Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE) Clinic

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The Alfred Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE) clinic is specifically designed to offer a minimally-invasive alternative to myomectomy or hysterectomy.

Clinical service overview

The UFE Clinic is suitable for patients that have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids or adenomyosis and suffer significant heavy menstrual bleeding or symptoms of local mass effect (for example, frequent urination). The Alfred UFE clinic caters to all patients including those considered high-risk.

The clinic is run by a group of experienced and credentialed interventional radiologists, headed up by Associate Professor Warren Clements.

After referral to the UFE clinic, your patient will be seen by a certified interventional radiologist where an assessment will be made and letter sent back to you based on their recommendation. We can arrange referral to a gynaecologist if this is needed. The Alfred interventional radiology specialist team will care for and manage your patient right through to post-procedure follow-up and are available for ongoing consultation well after the procedure.

What is Uterine Fibroid Embolisation

Uterine fibroid embolisation is performed under conscious sedation in our dedicated angiography suite. Through a small incision, a catheter is taken to the uterine arteries supplying the fibroids. Embolisation is performed through the catheter and there are no visible wounds.

The procedure is very well tolerated and most patients are able to go home the next day. Additionally, there is not usually any out of pocket cost for this procedure when done through The Alfred UFE clinic.

Refer your patient

Fax or email your referral to us

You will need to fax or email a referral for your patient to us. Please include as much information as possible that confirms and characterises the diagnosis of uterine fibroids. This includes any available gynaecological history and any existing imaging is particularly helpful. The more information we have, the faster we will be able to treat.

Clinic consultants

  • Prof Warren Clements: Radiology
  • A/Prof Jim Koukounaras: Radiology
  • Prof Gerard Goh: Radiology
  • Dr Tuan Phan: Radiology
  • Dr Timothy Joseph: Radiology
  • Dr Matthew Lukies: Radiology
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