Infant and Child Team

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Alfred Health's Infant, Child and Youth Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Service (ICYAMHWS) provides a specialised Infant and Child Team. This team offers direct clinical support and consultation to caregivers and other service providers for infants and children aged 0-11 years who have difficulties in emotional, social, and developmental areas, or who are at risk of having difficulties in these areas.

Clinical service overview

Our service includes direct support for individuals, families and groups, as well as consultation to professionals from other service providers who provide support to children in this age group, including maternal child and health services, kindergartens and schools. The program also provides professional education, training and research.

Typical referral concerns for infants and children can include:

Babies and toddlers:

  • Persistent feeding difficulties or poor weight gain
  • Persistent crying, restlessness or difficulty being comforted
  • Sleeping problems that do not settle over time
  • Unusual quietness or lack of interest in parents and surroundings
  • Long and frequent temper tantrums
  • Persistent clinginess
  • Restricted play


  • Persistent defiance
  • Impulsivity or overactivity
  • Reluctance or refusal to attend school
  • Being bullied
  • Problems with sleeping or eating regularly

Refer your patient

Contact us directly

Self-referrals or referral from other providers can be made by calling and speaking to our Access Team or by faxing/emailing the below referral form.

Referral phone

(03) 8552 0555

Referral fax

(03) 8552 0444

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Monday Infant, Child and Youth Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Service 8.30am - 5.00pm
Tuesday Infant, Child and Youth Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Service 8.30am - 5.00pm
Wednesday Infant, Child and Youth Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Service 8.30am - 5.00pm
Thursday Infant, Child and Youth Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Service 8.30am - 5.00pm
Friday Infant, Child and Youth Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Service 8.30am - 5.00pm

Clinic consultants

  • Dr Natalie Van Swet: Psychiatry
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