Haemophilia & Bleeding Disorders

Patient information

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We are part of the Victorian statewide Clinical Haematology & Haemophilia Services and an international haemophilia training centre of the World Federation of Hemophilia.

What we do

We are a multi-disciplinary team that provides specialised care to manage the medical, physical, and psychosocial problems for those living with an inherited bleeding disorder.

We strive to improve the quality of life of patients affected by haemophilia and other bleeding disorders through individualised treatment including diagnosis, consultancy and ongoing care for adults with an inherited bleeding disorder.

Our team

Lead by Prof Huyen Tran, Consultant Haematologist, our multidisciplinary team consists of:

  • Haematologists
  • Clinical nurse consultants
  • Physiotherapists
  • Social workers
  • Clinical psychologist
  • Consultant pain specialist
  • Consultant rheumatologist
  • Haematology & rheumatology registrars

What to expect

When you contact the HTC with a health related issue, one of our nurse consultants will speak with you and advise you on a course of action. Whilst at The Alfred you may be seen by some or all of the members of our multi-disciplinary team.

We will provide treatment, education and ongoing support to you and your significant others to manage your bleeding disorder. We will liaise with the all the people involved in your care such as your GP, the medical or surgical unit(s) and we will manage your bleeding disorder while in hospital and on discharge with the aim to keep you active in your community.

An essential part of your ongoing management is attending the HTC appointments after:

  • procedures
  • hospital admissions
  • bleeds that you have treated at home

The psychologist, physiotherapists and social workers can help with any physical and psychosocial issues that you experience.

Physiotherapists will assess and treat you, giving education, advice and a guided management plan for full recovery.

The social workers can assist with a range of matters from crisis support, counselling, advocate for your rights and wishes, work with you and the medial staff towards a safe discharge from hospital and identify external services to help you.

The clinical psychologist provides consultation about psychological problems. There is an emphasis on strategies to improve self-management of physical and mental health.

The HTC team works very closely with the rheumatology and pain specialist consultants as part of our comprehensive care approach.

We will refer you to other specialities as necessary such as:

  • Counselling
  • Dental
  • Genetic counselling
  • Hepatitis & liver disorders 
  • Infectious diseases
  • Orthopaedic surgeon
  • Psychiatry

Commonly asked questions

What do I do in an emergency?

Please present to The Alfred Emergency Department and bring the documents described on this page. Overseas visitors may be asked to pay the bill however no patient will be refused treatment if medically required.

What if I need urgent advice?

During business hours

Call the HTC during business hours Monday to Friday on (03) 9076 2179 to speak with a nurse consultant.

After hours

Proceed to the emergency department.

How to access this service

Referral from your GP

You need a referral from your GP or doctor to access this service.

We accept referrals where patients are:

  • Transitioning from the Royal Children’s Hospital
  • Referred by their GP for diagnosis or treatment
  • Transferring from another HTC (interstate or overseas) as a visitor or temporary resident such as a student
  • A relative of a person with a bleeding disorder seeking genetic advice

We will contact you with an appointment time.

What to bring

For a stay in hospital


  • Comfortable day clothes and shoes, exercise apparel and runners
  • Pyjamas or sleep wear
  • Personal hygiene items(toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo, shaving equipment, deodorant)
  • Medications and airway clearance devices prescribed specifically for you if appropriate
  • Somethings to do, book, a magazine and an iPad/tablet/laptop with headphones loaded with shows that you will enjoy
  • Wi-Fi hotspot is useful if you want to work on your computer as there is no Wi-Fi available to patients
  • A small amount of cash for the TV, snack bar, newsagent
  • Your phone, phone numbers, phone, computer chargers

Don’t bring:

  • Large amounts of cash
  • Valuables such as jewellery or watches

For an appointment

Please bring with you to your appointment the following:

  • Hospital to hospital transfer summary / referral from your last HTC
  • GP referral
  • List of medicines you are currently taking (or the boxes), including medicines you have bought without a prescription, such as herbal supplements and vitamins
  • Medicare Card, and if relevant your Dept. of Vet Affairs, Health Care Concession and Health Insurance cards
  • Your HTC patient alert card or letter from your previous centre stating your Factor deficiency and level i.e. Haemophilia A FVIII 2%

Non-Residents of Australia must also bring:

  • A copy of your treatment summary including any last test results and stated bleeding disorder all translated to English. Without these you will be required to have blood tests (at a cost to you) that will confirm your bleeding disorder before factor treatment can be given. Please check with your travel insurer if they cover these costs
  • Travel insurance and / or health insurance documents
  • Passport with information about your entry visa

Our clinics

Clinic name Campus Location
Haemophilia & Bleeding Disorders Clinic
Problems with bleeding
The Alfred 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
Haemophilia & Rheumatology Clinic The Alfred 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
Thrombosis Clinic
Blood clots
The Alfred 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
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Get in touch:
In Case Of An Emergency, Call 000