Infection Prevention & Healthcare Epidemiology Unit
Patient information
What we do
The Infection Prevention team is made up of nurses, doctors, and data management staff.
Our goals include:
- Improving patient safety by preventing healthcare-associated infections
- Educating staff, patients and visitors to Alfred Health on their responsibilities in Infection Prevention
- Reducing the risk of patients developing and transmitting antibiotic resistant microorganisms
- Keeping our staff, patients and visitors safe from exposure to infectious agents
- Doing research to promote evidence-based practice in Infection Prevention
- Reducing the financial and social costs of healthcare-associated infections
- Keeping up to date with advancements in healthcare infection prevention technologies, and recommending their introduction when benefits to patient or staff safety are evident
We have a large number of patient resources which you can access for more information about common diseases and different antibiotic-resistant bateria (such as MRSA).
Who we care for
The Infection Prevention team is dedicated to keeping all patients, visitors and hospital staff safe from infection.
What to expect
Our key activities include promoting hand hygiene and Infection Prevention education with staff, patients and visitors.
We also perform surveillance activities, staff immunisation, and promote evidence-based infection prevention and control practices.
Commonly asked questions
How do I stay safe from infection whilst I am a patient in hospital?
Can I ask my healthcare worker to clean their hands?
What do my visitors need to do to keep me safe from infection?
How to access this service
Referral from your GP
Your doctor can call us to organise for you to access this service.
In Case Of An Emergency, Call 000