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Clinical service overview

The Microbiology unit provides a comprehensive range of bacteriological and serological testing, including:

  • routine and mycobacterial culture
  • mycology
  • parasitology
  • molecular and susceptibility testing

The unit offers complete specialist support for test interpretation. Due to the nature of the hospital’s activities, there is emphasis on the support of trauma and emergency services, organ transplantation – especially heart and lung, haematology/oncology, cystic fibrosis, burns and HIV and AIDS related diagnostic services.

The Microbiology Unit is actively involved in educational and professional development training programs for under-graduate and post-graduate students, staff, medical students and registrars.

The department participates in the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) and National Reference Laboratory (NRL) Quality assurance programs and holds NATA accreditation in accordance with ISO 15189:2007 for Medical Laboratories.

Key contacts

Head of unit - (03) 9076 3073

Principle scientist - (03) 9076 3388

Refer your patient

Pathology request form

We accept requests from GPs and specialists. A completed Alfred Pathology Request form needs to be completed and faxed or given to the patient to bring into the service on the day of procedure

Referral enquiries

(03) 9076 3089

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