Thyroid Nodule Ablation Service
Health professional information
Clinical service overview
Thyroid nodules ablation is an established, minimally invasive treatment for symptomatic benign thyroid nodules as an alternative to surgical hemi or total thyroidectomy. Thermal ablation refers to the heating of a nodule to cause necrosis, followed by nodule shrinkage over 6 to 12 months.
This is typically performed as a day procedure lasting about 45 minutes. We then monitor the patient in the hospital for the following 4 to 6 hours before being discharged home. There is typically no out-of-pocket expense for public-eligible patients.
Refer your patient
Fax or email referral to us
To refer your patient to an Interventional Radiologist for consideration of thyroid nodule ablation, please send a referral for consultation, including the following:
- Thyroid ultrasound results
- Thyroid fine needle aspirate (FNA) results
- Thyroid biochemistry results
- Records of consultations with other specialists (e.g., endocrinology or surgery)
(03) 9076 2963
(03) 9076 3379
Clinic times
Day | Campus | Time |
Wednesday | The Alfred | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
Clinic consultants
- Dr Matthew Lukies: Radiology