Mobile Support and Treatment Service
Health professional information
The Mobile Support and Treatment Service (MSTS) provides a range of specialist psychiatric treatments, interventions, assertive outreach services and intensive rehabilitation and support for clients aged 18 -64 years who are experiencing mental illness.
Clinical service overview
We are a part of the Alfred Mental and Addiction Health Service
Our team provides:
- Psychiatric assessment and treatment
- Clinical case management
- Family and carer support
- Specialist allied health interventions
- Intensive rehabilitation
Our team profile includes a consultant psychiatrist, psychiatric registrar, occupational therapist, social worker and psychiatric nurses. We run 7 days a week for extended hours.
MSTS works in partnership with local mental health community service providers to ensure continuity of care when clients move towards community-based supports.
Refer your patient
Call or fax your referral
We accept phone referrals for this service.
(03) 9076 9888
After hours emergency
1300 363 746
Clinic consultants
- Dr Louise Dawson: Psychiatry
Mental Health Australia
The peak, national non-government organisation representing and promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector.
Mental Health First Aid
First aid information and courses teaching simple, practical first aid skills for helping those experiencing mental health problems.
In Case Of An Emergency, Call 000