Hospital Admission Risk Program

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Hospital Admission Risk Program (HARP) clinicians work with you and those caring for you, to help you to manage your health conditions.

What we do

We provide care in a range of different settings including residential aged care facilities, clinics, or your own home. We also help you gain access to the care you need in the community.

We offer a number of different services as part of HARP. These include:

  • Complex medical assessment and care coordination with a multi-disciplinary team in clinics, as well as providing visits to your home
  • A respiratory service with nurses in the hospital and in the community, who can help you with strategies to better manage your lung condition
  • A coaching phone service to help you with your heart health
  • Specialists who can come to your home including a pharmacist, an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, a dietician, and a social worker to assist you in managing your medical and social needs
  • Case managers who work with you and your family to link you with services and supports

Who we care for

We care for people in the community who have complex medical conditions and may also have complex social conditions.

Most of our care is delivered in the community, but we also run complex care clinics across three sites.

We accept referrals for people who reside in the Alfred Health catchment, and for clients known to specialty services at The Alfred.

What to expect

HARP may receive a referral from hospital staff or from your GP. You or your family can also refer to us directly. Although a GP referral is not essential, involvement of your GP is encouraged.

Firstly a HARP staff member will phone you to ask some general questions about your overall well-being so that we can plan the right clinicians to deliver your care. Then, we will conduct a thorough assessment with you to understand what it is you would like to achieve for your health and wellbeing. We work together with you and your family to put together a plan of care. This may involve getting other services involved.

Most people only need HARP for a short period of time but you may need HARP again in the future if circumstances change. Before being discharged from HARP we aim to have you well linked into the services you need.

Commonly asked questions

Is there a cost?

There is no cost to patients for HARP services.

How to access this service

Contact us directly

Caulfield Access is responsible for intake, information and referral processing for a wide range of community and ambulatory services.

Family, carers, case managers and patients can contact Caulfield Access to access our services.

Once a referral has been received, a Care Coordinator will phone the patient to discuss their needs and organise appropriate services. The Care Coordinator will provide the patient with their phone number. Patients are encouraged to contact the Care Coordinator if they have any concerns.

To check eligibility for HARP:

Call (03) 9076 6700

To make a referral:

Call the Caulfield Access Unit on (03) 9076 6776

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Get in touch:
In Case Of An Emergency, Call 000