Symptom Urgent Review Clinic (SURC)

Health professional information

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The Symptom Urgent Review Clinic (SURC) aims to improve the care and support of people with cancer throughout their treatment journey.

Clinical service overview

This clinic provides a convenient option for any patient or caregiver to contact a specialist cancer nurse to discuss any concerns related to their diagnosis, treatment or side effects.

Who we care for

The SURC is available to existing patients of the Alfred Cancer service.

Anyone having any systemic treatment for cancer (Oral or Intravenous Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cellular Therapy or Targeted Therapy) or their family members, are welcome to access this service.

The aim is to improve quality of care and patient satisfaction through delivering fast-tracked, individualised support, education and symptom management for people receiving cancer treatment by a specialised nurse.

Refer your patient

How to access our clinic

To access SURC you need to be an existing patient receiving cancer treatment through The Alfred.

If you are experiencing symptoms related to your cancer or treatment you can self-refer by either calling the SURC nurse directly on 0428 578 017 or emailing

Alternatively, you can present to Level 2 Treatment Hub, Paula Fox Melanoma and Cancer Centre (545 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004) for a face-to-face consultation between 8am-4:30pm Monday-Friday, please call before your arrival to avoid waiting.

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