson A, Redley B, de Steiger R, Botti M

(2021), Eur J Pain, 25(1), 107-21

DOI: 10.1002/ejp.1652

Interprofessional and Intraprofessional Communication about Older People's Medications across Transitions of Care

Manias E, Bucknall T, Woodward-Kron R, Hughes C, Jorm C, Ozavci G, Joseph K

(2021), INT J ENV RES PUB HE, 18(8), 3925

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18083925

Resident and family engagement in medication management in aged care facilities: a systematic review

Manias E, Bucknall T, Hutchinson A, Dow B, Borrott N

(2021), Expert Opin Drug Saf, 20(11), 1391-409

DOI: 10.1080/14740338.2021.1935862

An initial study on the agreement of body temperatures measured by infrared cameras and oral thermometry

Adams S, Bucknall T, Kouzani A

(2021), SCI REP-UK, 11(1), 11901

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-91361-6

Theory and practical guidance for effective de-implementation of practices across health and care services: a realist synthesis

Burton CR, Williams L, Bucknall T, Fisher D, Hall B, Harris G, Jones P, Makin M, Mcbride A, Meacock R, Parkinson J, Rycroft-Malone J, Waring J

(2021), Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library,

Knowledge and Power Relations in Older Patients' Communication About Medications Across Transitions of Care

Ozavci G, Bucknall T, Woodward-Kron R, Hughes C, Jorm C, Joseph K, Manias E

(2021), Qual Health Res, 31(14), 2678-91

DOI: 10.1177/10497323211043494

Health problems and utilization of health services among Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals in Bangladesh

Rawal LB, Kanda K, Biswas T, Tanim MI, Dahal PK, Islam MR, Huda TMN, Begum T, Sahle BW, Renzaho AMN, Anwar I

(2021), Global Health Research and Policy, 6(1), 39

DOI: 10.1186/s41256-021-00223-1.

Lifestyle interventions for type 2 diabetes management among migrants and ethnic minorities living in industrialized countries: a systematic review and meta-analyses

Rawal L, Sahle BW, Smith BJ, Kanda K, Owusu-Addo E, Renzaho AMN

(2021), BMJ OPEN DIAB RES CA, 9(1), e001924

DOI: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2020-001924