Falls Clinic

Health professional information

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The Falls Clinic provides a one-off multidisciplinary assessment (2-3 hours) with medical, physiotherapy and occupational therapy input.

Clinical service overview

The purpose of the assessment is to identify risk factors for falling, and to make recommendations to the client and their GP aimed at reducing the risk of future falls and injury. The recommendations are fed back to the client and GP by letter.

The main areas of falls risk that we provide advice and recommendations for are:

  • health and medications
  • balance and mobility
  • dizziness
  • fear of falling
  • vision and glasses
  • falls hazards in the home environment
  • need for extra supports or assistance
  • physical activity and exercise
  • feet and shoes
  • continence
  • nutrition
  • osteoporosis and increased risk of injury

Rehabilitation input is not provided by the clinic however we are closely linked to local community rehabilitation and community health services, so direct referrals can be made following assessment.

Further information on eligibility and exclusions is available in the brochure and service criteria.

Referral Process

GP referrals

Include the following in your referral:

  • History of falls / presenting problem
  • Relevant past medical history
  • Current medications
  • Relevant reports and investigation results

Referrals from other health professionals

Include information as outlined above.

Also provide the client’s confirmed GP details, and confirmation of client consent for the clinic to contact their GP.

The Access Unit will then request a summary from the GP, with the aim of involving them in the referral and ensuring that the clinic has up to date medical information prior to assessment.

Refer your patient

Fax referral to us

Caulfield Access is responsible for intake, information and referral processing for a wide range of community and ambulatory services. 

We accept referrals from GPs, specialists, family, carers, case managers and patients.

We also welcome phone enquiries to discuss potential referrals or an existing referral. Referrals are triaged depending on priority. 

Patients requiring immediate assessment should be sent to the Emergency & Trauma Centre. 

To refer a patient to a community service either:

  • complete the Service Coordination Tool Template (SCTT) and submit electronically, or
  • complete and fax your SCTT referral form to Caulfield Access Unit

Consider making referrals for chronic conditions indefinite. 

Once a referral has been received, a Care Coordinator will phone the patient to discuss their needs and organise appropriate services. The Care Coordinator will provide the patient with their phone number. Patients are encouraged to contact the Care Coordinator if they have any concerns.

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Wednesday Caulfield Hospital 9.00am - 5.00pm

Clinic consultants

  • Dr Ronald Leong: Geriatric Medicine
  • Dr Brian Anthonisz: Rehabilitation Medicine
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