Our treatment team and your care

Our treatment team includes many caring people who are here to work with you and support you during your stay.

Our mission and values

Planning your care together

You and your team will work together to share decisions about your wants and needs and develop a plan to achieve this. If you are not sure about the best choice for your care, here are some questions to consider asking the team:

What are my choices?

  • What are the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of each treatment option?
  • Is this a short term, medium term, or long-term treatment?
  • What are the possible side effects of the treatment?
  • What can we do to prevent or manage the side effects? How can you support me with this?
  • What community recovery and rehabilitation support services can I access?
  • How can my family, friends, partner and carer be involved?

You can also ask to have an independent advocate to help you understand and empower you to voice your preferences. Let the team know if you have an Advance Statement to refer to when creating your plan.

We can also assist you in creating a personal wellness plan.

Meet the team

Nursing Team 
You will always have a contact nurse during your stay. Your contact nurse is a good person to talk with if you need help, information or guidance. 

Psychiatrist and Medical Team
Your psychiatry team consists of a consultant psychiatrist and a doctor training in psychiatry (a registrar) or medical officer. A psychiatrist is a doctor specially trained in mental health and treatment.

Peer Workers
Peer workers are skilled professionals who have a lived/living experience of mental health challenges which may include challenges with alcohol and other drugs, or who has cared for someone who has experienced mental health challenges. Peer support workers focus on building connection, providing empathy and moving forwards.

Consumer peer workers have a personal experience with mental illness and are available to talk to about both your journey and their own. Sharing experiences with someone who can relate can provide a sense of hope and encouragement.


The psychology team may work with you on a range of topics related to your condition. Your psychologist can help you build on your unique strengths, whilst also supporting you to learn new skills.

Social Worker

In the first day or two of your stay, your social work team member will introduce themselves. Your social work team member can provide you with support and facilitate interventions towards your recovery. These may include support with difficulties you may be experiencing in relationships, employment, accommodation, family violence or substances.

Occupational Therapist

The occupational therapy team can assist you to return to your usual daily activities, they can identify what you might need after discharge and make referrals to the appropriate community supports.


A member of the pharmacy team will meet with you soon after your arrival to ask some questions about allergies, your usual medications and smoking habits. If needed, the pharmacy team have a supportive quit smoking campaign.


Music and art therapy are ways to express how you’re feeling and move through difficult emotions. The music therapist conducts groups and welcomes everyone to participate regardless of your musical talents.

The art room is always open should you wish to do art outside of formal art therapy sessions. The art therapist conducts group sessions and welcomes people regardless of their artistic abilities.

Participating in these groups is a great way to get to know other people staying in the unit and the unit team members.