Orthopaedic Clinic

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Clinical service overview

The Orthopaedic Clinic is a multidisciplinary clinic which includes orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists and nurses.

We treat people for emergency procedures, as well having a large elective surgery program.

Refer your patient

Fax referral to us

We accept GP and specialist referrals to this service.

All referrals are triaged by the service according to clinical urgency.

Patients requiring immediate assessment should be sent to the Emergency & Trauma Centre.

If a patient requires surgery, they will be placed on a surgical waiting list. The patient may also need to attend a Pre-Admission Clinic prior to surgery.

To refer your patient, complete and fax a referral to us. For urgent referrals, also contact the service Registrar to discuss the case.

To ensure appropriate and timely triage, include all demographic and clinical details as well as relevant investigation results.

If you are concerned about any delay of the appointment or if there is any deterioration in your patient’s condition, contact the service Registrar on call on (03) 9076 1000.

Referral enquiries

(03) 9076 1288

Referral fax

(03) 9076 1252

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Monday Sandringham Hospital 9.00am - 12.30pm
Thursday Sandringham Hospital 9.00am - 12.30pm
Friday Sandringham Hospital 9.00am - 12.30pm

Clinic consultants

  • Mr Peter Hannon: Orthopaedic Surgery (Sandringham)
  • Mr Harry Clitherow: Orthopaedic Surgery (Sandringham)
  • Mr Christopher Jones: Orthopaedic Surgery (Sandringham)
  • Mr Guan Tay: Orthopaedic Surgery (Sandringham)
  • Mr Shay Zayontz: Orthopaedic Surgery (Sandringham)
  • Mr Dominic Hannan: Orthopaedic Surgery (Sandringham)
  • Mr Andrew Hughes:
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In Case Of An Emergency, Call 000