Taking leave and going home

Preparing to go home is something we work with you from the beginning. Ensuring you feel confident and well supported is important.

Leave from the IPU

Taking leave is one of the steps that you take in preparing to go home.  Initially you may need to stay in the unit whilst we asses your mental wellness. As your time with us progresses, you will be offered escorted leave. This means a team member or family or friend will accompany you. It may start with short periods of time and increase as needed. Your time from the unit may then progress to unescorted leave, allowing you to leave the unit on your own.

You will have an opportunity to speak with your psychiatrist regarding leave as part of your care plan.

Going home

Before you or your family member leaves our care, we will consult with you about the process, plans and ongoing support.

Ongoing support may be from your GP, the St Kilda Road Clinic Community Mental Health Service or one of our other community teams or your private psychiatrist. It might also include a referral to a psychologist or counsellor.

We will communicate with the person/s responsible for your ongoing care and provide them with a summary of care whilst on the unit. When you leave hospital, everyone should be clear about the follow up plan and appointments.

Sometimes you may need extra time before heading home. This may be facilitated through our Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC) program. The PARC program offers supported short-term living for people who wish to work on their wellbeing a little longer before heading home

What to do if you have concerns after discharge?

Contact Alfred Triage and CAT Team (24/7) on 1300 363 746 or a member of your follow up team.

What are some of the services that you may get referred to after discharge?

Alfred Mental and Addiction Health St Kilda Road Clinic

  • Level 3, 607 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne
  • For persons over 25 years
  • Phone: (03) 9076 9888

Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service

Headspace, Alfred

Alfred CATT Team